October-November 2009


from the

Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)

*Indicates attachment(s) to the announcement is included in the update.

Pennsylvania News and Resources

·  Featured Article: AHEDD Announces the "Works For Me" Campaign

·  AstraZenecaOffers Free Zam Communication Devices

·  ODP Announces “Communicate PA” Website

·  MIG Statewide Planning for Employment Focus Groups*

·  Pennsylvania Association of Resources (PAR) Solutions Conference November 17-19, 2009 Harrisburg, PA

·  Philadelphia Vision for Employment 2010 Employment Mini-Grants FY 2010

·  Moving Forward: Transition Conference for Youth in Southeastern PA November 7, 2009 in Fort Washington, PA

·  Employment Conference 2010! Moving Employment Forward: Building Employer Relationships – Save the Date

National News and Resources

·  Featured Article: New Website Helps People with Disabilities

·  2009 TASH ConferencePittsburgh, PA November 18-21, 2009

·  Virginia Commonwealth University Research Rehabilitation and Training Center on Workplace Supports and Job Retention (VCU-RRTC) September 2009 E-News Articles

·  The Alliance for Full Participation Wants to Double Employment of Individuals with Disabilities

·  “Adult Autism & Employment” - FREE Resource Guide

·  2010 National Summit on Disability Policy to be held July 25-27, 2010 in Washington, DC

Pennsylvania News and Resources

Featured Article: AHEDD Announces the "Works For Me" Campaign

Many people with disabilities want to work, but need training and help to find a job. In addition, many individuals are afraid of losing social security and medical benefits. AHEDD, a private, non-profit agency announces the "Works for me" campaign. The initiative will expand awareness about how people with disabilities can join the workforce. The campaign will respond to what research has found to be several of the greatest barriers to employment among individuals with disabilities - the fear and/or misunderstanding of not receiving the support or training needed to obtain a job or losing financial security and health care benefits if employment is achieved.

"Works for me" is a resource for people with any kind of disability including mental health, physical, sensory or developmental. Through a Hotline number (1-866-902-4333 ext. 192), an individual can quickly and easily connect with a coordinator to determine which program is best for them and receive the guidance they need to make a decision about employment.

To learn more or obtain additional information, please contact Karen Gross at (717) 432-2468 or visit www.WorksForMe-PA.org.

AstraZenecaOffers Free Zam Communication Devices

Zam Communicators are available free of charge on a first come, first served basis to individual Pennsylvanians. The Zam Communicator is a lightweight, two-sided communication device that does NOT generate speech. It was developed to help improve communication between patients who are unable to speak and medical professionals. The device offers a keypad for spelling out words and icons representing medically related messages. AstraZeneca is a Delaware-based pharmaceutical company that donated these devices to Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology. These devices must be distributed directly to patients and may not be distributed to or through physicians, other health care professionals, medical group practices, or to hospitals.

If you or someone you know could use a communication device, such as the Zam Communicator, please contact Pennsylvania'sInitiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT) at 800-204-PIAT (7428), (866) 268-0579 (TTY)or Contact the Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC)for a listing of ATRCs go to: http://disabilities.temple.edu/programs/assistive/atlend/atrc.shtml.

ODP Announces “Communicate PA” Website

The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) announced a new website created by ODP and the Institute on Disabilities. “Communicate PA” is a new website that provides information for sharing and problem-solving, and raises awareness about and for individuals in Pennsylvania who have complex communication needs. The site, www.communicatePA.wikispaces.com, is part of an overall effort to unite all individuals concerned with communication rights for Pennsylvanians with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, and other Developmental Disabilities that often include communication challenges.

The site is designed so that everyone – people with disabilities, family members, service providers, and healthcare providers - can access information and communicate with each other in a safe, friendly environment. Visitors to the site will have access to information about funding for communication services and supports, including “speech-generating devices”, upcoming opportunities for learning about augmentative and alternative communication, policy changes, qualified providers, and other resources. In addition, the site features sections for discussion and active idea sharing.

MIG Statewide Planning for Employment Focus Groups*

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare has received a “Comprehensive Medicaid Infrastructure Grant” (MIG) from the Center for Medicare / Medicaid Services (CMS) to address employment for persons with disabilities. Developing a comprehensive strategic plan that sets the course for increased employment opportunities is a critical requirement of the MIG. Now is your opportunity to participate in the development of this plan.

For more information about this effort and for registration, go to www.networksfortraining.org, and click on the MIG icon. See the attached flyer for thelocations, dates and times for the Focus Groups being held across the state.

Pennsylvania Association of Resources (PAR) Solutions Conference November 17-19, 2009 Harrisburg, PA

Register today for the 2009 PAR Solutions Conference: Stewardship in Action! The conference will be held in Harrisburg at the Harrisburg Hilton from November 17-19, 2009.

PAR's Annual Solutions Conference brings together top-notch presenters to provide an information-packed experience for providers, consumers and families, self-advocates and advocates, government officials, business leaders, and others who are interested in disabilities issues. The conference registration brochure, details on hotel accommodations and link to online registration are all available at www.par.net/register.

Philadelphia Vision for Employment 2010 Employment Mini-Grants FY 2010*

The purpose of this Mini-Grant competition is to encourage practices that promote employment outcomes. A total of five (5) projects will be awarded. Total grant awards will not exceed $5,000. These small projects are being supported by Philadelphia Vision for Employment 2010 as a way to enhance and improve successful employment practices through encouraging local innovation that positively effect the employment of Philadelphians with intellectual disabilities. This year, the focus of the Mini-Grant competition is on “Building Employer Relationships”.

Proposals are to be submitted no later than November 6, 2009. For additional information, questions, or assistance prior to submission, contact Julia Barol at 215-546-4307.

Moving Forward: Transition Conference for Youth in Southeastern PA November 7, 2009 in Fort Washington, PA

Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania (DRN) and the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) is Sponsoring the Moving Forward:

Transition Conference for Youth in Southeastern Pennsylvania November 7, 2009 at the Holiday Inn located in Fort Washington, PA. This is a FREE conference for youth and young adults with disabilities, including Social Security Beneficiaries, on the tools for successful transition to employment, college, or training. Family members, educators, employers, and others are encouraged to attend. Space is limited! Registration is required. To register, go to www.drnpa.org. For questions concerning registration, contact Robin Rasco at 215-238-8070 ext. 203 (voice), 215-789-2498 (TTY), or .

Employment Conference 2010! Moving Employment Forward: Building Employer Relationships – Save the Date

Save the date for Networks for Training and Development’s 2010 Employment Conference. This exciting 3 day conference will be held June 1-4, 2010 at the Hyatt Regency Philadelphia Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia, PA. More information will be posted on their website www.networksfortraining.org in the coming months.

National News and Resources

Featured Article: New Website Helps People with Disabilities

Disability.gov is a comprehensive website designed to offer people with disabilities access to important information they can use. It's a one-stop website — not only for people with disabilities, but also for older Americans, employers, Social Security beneficiaries, community- and faith-based service providers and others. It features information on a number of related topics. The site is easy to navigate, and is organized into subject areas, including benefits, civil rights, community life, education, employment, health, housing, technology and transportation.

Disability.gov also is a useful information and referral tool for responding to the questions and concerns of Social Security’s 52 million beneficiaries. Individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), disability or retirement benefits, as well as advocates, who work with beneficiaries, will find answers to questions about work incentives, the appeals process, Medicare and Medicaid, youth transitioning from school to work, accessible transportation and much more.

To learn more about information available for people with disabilities, visit www.disability.gov. To learn more about Social Security, visit www.socialsecurity.gov.

2009 TASH ConferencePittsburgh, PA November 18-21, 2009

The TASH conference is THE place to learn progressive, evidence based practices that lead to integrated employment, and to develop relationships with researchers, self advocates and leaders in the field. Come to learn, be inspired, and reignite your passion for helping people achieve dignity through work!

Employment sessions include:

·  The role of micro enterprise and self employment options

·  Building employment first policy in partner agencies

·  Effective workplace support

·  Transition from school to employment and adult life

·  A full day pre-conference workshop on November 18th on Customizing and Supporting Jobs in Difficult Times withJohn Butterworth, Michael Callahan, Norciva Schumpert, Richard Luecking and Debra Martin Luecking,Members of the Employment Committee will address practical strategies for maintaining a clear focus on employment as a preferred adult lifestyle, and building and supporting high quality employment outcomes despite difficult economic times. In this TASH TECH you will learn about the challenges andopportunities in expanding integrated employment, the role of customized employment in establishing a negotiated rather than competitive approach to employment, and explore strategies for arranging effective supports in community workplaces.

Space is still available at the TASH Tech (preconference workshop) on Wednesday November 18, 2009. Speakers include John Butterworth, Michael Callahan, Rich Luecking, and Debra Luecking. Participants can register for just the TASH Tech as a one day workshop or include a full conference registration.

To find out more about the TASH conference, visit http://www.tash.org/2009tash/index.htm.

To learn more about federal stimulus funds, visit http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/recovery/factsheet/vr.html.

“Adult Autism & Employment” - FREE Resource Guide

“Adult Autism & Employment - A Guide for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals” is geared towards providers of service and the provision of employment supports specifically for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This guide was written by Scott Standifer, Ph.D and contains information about hoe the features of people with ASD and the needs of the workplace interact.
Click here to access this FREE Resource Guide: http://www.dps.missouri.edu/Autism/Adult%20Autism%20&%20Employment.pdf

Virginia Commonwealth University Research Rehabilitation and Training Center on Workplace Supports and Job Retention (VCU-RRTC) September 2009 E-News Articles

·  START-UP/USA Self-Employment Fact Sheet

An Analysis of Self-Employment Outcomes within the Vocational Rehabilitation System

There are two primary references to self-employment within the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Public Law 105-220, Title IV, The Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. Self-employment within the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) system is addressed both as an employment outcome and as a set of services intended to assist VR participants to be successful in self-employment. Click here to Read this factsheet

·  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation Article

Work Incentives Planning and Assistance: Assisting Beneficiaries to Obtain Employment and Reduce Dependence on SSA Benefits by John Kregel, Ed.D.

On May 19, 2009, Dr. John Kregel provided testimony to the Social Security Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on ways to improve the Social Security Administration’s employment and return to work programs. His testimony is provided in this JVR article in its entirety. Click here to Read this JVR article

The Alliance for Full Participation Wants to Double Employment of Individuals with Disabilities

The Alliance for Full Participation has announced that the goal of its new campaign, “Real Jobs – It’s Everybody’s Business,” is to double the employment rate for people with disabilities by 2015. The Alliance has also outlined issues that will guide the work of stakeholder teams in each state and the District of Columbia, leading up to the 2011 Summit. The effort to improve employment outcomes in communities across the country will be led by a team in each state. The state teams, comprised of people with developmental disabilities, employers, coworkers, business organizations, service providers, government officials, family members, advocacy organizations and members of the general community, have already begun forming. Those interested in connecting with the team in their state should contact Karen Flippo at . For more information, go to: http://www.allianceforfullparticipation.org

2010 National Summit on Disability Policy to be held July 25-27, 2010 in Washington, DC
This year’s summit will examine the accomplishments of the ADA and discuss how the ADA can be more even more successful in the future. The Summit is scheduled for July 25–27, 2010 in Washington D.C. The NCD is an independent federal agency composed of members appointed by the President of the United States to provide advice to the federal government on how to promote policies, programs, practices, and procedures that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities. More information on the summit is also available at http://www.neweditions.net/ncd2010/index.html.