Draft of the Technical Building Code Board Meeting Minutes


Florian Conference Room


Meeting opened at 9:00 am

Board members present: Shiloh LaFreniere, Dick Tarr, Roger Rossignol, Jeff Ohler, Barry Chase, Russ Martin, Mike Pullen, Dick Lambert, Paul Becker and Richard McCarthy

Members excused: Rick Karg

Board Chair Commissioner Morris absent

Staff present: Secretary Kathy Chamberlain-Robitaille


Review of the minutes of 11/17/2011

Motion: by Jeff Ohler to accept the minutes

Seconded by Dick Tarr – discussion ensued – strike the sentence “commercial buildings/$125 sq ft.” and put in that the Conflict Tree was reviewed for final board decision.

Unanimous vote with two abstentions

Financial Update

$227,136.95 in the surcharge account as of today.

Amendments Discussion

#1 Sprinkler Amendment – submitted by Steve Marson, Central Maine Pyrotechnics

2009 IBC Section 903.2.5.1 vs NFPA 1124 Section 7.3.6

Mr. Marson, who is looking to open six fireworks retail stores in Maine, each under 3,000 sq ft, would like to amend the board’s decision in a former meeting: requiring ALL size fireworks stores to be sprinklered; to the

NFPA ruling that states “an automatic sprinkler system designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, shall be provided throughout permanent CFRS facilities and stores in which CFRS are conducted in the following buildings:

1.  New buildings greater than 6000 ft in area

2.  Existing buildings greater than 7500 ft in area

This would allow him to utilize the Life Safety Code systems, giving some leeway to having a full-blown sprinkler system. Life safety systems were originally designed for a three head system, for rural settings that don’t have large water supplies. Utilizes a pump and tank for a ten minute water supply. A regular 13-D sprinkler system is a six head system and has to provide a 30 minute water supply. Discussion ensued…Paul Becker advised that they could leave the decision “tree” as done at the prior board meeting on this, but present options.

Vote on #1 Amendment delayed until other Amendments reviewed this morning.


#2 Sprinkler System Amendment – submitted by Eric Ellis, Fire Marshal’s Office

2009 IBC Section 903.3.1

Mr. Ellis would like to amend the IBC to allow other options for sprinkler systems (i.e. Maine Life Safety, and Hydropro) as long as it meets the FMO requirements for an alternate life safety system, not just System 13, 13-D or 13-R. This would be in all of the I-codes and affect new mercantile-use buildings 3,000 sq ft and existing buildings 6,000 sq ft. This type of sprinkler system would be recognized under MUBEC. The intent is to merge the two “state-fabricated” standards into one, by revising the existing Maine Life Safety to be more flexible but with clearer guidelines for its restricted use. Basically the Office of State Fire Marshal will still use the national standards wherever possible and typically resort to using the Maine Life Safety only when there is a hardship otherwise.

Roger Rossignol advised that we should reject Amendment #1, adopt #2 and #3?

Motion: Dick Lambert to accept Eric Ellis’ proposal to modify IBC 903.3.1 as written

Second by Roger Rossignol

Dick Lambert – the FMO can modify NFPA 101 and NFPA 1 and amend them to reflect this.

Unanimous vote

**Steve Marson requested to withdraw his amendment.

#3 Fireworks Store Amendment – submitted by Richard Taylor, SFMO

2009 IBC Section 203.2.5

Mr. Taylor wanted to amend the IBC to state: “for a Consumer Fireworks Retail Sales building a total of 3,000 square feet or less, a State of Maine Standards for the design and Installation of Life-Safety Sprinkler Systems shall be permissible.”

*Motion withdrawn by Richard Taylor, already covered in Amendment #2.

IIBHS Report (Hurricane report from ICC)

This report was emailed out to the Board. Information based only.

Update on Legislation for this session - Rich

LD 1787 reduces the Bureau of Building Codes to a Division and places it under the Fire Marshal’s Office, under the Inspection Division. Sen. Rector has some concerns about placing it there. It may not go anywhere, but he is concerned about where it does go because he wants it to flourish. Rich will be testifying as a representative from the FMO, not the building codes board.

LD 1619 is in conflict with LD 1787. It removed the requirement of towns 2,000 in population to have a building official.

LD 1697 deals with not counting a prison population within a municipality towards total population for purposes of enforcing the building codes.

Draft of LCRED Committee 2012 Report

Rich is still working on this draft and will send it out to the Board when completed for changes and deletions.


ASHRAE and Radon Standards Discussion will be taken up at our next meeting.

Unfinished Business:

Letter from Dan Pugsley, Town of Hampden concerned with various issues if the town used a TPI, even if the town has a CEO, what happens when the TPI and CEO don’t agree? Can a building owner pay for a TPI? Looking for some kind of response on this from the Board.

New Business


Public Comments

Perhaps more detail on the Agendas that go out for meetings, if a topic needs more explanation.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

Next meeting TBA to see availability of Florian Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Chamberlain-Robitaille
