Draft copy of Student Council minutes 05.05.15
Tuesday 5th May
6pm, Students’ Union Meeting Room, City Campus
Quorate: YES
In attendance:
Michael Austin (Chair’s Aide)
John Goodwin (Student Engagement Manager)
Emma Feneley (Secretary)
The meeting began at 18.33
Part A: Preliminary Items
A1Apologies for Absence
Student Council noted apologies from:
Apologies were not received from:
A2 Declaration of Interest
No declarations of interest were made.
A3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Chair’s Action was taken to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
A4 Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Due to the time constraints, it was decided that the following motions, all proposed by James Smith, would go to the next Student Council meeting:
Vaccinate me – HPV Vaccine for all
Freedom to Express
Trans inclusivity
Healthcare for Everyone
Bye Bi Prejudice
BAME LGBTQ* Representation
Part B: Items
Approval of SU Byelaws
It was noted that there is a discrepancy in one of the Byelaws:
It is currently stated in the VP Activities role description that the VP Activities will chair Societies Forum. This contradicts the new Student Activities Byelaw, in which it is stated that a student will chair the Forum.
After some discussion, Council were asked to vote whether they were for or against a student chairing Societies Forum.
All members unanimously agreed that Societies Forum should be chaired by a student. The VP Activities role description will be amended to remove the discrepancy.
It was noted that the Student Activities Byelaw is not consistent with other Byelaws:
It is currently stated in the Student Activities Byelaw that a simple majority vote of society members is needed to remove a committee member. Other Byelaws work on thebasis of a two-thirds majority being needed to make decisions such as this. The opinion of Council was sought on this matter.
After some discussion, Council were asked to vote whether they were for or against this Byelaw remaining the same.
For – 18
Against – 0
Abstained – 3
The Student Activities Byelaw will remain the same. Society committee members can be removed from their position with a simple majority vote from Society members.
Council were asked to raise their hands to approve the Byelaws provided the above changes were made. The new Byelaws were approved by all.
Fit to Sit policy motion
The Fit to Sit policy was proposed by Amy Waine.
No against speeches were put forward.
There were no questions.
Council were asked to vote whether they were for or against the passing of the new Fit to Sit policy motion.
For – 21
Against – 0
Abstained – 0
The Fit to Sit policy was unanimously passed.
Safe Space motion
The Fit to Sit policy motion was proposed by Amy Waine.
An against speech was put forward by Riccardo Stone.
After some discussion, Council were asked to vote on whether they were for or against the passing of the new Safe Space motion.
For – 20
Against – 1
Abstained – 0
The Safe Space motion policy was passed.
Unpaid Internships and Placements
The Unpaid Internships and Placements policy was proposed by Saffron Rose.
No against speeches were put forward.
The policy was briefly clarified by the proposer at the request of Council.
All were in favour of this policy being passed.
For – 21
Against – 0
Abstained – 0
The Unpaid Internships and Placements policy was unanimously passed.
Greater Representation for LGBTQ*
The Greater Representation for LGBTQ* motion was proposed by James Smith.
An against speech was put forward by Amy Waine, who suggested keeping motion resolves 1 and 4, but removing 2 and 3 (see below).
- To rename the LGBTQ Rep to LGBTQ* Rep in order to help reflect and recognise the wider diversity of Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities.
- To create a new Gender and Sexual Diversities Rep, which focuses more heavily around promoting the rights of Gender Minorities and working to engage and include students who identify into these groups more with the Students Union.
- To hold a by-election in October/November to fill in this place for next Semester.
- To add into the role description of each of the 9 Equality and Diversity Reps and 5 General Reps: “to promote greater intersectionality and inclusivity of students, including but not limited to, different faiths, backgrounds, disabilities, genders, sexual orientations, cultures, ages, nationalities and races.
After some discussion, and a further speech for and against, two summation speeches were given by James Smith and Amy Waine. Council were asked to vote for or against the removal of resolves 2 and 3 from the motion.
For – 15
Against – 4
Abstained – 2
It was agreed that resolves 2 and 3 would be removed from this policy.
Council were asked to vote for or against the passing of this policy with resolves 2 and 3 removed.
For – 21
Against – 0
Abstained – 0
The Greater Representation for LGBTQ* motion was unanimously passed on the basis that resolves 2 and 3 would be removed.
Call to Conscience
The Call to Conscience motion was put forward by James Smith.
There were no speeches made against.
After some discussion and clarification of the policy, Council were asked to vote for or against the approval of this motion.
For – 20
Against – 0
Abstained – 2
Guilaine Brutus and Samantha Baines left the meeting at 19.28
- LGBT Conference Report
Council raised their hands to note this report.
- Women’s Conference Report
Council raised their hands to note this report.
- National NUS Conference Report
Council raised their hands to note this report.
Part C: Executive Reports and Questions
It was asked whether James Smith, LGBTQ officer, had any plans for IDAHOBiT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia).
The response was that an event has been planned for May 16th, 12-4pm in the Corn Exchange.
No further questions were asked of the officers.
Part D: Further Agenda Items
Any urgent business
It was noted that the deadline to nominate a student/group of students in the Union Awards is May 7th.
It was also noted that the General Election is set to take place on May 7th, and the importance of voting was highlighted.
The meeting was closed at 20.04