
- Schedule and preside at all meetings of the Association

-Appoint all committees and coordinators and be a member ex-officio of all committees

-See that all rules and regulations of the Association are executed

-Monitor Association deposits and payments and perform a yearly audit of Association finances

-Coordinate all affairs with and between the Minnesota Lacrosse Association, US Lacrosse and the MBSLA

-General supervision of the Association and perform all duties that pertain to this office


- Keep a record of all minutes of meetings of the Association and of the Board and make minutes available of all meetings within ten (10) days of such meetings to the Board

-Distribute copies of minutes and the agenda to each member o the Board

-Assure corporate records are maintained

-Assist other Board members with any task

-Supervise all elections, tabulate the vote and announce the results. The Secretary and the President shall validate the voting outcome


- Receive all funds and be responsible for all funds of the Association and credit the same to the account of the Association

-Pay all bills of the Association as defined in the approved Association budget or as approved by majority of the Board

-Keep accurate and truthful account of all moneys received, paid out

-File appropriate tax documents and issue 1099 forms when required

-Report monthly to the President and the Association Board

Operations Chair:

- Design and implement association wide curriculum that includes playing format for in-house and traveling teams.

-Help Association create protocol and procedures for in-house and traveling teams

-Liaise with Coaching Chair on technical program administration

-Develop training priorities for each age group and level

-Assist in design of Code of Conduct for players/coaches/and parents with Coaching and Grievance Chairs

-Lead Operations Committee and report to MALA board meetings monthly

-Lead Equipment and Field Managers

-Lead tournament Coordinators

Fundraising Chair

- Develop and execute MALA’s annual fundraising plan

-Secure financial support from individuals, foundations and businesses

-Develop and maintain ongoing relationships with donors

-Create and implement strategy for a sustained base of annual donors

Registration Chair:

-Responsible for registration of youth and coaches at all levels

-Develop new registration forms as needed

-Schedule and supervise registration events working with Scheduling Chair

Scheduling Chair:

- Schedules all Association games for in-house and traveling teams

-Works on field availability

-Schedules tournaments as needed and provides tournament recommendations

-Works with Registration Chair to schedule registration events

Growth and Expansion Chair:

-Responsible for creating community awareness of MALA in the Mankato area with forward thinking as to the expansion of lacrosse

-Works toward increasing number of lacrosse fields as well as future field improvements

-Facilitiates media public relations articles for Association and individual teams.

Grievance Chair:

-Creates a process for conflict resolution between Association and parents/players/coaches

-Works with Operations Chair and Coaching Chair on Code of Conduct guide for players/coaches/parents