Your Martin™ SDA sleep appliance has been prescribed to reduce your snoring and mild sleep apnea. This appliance has been designed to keep your jaw in a forward position, thereby opening your airway, while still allowing some slight forward and sideways movements. Although the Martin™ SDA sleep appliance is sturdy, it is important that you take special care to follow the instructions below to extend the life of your appliance.


While brushing your teeth, place your appliance in hot tap water for approximately 2 minutes, until it has softened. It is also a good idea to brush your appliance before placing it in your mouth. Insert either the upper or lower first (depending upon which one is easier for you), pressing each part firmly into place.


Push down on the top edges of the upper appliance and then push up on the lower appliance. It may take a fair amount of force to dislodge the appliance. If you have too much difficulty, swish your mouth with water, as warm as possible, to help soften the appliance.


You should brush your appliance thoroughly with toothpaste after each use. If scale begins to collect on the appliance it can be soaked for at least 20 minutes in any of the commercial denture cleaners. (or in a half and half solution of vinegar and water, although you may want to rinse with mouthwash afterwards)


You may notice any or all of the following:

•excess saliva: for the first few times you wear the appliance you will probably have excess saliva in your mouth. This should reduce after you have worn it a few times.

•soreness in the jaw joints: you may notice some tenderness in your jaw joints or jaw muscles after wearing your appliance for a few hours. If this persists for longer than 5 to 7 days, call to arrange an appointment to adjust the appliance. The Martin™ SDA can be adjusted to increase or decrease the amount your jaw is moved forward to accomplish the opening of the airway.

•soreness of the teeth: it is not uncommon for the teeth to be sore after the first few times you wear your appliance. Your bite may also feel a little different. This should disappear within an hour or two of removing the appliance.


Some adjustment has been built into your Martin™ SDA appliance. If you find that your sleep symptoms do not improve or if you begin experiencing jaw discomfort that does not disappear after a few weeks of use, some adjustments can be made to the appliance. If you experience any tooth or gum pain where the plastic is pressing against the tissue, call the office immediately and the areas will be trimmed for your comfort. If after wearing the appliance for a few months your symptoms begin to reappear, the appliance should be adjusted to move the lower jaw further forward.

Please call the office if you have any questions about the care and use of your appliance.

Crosstown Dental Laboratory ©2006