Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the

Silkstone Primary School on 5th June 2006.

PRESENT: The Chairman: Clr D Liddell.

Clrs Fishpool, Gallamore, Handley, Leech, and Stier.

19.  Open forum.

There was one resident and a Barnsley Chronicle reporter present at the start of the meeting.

·  A resident was concerned at the parking of cars on the main road by staff at the Silkstone Common Primary School when there seemed to be adequate parking space in the school grounds. It was agreed that, in the first instance, the Clerk would discuss the position with the Headteacher of the school. Clr Stier noted the position as Chairman of the school’s governors.

·  It was reported that the broken litter-bin on Footpath 8 had been removed. The Clerk had notified the Neighbourhood Pride Team that the bin was broken after the last meeting but had heard nothing since.

·  Clr Leech reported that there seemed to be an increase in the tipping of garden waste in the woodland area between Towngate and Manor Park. It was noted that many houses in Silkstone still had no green bins for such waste. The Clerk would liaise with Barnsley MBC on these two linked issues.

·  It was reported that the two 30mph signs on the road from Hood Green to Silkstone Common (near to the bridge) were dirty. It was agreed that the Clerk would advise Barnsley MBC.

·  Clr Stier reported that there had been a car accident on Knabbs Lane over the weekend and some of the debris was on the pavement. Barnsley MBC had been advised of the situation earlier that day.

20.  Apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Clr Bower (holiday), Clr M Liddell (unwell) and Clr Smith (unwell). Their apologies were accepted.

21.  Councillors’ declarations of interest.

Clr Stier declared a personal interest in the payment to Mr Waring. Clr Fishpool declared a personal interest in the items on the Millennium Committee and the Sycamores (Silkstone Common).

22.  Minutes.

The minutes of the Council’s May meeting were approved following an amendment to agenda item 10, as requested by the owner of 6 Huskar Close. Copies of the correspondence on this matter were distributed to Councillors and discussed briefly.

23.  Matters arising from the last meeting.

·  The Clerk advised that he had reported the broken lampposts in Silkstone Common to Barnsley MBC. Clr Stier stated that they had since been removed.

·  Barnsley MBC had quoted an estimate of £420 plus VAT to take action on the sites of Japanese knotweed in the Parish. The Clerk had discussed the position with Barnsley MBC staff, who had indicated that the actual cost may be lower. The Clerk had agreed that they should do the work in liaison with Clr Stier. It was possible that part of the cost could be recharged.

·  The Clerk had not been able to telephone the owner of the Blacker Dam area but would continue to try to find out more information on this situation.

·  Clr Stier indicated that the area of land near to Mayberry Drive had been cleared by the maintenance contractor and the licence from Barnsley MBC was no longer required by Silkstone-in-Bloom. The Clerk had already advised Neighbourhood Pride of this change but would ensure that the position was regularised.

·  The Clerk was still liaising with the Neighbourhood Pride team on dog litter-bins, on both location and procedures.

·  The Chairman was to attend a meeting of the Scout Hut Management Committee on 6th June as the Council’s new representative.

·  Following a more detailed examination of the new grant forms for improvements to green spaces, it was realised that there were different periods to make claims. The Clerk had advised Councillors of this shortly after the last Council meeting. Clr Fishpool reported that the Millennium Committee had already submitted a claim for the new play equipment scheme in Silkstone.

·  The Clerk had contacted Mr O’Roarke about the youth scheme and was awaiting a response on the new arrangements.

24.  Planning applications.

Three applications had been received and it was decided not to comment on them.

Address / Village /


14 Nether Royd View / S.C. /


22 Knabbs Lane / S.C. /


12 Whinmoor Drive / S. /

Raised patio (retrospective).

25.  Millennium Committee – play equipment update.

Clr Fishpool reported on the position with the play equipment scheme near the war memorial site in Silkstone, with outline drawings of the proposals reviewed. The first stage had been completed and action was ongoing on obtaining grants and ordering items for the next stage. The Council would release its promised £5,000 contribution at the next Council meeting. Clr D Liddell agreed to liaise with the Millennium Committee on the possible development of the sundial feature, as proposed in the past. It was hoped that the Royal British Legion could be involved in this project.

26.  Lady Royd development – “Sycamores”.

The prospectus for the sale of this land in Silkstone Common had been distributed with the agenda. The Council agreed to take no action on the purchase of this land.

27.  Silkstone Recreation Ground.

The Clerk reported on the recent AGM of the SPFMC. Mr Dyson remained in post as its Chairman. There had been a lack of volunteers for the main posts but Mr Horsfield and his wife agreed to act as Secretary and Treasurer. The procedures for the SPFMC finances were continuing to be examined by the Clerk with the SPFMC. At present, the current position was to be continued as the budget monitoring difficulties had to be measured against practical issues, management needs, and financial savings.

Following a letter to the garage owners, the manager of the garage had advised that a roof to the compound was to be erected in the near future. Clr Stier reported that there was continued concern at vandalism, especially litter and dog fouling. There had also been evidence of fires. The position would continue to be monitored, with continued liaison with the SPFMC, the police, the garage staff, and Barnsley MBC.

Clr Stier advised that loose stone from the waggonway path was causing problems to the maintenance contractor. He hoped that the Waggonway Group would seek ways to tarmac the area.

The telephone in the pavilion was still out of order but BT had advised that the line was working. Further investigations would be made, hopefully to avoid the BT engineer being called out at a minimum cost of over £140.

28.  Silkstone Common railway station.

The Clerk reported on discussions with Network Rail staff in York and Barnsley MBC’s planning officers about the recent stabilisation scheme and the later erection of industrial type railings. Network Rail had stated that the railings were not connected to the stabilisation scheme but were the result of a safety concern raised by a resident. Basically, it seemed that Network Rail had extensive powers and was not bound to seek planning approval or even consult with local authorities on such issues. Network Rail staff had stated that the railings would not be changed or painted, mainly due to the costs involved. The Council noted the position with disappointment that it had not been consulted on the type of railings used.

29.  Footpaths.

Barnsley MBC had responded to recent letters from the Council on the maintenance of footpaths and the ongoing legal issue on Footpath 8. This reply had been copied to Councillors with the agenda. The Clerk noted that the maintenance of footpaths was to be discussed at the parish clerks’ liaison meeting with Barnsley MBC on 8th June, at which the Chief Executive would be attending. There was specific concern at the poor condition of several footpaths within the centres of the two villages.

The Council noted the position on Footpath 8, including the information in the Barnsley MBC letter and the message on this issue from Ward Councillor Barnard.

30.  Meetings.

Clr Stier reported on the last Area Forum. The crime figures reported for April were Silkstone – 2, Silkstone Common – 3. This was an improvement on the previous month’s figures. A presentation at the meeting by Yorkshire Water indicated that this area did not have significant concerns on water shortage. It was also reported that Barnsley MBC had introduced new financial arrangements for the Area Forum.

Clr Stier reported on a transport meeting and advised that service 25 continued to be a success in terms of increasing passenger numbers.

31.  Grant payments.

The Old Silkstone B Band had advised the Clerk that they had lost their £250 grant cheque. A stop was placed on the cheque at the bank. A replacement would be issued subject to a check on the May bank statement.

The Silkstone Common Women’s Institute had now submitted its application and the agreed £100 would be paid.

The Clerk had received an application form from the SYPTE for a “transport” grant and would progress the item as soon as possible.

32.  Local groups – improved liaison with the Council.

The Chairman and the Clerk had been looking at ways for the Council to improve its links with local groups, especially those in receipt of grants from the Council. It was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with the Chairman on this item and seek to contact the groups to canvass their views before reporting back to the Council. It was hoped that each group would have a Councillor as link/mentor.

33.  External audit process.

The Clerk distributed a number of items for the external audit process. These would be reviewed at the next meeting including the approval of the Annual Return. The advertising of the audit would be displayed in June, with the audit date set as 28th July.

34.  Payment of Accounts.

The following twelve accounts for payment were approved.

Cq No

/ Payee / Item /


/ Notes


/ Naylor Myers / Sandstone (container base) /


/ SRG - paid 19-5-06.
2040 / E Bell / May pay. / 755.72 / 20 hours pw.
2041 / M Haigh / Newsletter. / 156.00 / Summer edition.
2042 / Inland Revenue / May deductions. / 389.41
2043 / C Waring / May maintenance. / 749.30 / Inc. fallen tree removal.
2044 / D Liddell / Chairman’s allowance. / 250.00 / 2006/07.
2045 / BTM / Burco boiler (SRG). / 135.12 / Pavilion.
2046 / B Band / Replacing cheque 2019. / 250.00 / Lost. Stopped at bank.
2047 / SCWI / S137 grant. / 100.00
2048 / SPFMC / Contribution. / 2,000.00
2049 / YLCA / Conference – September. / 347.00 / Clr D Liddell.
2050 / E Bell / Expenses reimbursement. / 27.45
Total / 5,315.10

35.  Correspondence.

The Clerk outlined the contents of the following items of correspondence, not considered elsewhere.










Silkstone Primary School


Apology re room hire.


Refund of hire fee.



Highways’ Agency


Mottram bypass.


Receipt of Council’s letter.





Travel adviser role.


Clerk to progress.



Penistone TC


Yorkshire Day.


See below.





Env’nt Forum – 4/7.


See below.





Promotional items.







Mayor at home.


Clr Gallamore to attend.





CPA process.


Clerk completed.



Penistone TC


Civic service.


No attendance.



Pen Com P’ship



/ Plus address change.



Charter 88


Local communities.


Noted. Clerk to review.



Highways’ Agency




15-17th June. Library.

The Yorkshire Day celebration is being run by Penistone TC on 1st August. A number of Councillors expressed an interest and it was agreed that they would advise the Clerk as soon as possible of their intentions. The cost, including refreshments, is £25 and it was agreed that this would be an official duty for Councillors.

The annual Environment Forum, run by Barnsley MBC, takes place at Northern College on 4th July, commencing at 17:30. The Forum includes a tour of the gardens. A number of Councillors expressed an interest and they would advise the Clerk of their intentions as soon as possible.

36.  Arrangements for the next Council meeting.

The next Council meeting will be on 10th July 2006 in the Mission Rooms, Silkstone Common.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:02pm.

Chairman’s Signature / Date
10th July 2006