


  1. Board membership

Dr Adrian Normanton, Chairman of the Technical Committee passed away in February.

Dr Chris Elliot has taken over the role of Chairman of the Technical Committee following the death of Dr Normanton.

Mr Darrel Evans retired from the Board in 2008.

  1. Board meetings

The following Board Meetings were held in 2008:

29th January 20087 / 11 board members attended

4th September 20085 / 10 board members attended

3. Opportunities for growthof Division Community orconstraints

In 2008, the steel industry across the UK, Europe and the rest of world has been seriously affected by the economic situation with the industry experiencing a sudden and severe downturn across the majority of steel markets, particularly the construction and automotive sectors. Major steel companies around the world have curtailed production, are taking extended production breaks, have made staff redundant and have instigated drastic cost cutting measures. All of these measures have the potential to have a serious effect on the membership and activities of the Iron and Steel Society. In particular, companies are reducing the number of attendees at conferences and in some cases have banned overseas travel to conferences. Despite these difficulties, the Iron & Steel Society is committed to supporting its members and to produce a cost effective and relevant series of events and workshops.

4 Technical programme

Events Held

15th May 2008Modern Products and Processes in the Steel Industry (Materials Congress)

This one-day symposium was held as part of Materials Congress. Only 5 delegates in addition to the speakers attended the event. The Society were extremely disappointed by attendance at the event.

5th November 2008Sir Henry Bessemer Lecutre and Dinner

This event was held at the Law Society and was attended by almost 150 guests.

6th November 2008Sir Henry Bessemer Master Class

This event was attended by 22 delegates plus 4 master class leaders. Attendance was disappointing but understandable in view of the economic situation.

Events Planned

Autumn 2009Gases in Steels

Autumn 2009Steelplant Engineering

Autumn 2009Instrumentation (Informal Event)

2009 (to be confirmed)Surface and Internal Quality of Semis

5Foresight / Innovation and Growth

Nothing to Report

6Professional membership developments

Nothing to Report

7Institute Federalism

Nothing to Report.

8National and international linkages with other Societies /Institutes

The Institute still holds the secretariat for ESIC the European Steel Institute’s Confederation. Mrs Butterfield again attended the ESIC annual meeting in Düsseldorf in November and successfully bid for two major conferences for the Society: the Thermomechanical Processing of Steels Conference in 2012 and the STEELSIM, simulation and modelling conference in 2013.

9Government interfaces

Nothing to report.


The Society now has a functioning microsite as part of the new Institute website. Dr Richard Thackray has taken on the role of webmaster for the Society.


The Iron and Steel Society awards were presented at the 2008 Sir Henry Bessemer Lecture and Dinner on the 5th November.

  • Dr Tridibesh Mukherjee was awarded the Bessemer Gold Medal and presented the Sir Henry Bessemer Lecture.
  • Dr Brian Smith, Corus RD&T, was awarded the Hadfield Medal and Prize.
  • Mr Ken Broome, Corus Engineering Steels, was awarded the Thomas medal and Prize.
  • Dr Nigel Needham, formerly OUtokumpu, was awarded the Stokowiec medal and Prize.
  • Dr Didier Farrugia, Corus RD&T, was awarded the Dowding Medal and Prize.
  • Mr Steve Webster, formerly Corus RD&T was awarded the Colclough medal and prize.
  • Mr Johan van Boggelen, Corus RD&T, was awarded the Frank Fitzgerald Medal and Travel Scholarship.

12Other matters

As mentioned in section 1, Dr Adrian Normanton, Chairman of the Technical Committee, passed away after a long illness in February 2008. Adrian had supported the Institute for many years and was the driving force and inspiration behind the Technical Committee. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. In November, the Corus Teesside Technology Centre heavy pilot plant was renamed the Normanton Pilot Plant and dedicated to his memory.

Appendix A – Technical Programme as of December 2007

(YYYY-MM) / Status
/Planned) / Title / Location / Organising Division(s) /Committee(s)
/Collaborators / 100%
Target No's / Actual No's /

Financial Underwriter


/ Financial Out-turn,
Comments etc
2008 -05 / Held / Materials Congress / Grantham / IOM3 / Iron & Steel Society / IOM3 / One day symposium
2008 - 10 / Postponed / Instrumentation Series event / IOM3 London / Iron & Steel Society / 40 / IOM3 / This event was postponed
2008 -11 / Held / Sir Henry Bessemer Master class lecture and dinner / IOM3 London / Iron & Steel Society / 40 (master class)
100 dinner / 22 (master class)
148 dinner / IOM3