*Students can work individually or in pairs, only one group may present on a topic so each topic must be cleared with me BEFORE you begin your research.

*Students will use a PowerPoint Presentation to present Organic compounds and their functional groups with at least one slide on each of the following topics:

·  Title and presenters (1pt)

·  Name and picture (macropicture) of compound being discussed (2pts)

·  Description and picture(s) of how these compounds affect man (2pts)

·  Molecular formula & structure of compound with characteristics of this group/class of compounds (5pts)

·  Highlight functional group in the molecular structure describing how it makes the compound behave (5pts)

(it is easiest to do this if you are comparing 2 structures to each other)

·  Hypothesize how and why the compound would behave differently with a different functional group (5pts)

·  5 question MC/fill-in/TF quiz at the end of the presentation (with answers) (5pts)

·  bibliography/references (at least 3 scholarly resources, APA/MLA) (1pt)

*Students should also be able to answer questions about their presentation (5pts)

*Presentations should be between 2 and 5 minutes long (2pts)

*Presentations should extend beyond the content of the AP Course and Text (2pts)

Email your presentation to Dr. Parrott. DO NOT assume Dr. Parrott has received your email, until you get a return receipt.

Possible topics include but are not limited to: how antidepressants work, how cholesterol works, how steroids work, the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats, the difference between depressants and stimulants, difference in snake’s venom, psychedelic biotoxins, biodegradable chitinous stitches, aromatic rings, ‘real’ and ‘fake’ sugars and/or fats, natural vs synthetic drugs, hair treatments etc,

Due to Murphy’s Law, (and in order to avert technical difficulties, computer glitches, time warps, black holes, gremlins, natural and unnatural disasters) please do not wait until the last minute to complete or print your project. Late projects are assessed 20% per day.