
Windows SteadyState version 2.5 Readme File

March 2008

(c) 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the

documentation for Windows SteadyState.


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1.1 Windows XP

1.2 Windows Vista


2.1 The Windows Classic desktop displays instead of the Windows XP


2.2 New versions of Windows Update are not detected or installed by

Windows SteadyState on shared computers running Windows XP

2.3 Updated security program support





Systems running Windows SteadyState version 2.5 should meet the minimum

system configuration requirements listed in sections 1.1 and 1.2 to function

as designed.


1.1 Windows XP


Windows XP system requirements:

- Operating System: Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows

XP Tablet PC Edition. Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later.

- Processor: 300 megahertz (MHz) or higher processor; 233 MHz minimum required

(single or dual processor system).

- System Drive: 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available system drive space without

Windows Disk Protection, or 4.0 GB of available system drive space with Windows

Disk Protection.

- Memory: 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended; 64 MB minimum


- Other:

* NTFS file system.

* Windows Scripting and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) must be


* Administrator level access.

- Additional: Actual requirements and product functionality may vary based on

your system configuration and operating system.


1.2 Windows Vista


Windows Vista system requirements:

- Operating System: Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows

Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Starter.

- Processor: 1 GHz or higher recommended; 800 MHz minimum required.

- System Drive: 1.5 GB of available system drive space without Windows Disk

Protection, or 4.0 GB of available system drive space with Windows Disk


- Memory:

* Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, and Windows Vista

Ultimate: 1 GB of RAM or higher required.

* Windows Vista Home Basic: 1 GB of RAM or higher recommended; 512 MB

minimum required.

* Windows Vista Starter: 512 MB of RAM or higher recommended; 384 MB

minimum required.

- Other:

* NTFS file system.

* Windows Scripting and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) must be


* Administrator level access.

- Additional: Actual requirements and product functionality may vary based on

your system configuration and operating system.





2.1 The Windows Classic desktop displays instead of the Windows XP desktop


If a user profile is locked before any user has logged onto that profile at least

once, the Windows Classic theme desktop is displayed for that profile instead of the

default Windows XP theme desktop.

WORKAROUND: Unlock the profile, log on as that user, and select the desired

Windows XP theme in Control Panel. For more information, see Help and Support

for Windows XP.


2.2 New versions of Windows Update are not detected or installed by

Windows SteadyState on shared computers running Windows XP


Windows SteadyState cannot detect and install new versions of Windows

Update on shared computers running Windows XP. The updates that Windows

Update provides are detected and installed by Windows SteadyState.

WORKAROUND: Make sure that the latest version of Windows Update is installed

before installing Windows SteadyState. If a new version of Windows Update

must be installed after Windows SteadyState is installed, install the new

version manually. For more information, see the “Manually Install Windows

Update” section in the Windows SteadyState Handbook.


2.3 Updated security program support


Windows SteadyState version 2.5 recently added the capability to detect

and update the following security programs:

- Microsoft Forefront client security

- Panda Securities ClientShield AV

For more information other security programs that Windows SteadyState

can detect and update, see Windows SteadyState Help.




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