Gilded Age & Progressive Era

Numbers Game Review

1.  What were the Progressives’ goals?

2.  Which progressive reformer believed the greatest problem America faced was government corruption?

3.  What is a monopoly?

4.  What Progressive Reform enables citizens to remove an elected official from a state office?

5.  What was a “robber baron”?

6.  Why was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act ineffective when it was passed in 1890?

7.  What region of the US did most immigrants settle during the late 1800s and early 1900s?

8.  What Progressive Reform allows citizens to vote directly on particular issues or laws?

9.  Workers that were hired to replace striking workers and undermine the power of strikes are called

10. Which of their goals were the Progressives unable to find success?

11. Which progressive reformer founded the Hull House in Chicago

12. Who is associated with the concepts of conservationism, trust busting, the Square Deal, and “rugged individualism”?

13. Who was the Progressive reformer that organized the American Railroad Union, went to jail for participating in the Pullman Strike, and ran for president 4 times as the Socialist Party Candidate?

14. What did supporters of Laissez-Faire policies claim about government regulation?

15. Which progressive reformer created Planned Parenthood to enable women to control when they got pregnant?

16. Why was the 16th Amendment passed?

17. Reforms like the 19th Amendment, 17th Amendment, and Direct Primaries helped restore which of the Core Principles of American Democracy?

18. How does competition help the consumer?

19. What law did Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle inspire?

20. What did the Supreme Court Case Plessy v. Ferguson establish?

21. Suffrage means

22. Why did the Democrat Woodrow Wilson win the 1912 election, despite the popularity of the Republican Party at the time?

23. What Progressive Reform allows citizens to directly elect their senators?

24. What progressive reform outlawed the making, sale, and transport of alcohol?

25. What service did muckrakers provide to the American public in the early 1900s?

26. Before the 19th Amendment, what was true of women’s voting rights in the US?

27. Who were the people who contributed to the passage of the 19th Amendment?

28. Which progressive reformer believed that Blacks’ rights should be earned through patience and hard work at whatever jobs were available

29. Why are trusts & monopolies harmful to the economy?

30. Textile factories with poor ventilation & lighting were known as

31. Why were the Homestead Steel and Pullman Railcar strikes unsuccessful?

32. Which progressive reformer believed Black equality would only come through forceful challenges to racism and high academic achievement?

33. What was the effect of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Clayton Anti-Trust Act, and the Hepburn Act?

Gilded Age & Progressive Era

Numbers Game Review - ANSWERS

1.  Increase citizens’ power in government, increase business competition; protect the rights of children, women, workers, and minorities; prohibit alcohol

2.  Robert Lafollette

3.  When one person or group has control of an entire industry

4.  Recall

5.  A person who used ruthless business tactics

6.  It was not enforced

7.  Urban centers of the Northeast

8.  Referendum

9.  scabs

10. Increasing racial equality

11. Jane Addams

12. Theodore Roosevelt

13. Eugene Debs

14. It would be harmful to economic growth

15. Margaret Sanger

16. The government needed the funds it gathered through taxing income to implement the Progressive Reforms.

17. Popular Sovereignty

18. It keeps prices low, increases choice, and maintains quality of goods

19. The Pure Food and Drug Act

20. “Separate but equal” segregated public facilities

21. The right to vote

22. Former Republican Teddy Roosevelt ran as a Progressive independent, splitting the Republican vote with the Conservative incumbent President Taft.

23. The 17th Amendment

24. The 18th Amendment

25. Exposing abuses in government & industry and fostering public support for progressive reforms

26. Women had the right to vote in many of the Western States by 1917.

27. Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns

28. Booker T. Washington

29. They eliminate competition

30. sweatshops

31. Because the government took the business owners’ side against the striking workers

32. W.E.B. DuBois

33. These reforms helped restore economic competition in America