Dr. Steven E. Hodes – Gastroenterologist, author.
Digestive disorder or Stress?
How unresolved conflicts, stressors and emotional obstacles manifest in the gut.
There are literally millions of tiny nerves lining our digestive tract that react to stress and emotional pain almost instinctively. These "tiny brains" detect stress before the "big" brain does. That "nervous" feeling in your stomach is an example of this.
There is an increasing incidence of digestive disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease, in America today. Does this phenomenon demonstrate the powerful way our gastrointestinal systems can react to stress, depression, conflict and unresolved emotional obstacles? Dr. Steve can discuss this phenomenon and offer tips on how to "listen" to your gut.
INTRO: There could be than just your poor diet causing your stomach to ache. Dr. Steven Hodes [say Ho-dis] is a board certified gastroenterologist with over 25 years in private practice. Dr. Steve offers his patients both a scientific and metaphysical solution to their ailments by introducing them to the possibility of non-medical causes for pain and illness, such as stress. A person's inability to effectively deal with stress can result in an ulcer, and though there are medicines to help alleviate the pain, Dr. Steve suggests thatthe only real cure comes from within. His new book, Meta-Physician on Call: Metaphysics and Medicine for Mind, Body and Spirit, explores the connection between metaphysics andtraditional began medicine. Welcome, Dr. Steve. How do metaphysics play a role in traditional medicine?
BIO: Steven E. Hodes, M.D. is a board certified gastroenterologist with over 25 years in private practice based in Edison and Old Bridge New Jersey. He also has a degree in Religious Studies. In addition to his medical practice and writing, Dr. Steve teaches at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, New Jersey. This year his Contemporary Metaphysics I will be followed by a new course, Contemporary Metaphysics II which will delve into various aspects of healing. He also lectures for the 92nd Street Y.
· Back-to-School Stomach Aches: What could be causing your child’s chronic stomach aches?
· Curing vs. Healing: What is the difference between curing/treating and healing? Dr. Steve can discuss the ways traditional medicine can be strengthened through the incorporation of metaphysics.
· Weight loss through metaphysics: Does the body really react to stress by piling on the fat in our mid-section, as many fad-diet supplements claim? Dr. Steve can discuss the ways our minds impact weight loss and weight gain.
Online Press Kit (media): www.meta-md.presskit247.com – more story ideas, etc.
Public Web site to promote: www.meta-md.com
Suggested QUESTIONS for Dr. Steve
1. What are metaphysics?
2. Is it safe to say that the gastrointestinal system is the most sensitive to stress? Do we really feel it there before our brain recognizes it?
3. How do metaphysics relate to traditional medicine and science?
4. How can you tell if a patient’s ailments are caused by metaphysical issues and not medical ones?
5. Is there such a thing as a near-death experience? What is traditional medicine’s stance on it and what’s yours?
6. Can you really “pray [or meditate] away” a stomach ache?
7. There are SO many products out there for acid reflux, heart burn, indigestion and other stomach ailments. Does this in any way demonstrate our culture’s inability to handle stress or are we all just eating poorly?
8. Can stomach aches become a reflex to stress or emotional pain?
9. How did you begin incorporating metaphysics into your practice? You have 25 years experience as a traditional doctor – what triggered this change?
10. How does traditional medicine generally view metaphysics and spirituality?
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