Shoo Flu, Shoo Art Contest Rules

·  Artwork must be created on 8.5" x 11" paper horizontal (wider than tall).

·  Entries must be original, hand-produced artwork focused on the flu prevention theme, which include the following:

ü  Get a flu vaccination

ü  Cough into the bend of your arm

ü  Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze

ü  Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it

ü  Wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer

ü  Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth

ü  Stay away from sick people

ü  Stay at home if you are sick

ü  Call your doctor if your symptoms become worse

ü  Get plenty of rest

ü  Drink lots of fluids

ü  Eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables

ü  Stay active and exercise

ü  Clean and disinfect hard surfaces

ü  Avoid stress

·  Please do not use copyrighted material. Entries with inappropriate language or subject matter will not be accepted.

·  Artwork can be created using paint, markers, colored pencils/pencils or crayons.

·  A completed entry form, signed by a parent, teacher, or guardian must be taped to the back of the artwork. The child’s full name and grade should also be printed on the back of the entry.

·  Entries are submitted into a category based on the student’s grade in school (Grades K-2: Category I; Grades 3-5: Category II; Grades 6-8: Category III) and will be judged based on originality and artistic merit.

·  The top 10 entries in each category will be posted on where visitors will vote for their favorite work of art. The top four entries in each category will be featured in a 2010 calendar.

·  DCH assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged artwork, and reserves all rights to reproduce entries for advertising, promotion, Web site and print publication purposes.

·  Entries must be postmarked by November 6, 2009, and include a signed entry form.

·  Children of DCH staff members are not eligible to enter.

Entries should be mailed to:

Georgia Department of Community Health

Shoo Flu, Shoo Art Contest

2 Peachtree St., NW

40th Floor

Atlanta, GA 30303

Equal Opportunity Employer