5 Feb 2002 PAGE 1

Chapters 9,10,11,12 multiple choice and true/ false.

Multiple Choice

1. What is whiskey distilled from?

a. fruit

b. corn

c. beer

d. molasses

2. A standard drink is defined as ______of alcohol.

a. 1/4 ounce

b. 1/2 ounce

c. 1 ounce

d. 2 ounces

3. The average adult would reach alcohol's LD-50 by drinking ______standard drinks an hour.

a. 15

b. 25

c. 35

d. 50

4. Over 90% of the alcohol that is absorbed is metabolized by the body, mainly in the ______.

a. liver

b. pancreas

c. kidneys

d. small intestine

5. ______is the process by which the energy in foods is released in the form of heat and work.

a. Metabolism

b. Hydrogenation

c. Oxidation

d. Excretion

6. Because of ______tolerance, an individual must drink greater amounts of alcohol to achieve a mood change that was once achieved with less alcohol.

a. protracted

b. acute

c. dispositional

d. chronic

7. Which of the following is an example of a Phase 2 alcohol withdrawal symptom?

a. grand mal seizures

b. hallucinations

c. shakes

d. abnormally rapid heart beat

8. Alcohol inhibits the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. This causes ______.

a. constipation

b. increased urination

c. diarrhea

d. decreased appetite

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9. Korsakoff's Syndrome ______.

a. produces serious impairments in short-term memory

b. involves damage to the brain structure

c. is most directly due to alcohol abuse

d. often includes considerable confusion and confabulation

e. all of the above

10. A drug that reduces anxiety is called a(n) ______drug.

a. anxiolytic

b. hypnotic

c. stimulant

d. anorexic

11. Which of the following is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer?

a. Librium (chlordiazepoxide)

b. Valium (diazepam)

c. Xanax (alprazolam)

d. all of the above

12. Reduction of pain by rendering the patient unconscious is called ______.

a. local anesthesia

b. general anesthesia

c. analgesia

d. anxiolytic action

13. Which of the following are effects of barbiturates?

a. respiratory depression

b. loss of motor coordination

c. sleep

d. all of the above

14. Which of the following is true of depressant drugs?

a. they show cross-tolerance

b. they show cross-dependence

c. they potentiate one another

d. all of the above

15. A benzodiazepine inverse agonist that appears to produce anxiety is ______.

a. buspirone

b. halcion

c. flurazepam

d. FG 7142

16. Benzodiazepines produce ______in animals.

a. antipunishment effects

b. exhaustion

c. excitement

d. increased heart rate

17. One unusual feature of the withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines is that ______.

a. they include heavy sleeping

b. they do not appear for several days after quitting

c. they can be suppressed by cocaine

d. none of the above; there are no withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines

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18. Long-acting barbiturates are most frequently used as ______.

a. anesthetics

b. anticonvulsants

c. anxiolytics

d. antidepressants

19. Inhaling solvents such as toluene has been associated with ______.

a. brain damage

b. lung cancer

c. bone loss

d. none of the above

20. A common name for nitrous oxide is ______.

a. crack

b. horse

c. lady

d. laughing gas

21. National surveys suggest that approximately ______of patients receiving medication report symptomatic relief with psychotropic drugs.

a. 10%

b. 25%

c. 50%

d. 75%

22. Drug metabolism occurs most commonly in the liver through ______.

a. reduction

b. hydrolysis

c. oxidation

d. none of the above

23. According to the predominant theory regarding the action of antipsychotics, psychosis is induced by increased levels of ______activity.

a. dopaminergic

b. serotonergic

c. acetylcholinergic

d. norepinephrinergic

24. The action of antipsychotics on the ______produce some profound side effects.

a. limbic system

b. hypothalamus

c. reticular activating system

d. caudate-striate system

25. According to the ______hypothesis, tricyclic antidepressants are believed to block the uptake of norepinephrine from the synaptic cleft.

a. serotonin

b. dopamine

c. catecholamine

d. none of the above

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26. Users of ______must avoid most cheeses and some alcoholic beverages in their diets.

a. MAOIs

b. cyclics

c. Prozac

d. chlorpromazine

27. ______is the only drug in psychiatry for which there is effective prophylaxis against disease recurrence.

a. Prozac

b. Chlorpromazine

c. Lithium

d. Haldol

28. ______was introduced in 1987 and is now the most commonly prescribed antidepressant in the U.S.

a. Clozaril

b. Prozac

c. Thorazine

d. Librium

29. Researchers in the 1950s used ______to create a "model psychosis" to study possible etiological factors contributing to mental illness.

a. marijuana

b. LSD

c. lithium

d. librium

30. The difference between morphine and methadone is ______.

a. methadone is synthetic, whereas morphine occurs in opium

b. methadone is non-addicting, unlike morphine

c. methadone is a hypnotic, whereas morphine is a stimulant

d. all of the above

e. a and b only

31. The plant from which opium is made is ______.

a. Papaver somniferum

b. Cannabis sativa

c. belladonna

d. psilocybin mushrooms

32. Which of the following effects are characteristic of opiate drugs?

a. hallucinations

b. pain relief

c. increase in respiratory rate

d. all of the above

33. Which of the following is not a result of opiate use?

a. constipation

b. altered serotonergic neurotransmission

c. a characteristic physical abstinence syndrome

d. pain relief

e. dependence

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34. Which of the following is true of a comparison between depressant drugs (like alcohol) and opiate drugs (like heroin)?

a. alcohol suppresses opiate withdrawal symptoms

b. there is cross-tolerance between them

c. they show additive effects or synergy

d. all of the above

e. b and c only

35. Pain relief produced without a loss of consciousness is called ______.

a. anesthesia

b. analgesia

c. anorexia

d. akinesia

36. Morphine is to opium as THC is to ______.

a. cocaine

b. heroin

c. marijuana

d. none of the above

37. Endorphin release is produced by ______.

a. pain

b. acupuncture

c. running

d. all of the above

38. The recovery of many Vietnam veterans from heroin addiction reveals that ______.

a. treatment programs have a high failure rate

b. environment has much to do with recovery

c. heroin is not really an addictive drug

d. heroin withdrawal symptoms are the only cause of relapse

39. Opiate withdrawal symptoms are best characterized as ______.

a. flu-like in nature

b. nearly always fatal

c. convulsions and seizures

d. mild and unimportant

40. Opium smoking is a practice that was once common in ______.

a. India

b. Peru

c. China

d. Australia


41. An important acute effect of alcohol is a dramatic increase in REM, or dream, sleep.

42. Alcohol will erase its own hangover symptoms.

43. Alcohol's influence on body sway is due to its effects on the cerebellum.

44. Barbiturates are good examples of sedative-hypnotic drugs.

45. Over 90% of the patients receiving antipsychotic medication experience extrapyramidal side effects.

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46. The use of stimulants is particularly effective with severely depressed patients.

47. Cyclic antidepressants are generally more effective in the treatment of depression than are MAOIs.

48. The therapeutic effects of cyclics and MAOIs usually occur within hours of administration.

49. Among the side effects encountered with MAOI use are impaired sexual functioning and orthostasis.

50. Naloxone blocks the effects of heroin and other opiates.

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