PO Box 169

Louisville, Oh 44641

To the Parent:

Thank you for considering GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL as your child's school. Working closely with the home, we believe GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL offers the ideal education.

GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL is a nonprofit religious institution, exempt from state licensure, designed to provide a much-needed service to the community by offering quality educational training for children at competitive market rates. In so doing, it endeavors to assist parents and guardians to prepare children spiritually, academically, and morally to lead successful, God-honoring lives.

GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL is housed in the Chapel in Marlboro. Although we are very grateful for the use of this facility, in no way should the policies, instruction, or affairs of GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL be considered a reflection upon the good people of the Chapel. The facility is in compliance with regulations with regard to sanitation, health, and fire safety. All school personnel are carefully screened before being hired with regard to their personal health, moral character, religious and educational philosophies, and experience in working with children, so as to insure that top quality care and instruction is given.

Our program has been designed after years of assisting parents in the care and training of their children. Please read the following material designed to acquaint you with what we have to offer.


Building – We are housed in the Chapel in Marlboro, 8700 Edison St., Louisville, Ohio. We are grateful to this body of believers for the opportunity to use this facility for the training of young lives for Christ.

Playground – Behind the church is the Safe Harbor Park with ample space and equipment. We intend to utilize this area, weather permitting, for break time and gym classes. Our determined purpose is to maintain its beauty and thereby train our students to care for their environment.

Ages Served – Presently, we are accepting students, grades 1-12, with diagnostic tests determining placement. We will accept young students ages 5-6 upon successful completion of our Reading Readiness Test.

Hours of Operation – GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL will open each day at 8:00 with classes beginning at 9:00. Students will be dismissed at 3:00 and should depart the school property by 3:45.

Open Door Policy – Parents and visitors are invited to visit our school at any time without phoning ahead for an appointment. Plans to visit may be set up by contacting the office.

Extended Care – Being aware that there are parents needing extended care for their children, GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL has before and after school programs available for a small, additional weekly fee. Extended care programs will run 7:30 – 8:30 am and 3:45 – 4:30 pm each school day. Contact Rev. Spencer for fees.

Parent/Teacher Conferences – Should a parent wish to confer with a particular staff member in order to discuss any matter in depth, we suggest an appointment be scheduled to suit both individuals. Parents are given opportunity on scheduled dates during the Christmas and Easter breaks to meet to discuss their student's progress. See your calendar for these special Parent/Teacher days. Parents are also encouraged to plan to meet with the Headmaster the week after the completion of the school year to receive detailed information about the student's yearly progress and Achievement Test results.

Holidays/School Closings – Consult your calendar for specific dates GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL will be closed during the school year. While it is our policy not to close due to weather, should it be necessary for the school to close or to dismiss early because of uncontrollable natural circumstances, parents will be notified by telephone. Due to fixed costs, averaged over the entire year, there is no reduction in tuition for holidays or other days off for reasons stated above. Those parents needing extended care for their children during the scheduled closing of the school should contact the Headmaster for possible accommodations and fees.

Placement of Students – While a child may be considered to be in a particular grade based upon age, he will be doing work based upon his ability. This enables the student to master the material being taught before being forced to attempt to learn new material due to time and class restraints. As a result, the student gains confidence as skills are mastered rather than a sense of failure when forced to move on before a clear understanding of the material is obtained. The student is encouraged to progress as he seeks to serve Christ in his work. (Col. 3:23).

Nondiscrimination Policy – GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL considers all applications for enrollment without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin.


Forms – Prior to entering GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL, the Application Form must be completed and returned along with the Medical History Form. Should the child be under the legal custody of only one parent, a copy of the final court judgment must also be on file. Where applicable, a School Transcript Release should also be completed. A Parental Consent Form for extra-curricular activities is required as well.

Registration Fee – A registration fee will be due upon enrollment. This fee covers supplemental insurance, school newspaper, and administrative costs. This fee is not refundable unless space is unavailable at the time you would like your child to start.

Testing Fee – This fee is a one-time payment for testing supplies necessary to place students in our program. It is due prior to or at the time of enrollment.

Book Fee – An annual book fee will be charged to cover the purchase of educational material used in the Learning Center and is payable with the tuition on a monthly basis. Since GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL maintains strong emphasis on learning, each student has his own PACE's and books from which to work.

Tuition – The monthly tuition charge is based upon a ten-month payment schedule beginning on Sept. 1 through June 1. Each additional child in a family would be at a reduced rate. The first month's tuition and book fee are due upon entrance. Subsequent payments are due on the first of every month and must be made in a timely fashion (by the fifth of each month). If fees are not paid by this time, your child may not be allowed to return to school until full payment is made. If your child is out when payment is due, then payment is to be made upon the child's return to school. Payment may be made with cash or check. If payment is with cash, always be sure to ask for a receipt. A $10.00 service charge will be assessed for each returned check and may result in the account being put on a cash only basis.

Weekly Budget – Arrangements can be made with the office to arrange weekly installments if this would better suit your budget. In this scenario, the first and last weeks' tuition with book fees are due at the time the student enters the school. All tuition and book fees are due each Friday for the following week thereafter.


Children bring food from home for lunch and snack times. The first scheduled break each day is designated as “fruit break”, giving the students an opportunity to refresh their energy with fruit. Microwave ovens and refrigerators will be available for use by students for lunch. Crews will be assigned to insure the proper and thorough clean up of the lunchroom facilities each day.

Throughout the year for special occasions, the school will have class parties. At these times a notice will be sent with each child giving parents opportunity to bring in special treats for the day.


Arrival & Departure – All arrivals and departures will be only through the school's main entrance in the presence of a staff member. Children are to remain with their parent or guardian when leaving the building to help insure the safety of the children in the parking lot.

Authorized Persons – Only parents, guardians, and those indicated on the child's application will be allowed to pick up the child. Anyone picking up a child should be prepared to show proper identification prior to the release of the child.

Daily Program – Children function best and are most comfortable in an organized and structured program. They always like to know what takes place next. It is their way of telling time and keeping track of the day's events. For this reason, the program of GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL flows in a predictable manner. This enables the child to know at all times what will take place next. The daily programs includes PACE work at assigned desks with break time for refreshment, fellowship with other students, and physical activities. This takes place in an enjoyable setting without pressure but with encouragement.

Religious Instruction – Daily religious instruction is given. This includes teaching students the Lord's Prayer, memorizing Scripture, and relating it to life. Weekly Bible classes are held to acquaint the children with the main characters and events in the Bible.

Illness – Students should be kept at home if they are visibly ill. If a child becomes ill while at school, the parent will be notified immediately to pick up his/her child. In such an event, the child will be isolated from the other children until departure.

Injury – Every effort is made to provide the safest environment for all children. Occasionally, however, injuries do occur. Should this happen, the staff will take immediate first aid steps and contact the parent of further instructions.

Insurance – GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL maintains public liability insurance to cover any unforeseen accidents or injuries that may occur on school grounds.

Medication – A written statement from the parent must authorize all medication that is to be given to a student at GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL. All medication should be labeled with the student's name. When medication is brought to the school, it should be given directly to the Headmaster who will properly store it until needed. You will be asked to fill out a medication authorization form at that time.

Discipline – At GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL discipline involves the use of positive reinforcement and “demerits” if necessary. Physical punishment is never used. We encourage good communication between the home and the school. We will keep you informed of behavioral problems that may arise at school, and we will make every effort to work with you in the care and discipline of your child. GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL does reserve the right to dismiss a student at any time if that student is unable to fit into our program.


GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL admits students of any race, color, religion, and national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, and national and ethnic origin in the administration of its education policies, scholarship programs, athletics, and other school-administered programs.


Accreditation by a state governmental agency is an administrative mechanism designed as an attempt to attain uniform education for all children in government schools. It was established as a governmental means of causing local public school districts to meet what the state education agencies determined to be minimum academic and facility standards for government schools. Accreditation teams, therefore, investigate and approve facilities and curriculum in educational institutions according to the criteria developed by secular educational administrators who may not be Christians.

Accreditation of a private Christian school is not necessary for a graduate of that school to enroll in a college or university. The registrars of such institutions are interested in the academic merits of individual students, not in the school of graduation. Thus, they evaluate each applicant's academic aptitude through nationally standardized tests. GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL does not seek accreditation by any governmental educational institution but does endeavor to provide the highest possible academic program. Our overall program is monitored by our sponsoring agency, the Chapel in Marlboro.


Parental interviews and conferences help to promote understanding between parents/guardians and the faculty of GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in these informative programs, designed to aid them in their God-given task.


Attendance is taken each day in all classes. Hours for school age children are from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Those arriving after 9:00 am will be marked tardy. Students are allowed to arrive when the school opens at 8:00 am and remain until closing at 3:45 pm if necessary. Extended care is available at a small, additional fee before and after normal school hours. See above for more information.

Absences for reasons other than sickness and emergency will be excused only if arrangements are made in advance with the staff and the student is advanced sufficiently in his work.

Parents should notify the school in the event of an absence: either on the day of the absence by calling the school office before 9:00 am or by sending a note with the student when returning to class. Appointments should be scheduled after school hours.

GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL opens each day at 8:00 am. Parents should endeavor to deliver their students sufficiently early for them to plan their day's work efficiently.

A student is considered tardy if he is not standing by his office when the bell sounds at 9:00 am. Continued tardiness may necessitate a conference between the parents and the Headmaster.