Australian Academy of Science

Scientific Research Support



  • This awardrecognisesexcellent research in the natural sciences by outstanding early-mid careerAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander scientists by supporting the expansion and growth of their research networks and international knowledge exchange through visits to relevant international centres of research.

1.Applicant details

Title / First name / Surname
Postal Address for correspondence
University/Institution /Department
Email address
Phone number
Date of birth
Year awarded PhD (or equivalent)
If PhD student date PhD started
Is a career interruption exemption request being submitted?*
Gender / Male / Prefer not to state
Female / Other:………….

2.Applicant eligibility

Tick all relevant boxes / are you an Australian citizen or based in Australia at the time of application;
are you a Australian permanent resident based in Australia at the time of application
are you applying as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
are you enrolled for a PhD
have you held a PhD (or equivalent research doctorate) for no more than 15 years at the time of the award closing date


In no more than two (2) A4 pages, describe the aims of the proposed visit including the proposed research to be advanced by the Awardee. Provide detail here of where and with whom the visit will take place and include the extent to which the Award will expand your research networks and facilitate knowledge exchange.

(Maximum length one (2) A4 pages – this text box will expand)

4.Projected commencement and completion dates

Travel to be for a minimum of two weeks duration and a maximum of three months duration and must be completed by 1 January 2020.

Projected commencement date
Projected completion date

5.Projected expenditure

Successful applicants may receive from the Academy a grant-in-aid of up to $5,500 for travel and living allowance for a minimum Fellowship of 14 days. Attendance at relevant conferences is welcomed but must be in addition to a 14 day minimum visit.

Please provide the requested amounts that you are applying for:

International return economy class airfare from Australia to the international airport closest to the host institution(s) (up to a maximum of $2,500) / $
Ground transport,medical insurances and visa costs (up to a maximum of $500) / $
A Living allowance (up to a maximum of $2,500) / $
TOTAL amount requested
(up to a maximum of $5,500) / $
Any funding being requested and/or secured from other sources for this proposal (Specify where secured and where yet to be secured) / $

6.Funding for overseas visits

Have you received funding from other sources for overseas visits during the past three (3) years? If so, please give details.

7.Letter of support

Please attach a letter from your department/division head supporting both your research and this application.

(Please attach the letter of support at the end of the application)

8.Curriculum Vitae

Please attach a brief Curriculum Vitae highlighting any awards and invited presentations (maximum three (3) pages) A full publications list is not required.

(Please attach the cv at the end of the application)

9.Invitation from host

Please provide correspondence from your host institute/researcher inviting you to their institution and commenting on the proposed collaboration.

(Please attach correspondence from your main host researcher at the end of the application)

10.Letter of acceptance from the community

For the Academy to further consider your application, please provide a letter from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community or Organisation where you Identify and are accepted. This may come from one of, but not limited to, the following:

  • Land Council
  • Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) or Native Title Group
  • Natural Resources Management Board (NRM Board)
  • TraditionalOwner group
  • Elders group
  • A Universities Indigenous department


Please provide the contact details of your referee (Australian or overseas) who will provide the Academy with a referee report. They should comment on your ability to undertake the proposed award and comment briefly on the potential benefits of the visit. Only one written reference is required.

Title / First name / Surname
Physical address
Email address
Phone number

Please attach referee report at the end of the application

12.Signature (electronic signature accepted)

Signature of applicant

Please state where you found out about this award?

Please tick one / Academy mailing list
Employer’s email, noticeboard or newsletter
Other (please describe) …………….

Essential documentation(please tick to indicate documentation provided):

  1. Candidate's short curriculum vitae (up to 3 pages)
  2. Letter indicating acceptance by the Aboriginal or Torres strait Islander Community

3.Host researchercorrespondence of support

4.One referee report

5.Support from your department/division head supporting both your research and this application.

6.(If applicable) Exemption for career interruption request

Lodgingthe application

Send this nomination form to:

Australian Academy of Science Awards


Mail: GPO Box 783, CANBERRA ACT 2601

An electronic copy sent by e-mail is preferred. Receipt of the nomination will be acknowledged.

The Award recipient will be announced in early November.

For more information about the nomination process, contact the Awards Team at or call + 61 (0)2 6201 9407.

* Exemptions for career interruptions may be sought from the Academy. Reasons for exemption can include (but may not be limited to) illness, birth of a child or carer requirements. To apply for an exemption, please include a short explanation stating the grounds for why an exemption is being sought and how long your research career was interrupted.

Privacy statement

The Australian Academy of Science (the Academy) is an ‘agency’ for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and as such complies with the obligations of the Privacy Act within that meaning. The Academy strives to achieve diversity and equity of participants in the activities that it undertakes, and as such, it monitors the effectiveness of its activities by collecting gender, age and nationality information related to participants of the Award programs.

The Academy acknowledges the complex nature of gender identity and diversity in the broadest meaning.