
1)Collect all monies due and payable to this Squadron or received by it in carrying out any Squadron activity.

2)Keep a true record of all monies and securities received and pay all bills approved by the Squadron Executive and preserve proper vouchers for such expenditures.

3)Maintain an inventory of all properties held by this Squadron.

4)Make a report at each meeting of the Squadron Bridge.

5)Immediately after the end of the Squadron fiscal year prepare and have reviewed by the Squadron Financial Review Committee, written financial statements of receipts and disbursements for the year and a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Squadron at the year end.

6)Submit a copy of the Annual Financial Report, signed by the Financial Review Committee, and Commander, to District Treasurer and National Treasurer.

7)Make a report to the Annual General Meeting of the Squadron which report shall include the financial statements and the report of the Squadron Financial Review Committee.

8)Prepare an annual budget of all anticipated income and expenses for the Squadron and present to the Squadron Bridge..

9)Perform other duties as assigned by the Squadron Commander or Bridge.

10) The Treasurer is listed as the Prime Contact on the Website Domain Name Registration, through Network Solutions. As part of the duties transfer to the new treasurer the outgoing treasurer:

a)Assigns, in Network Solutions, the new treasurer as the Prime Contact.

b)Passes over the user IDs and passwords for the bank account and Moneris

c)Passes over the mailbox keys

d)Passes over the credit card machine, banking books, office supplies and the last 7 years of treasurer files

e)Passes over the electronic files.

f)Provides PMD Treasurer with the incoming treasurer email address.

11)The incoming treasurer will set up the new signing authorities with the bank.

Time Commitment


Attend Squadron Executive meetings10 per year@ 2.5 hours25 hours

Attend Squadron Graduations2 per year@ 2.0 hours 4 hours

Attend Squadron AGM1 per year @ 2.0 hours 2 hours

Attend Registration nights4 per year @ 2.0 hours 8 hours

Make bank and CC deposits1.5 hours per month18 hours

Maintain financial records2 hours per month24 hours

81 hours


Attend Squadron Social functions