Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration Web Activity

Name______Period_____ Date_____


Section 1: Overview

1. What is photosynthesis?

2. What is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis?

A) What are the reactants in this reaction?

B) What are the products in this reaction?

3. What are the light reactions and where do they take place?

4. In what type of molecule is the energy from the light reaction stored?
Section 2: Light Reaction


1. What is a chloroplast?

2. Click on thylakoid. What is a thylakoid?

3. A series of stacked thylakoid disks containing chlorophyll are referred to as ______.

4. What is a stroma?

Scroll up to the previous section entitled Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments and answer the following questions...
4. What is a pigment?

5. Explain why chlorophyll is green.

6. Scroll down to light reactions. What are the products of the light reactions?
Section 3: Calvin Cycle (Light-Independent Reaction)

Play the animation and read the summaries to answer the following:
1. What are the light-independent reactions (dark reactions)?

2. What molecules are providing ENERGY for the production of G3P (a simple sugar)?

3. How many molecules of ATP does it take to make one molecule of glucose?

4. How many "turns" of the Calvin Cycle does it take to make one molecule of glucose?

Click on Dark Reactions

5. In what structure do the light-independent (dark reactions) occur?

5. What products of the light reactions are used in the light-independent stage of photosynthesis?

6. What are the products of the light-independent reaction?


Section 4: Cell Respiration

  1. Define cell respiration:
  1. What is the most commonly used example to examine the reactions and pathways involved?
  1. What are the three metabolic processes of cell respiration and where do they occur?
  1. What happens to glucose during glycolysis?
  1. During glycolysis, what is the net gain of ATP and NADH?
  1. In the Kreb Cycle, the end product of glycolysis, pyruvate, loses a carbon dioxide and is converted to form ______.
  1. Chemical energy is released and captured in the form of what three molecules?
  1. In the electron transport chain, energy stored in NADH and FADH2is released and captured in the form of ______.
  1. What does the electron transport chain consist of?
  1. In the absence of oxygen, pyruvate is metabolized in what process?
  1. Is there more energy generated in aerobic or anaerobic respiration?

Photosynthesis vs. Cell Respiration

Section 5: Critical thinking

Now that you’ve done some research…

  1. What are some ways photosynthesis and cell respiration are similar?
  1. What are some ways they are different?
  1. Why do we need plants in the environment, and why do they need us?
  1. What kind of environmental concerns might have an impact on the relationship between photosynthesis and cell respiration?
  1. What are some adjustments we should make as a society to help? Be sure to include things that YOU can do as well!