Highlights/ Important Developments for the fortnight from 1.10.2014 to 15.10.2014

1.  Total value of trading at the Commodity Exchanges during the fortnight, 1st October, 2014 to 15th October, 2014 was ₹ 1,99,956.75 crore. The cumulative value of trade from 1stApril, 2014 upto 15th October, 2014 during the financial year 2014-15 was ₹ 31,82,438.08 crore. The corresponding figures for the previous year were ₹ 2, 84,268.45 crore and ₹ 68, 42,840.12 crore respectively.

2.  The Commission, on 1st October, 2014 appointed i) Shri Toms Joseph, and ii) Dr. G.K. Vidyashankar as Independent Directors for a period up to 31st March, 2016 and iii) Mr. K. Nanjundeswaran as Independent Director for a period up to 31/03/2015 on the Board of the India Pepper and Spice Trade Association (IPSTA), Kochi, under section 6 (2) (b) of the FCR Act, 952.

3.  The Commission, on 14th October, 2014 conveyed the approval to the appointment of Mr. Praveen Kumar Singhal as Director on the Board of the Exchange and also to the appointment of i) Mr. M.A. Prabhu, General Manager-Canara Bank ii) Mr. B.K. Chaubal, Deputy Managing Director and Group Executive, State Bank of India, iii) Mr. R. Amalorpavanathan, Chief General Manager, NABARD, and iv) Mr. Ajai Kumar, Ex-Chairman & Managing Director, Corporation Bank as Shareholder Directors on the Board of MCX, Mumbai in compliance with the Revised Norms dated 11th June, 2014 for constitution of the Board of Directors, Nomination and Role of Independent Directors and appointment of Chief Executives at the Nationwide Multi Commodity Exchanges in India, till the next Annual General Meeting.

4.  The Forward Markets Commission organized the following capacity building programmes for the benefit of various stakeholders. The details of the programmes are as follows:

Sr. No. / Name of the lead Institute / Name of the programme / Place / Date
1 / NABCONS, Mumbai / Commodity Futures Market / Madhya Pradesh / 13-14th October, 2014
2 / NABCONS, Mumbai / Commodity Futures Market / Maharashtra / 8-9th October, 2014
3 / NABCONS, Mumbai / Commodity Futures Market / Nagaland (NER) / 9 -10th October, 2014
4 / ICM, Jaipur / Futures trading in Agriculture commodity / Jaipur / 7-8th October, 2014
5 / IGICM, Lucknow / Futures trading in Agriculture commodity / Lucknow / 13- 14th October, 2014
6 / NIAM, Jaipur / Commodity Futures Market / Orissa, Bhubaneshwar / 15-16th October, 2014
7 / NIAM, Jaipur, (NER) / Commodity Futures Market / Nagaland, Dimapur (NER) / 15-16th October, 2014

5.  Permission for launching of contracts in various commodities was granted to the Exchanges as follows:

Name of the Exchange / Commodity / Contract Months / Date of permission /
NCDEX, Mumbai / Chana (2mt) / January 2015, February 2015, April 2015, May 2015, June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015, October 2015, November 2015 and December 2015 / 14th October2014 /
Silver Hedge (5kg) / October 2014, November 2014, December 2014, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, April 2015, May 2015, June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015, October 2015, November 2015 and December 2015 /
GOLD H 100 / October 2014, December 2014, February 2015, April 2015, May 2015, June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015, October 2015, November 2015 and December 2015 /
IPSTA, Kochi / Pepper MG1 / March 2015, April 2015 and June 2015 / 14th October2014 /

6.  Trade Data Summary:

(Value of Trade in ₹ Crore)
Sr.Nos. / Particulars / 2014-15 / 2013-14 / % growth in 2014-15 over 2013-14
1 / (a) / Total value of trade during the fortnight ending
15th October / 199956.75 / 284268.45 / -29.66
(b) / Cumulative value of trade during the year from
1stApril to 15th October / 3182438.08 / 6842840.12 / -53.49
2 / (a) / Total value of trade in Agri Commodities during the fortnight ending 15th October / 30909.16 / 63557.42 / -51.37
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Agri Commodities during the year from 1stApril to 15th October / 625402.80 / 810659.74 / -22.85
3 / (a) / Total value of trade in Bullion during the fortnight ending 15th October / 72946.60 / 119303.27 / -38.86
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Bullion during the year from 1stApril to 15th October / 1124186.26 / 3082049.33 / -63.52
4 / (a) / Total value of trade in Metals other than Bullion during the fortnight ending 15th October / 35625.70 / 44868.25 / -20.60
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Metals other than Bullion during the year from 1stApril to 15th October / 694277.44 / 1265616.27 / -45.14
5 / (a) / Total value of trade in Energy during the fortnight ending 15th October / 60475.30 / 56539.51 / 6.96
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Energy during the year from 1stApril to 15th October / 738571.59 / 1684514.78 / -56.16
6 / (a) / Total value of trade in other Commodities during the fortnight ending 15th October / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in other Commodities during the year from 1stApril to 15th October / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00

The Statement gives Exchange wise/Commodity wise comparative picture as on 1.10.2014 and 15.10.2014.The figures for 1.10.2014 are given in parenthesis in each row in column numbers 5 to 12. The total volume and value of trade during the fortnight is given in column 13 and 14 respectively.

Volume in Natural Gas in mmBtu and for other Commodities in MT /
Value of Trade in ₹ crore /
/ Position as on 15.10.2014* / During 1– 15 October 14 /
Sr. No / Name of Exchange / Name of
Commodity / Price Unit / Prices in ₹ / Open Interest / Trading Volume / Value of Trade / Total /
Spot / Futures Near Month Contract / Near Month Contract / All
Contracts / Near Month Contract / All Contracts / Near Month Contract / All Contracts / Volume / Value /
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 /
1 / Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited, Mumbai / Crude Oil / Barrel / 5251.00
(5617.00) / 5122.00
(5686.00) / 198608.46
(110040.93) / 325429.74
(132701.23) / 1659399.73
(1183642.56) / 1848199.18
(1231773.53) / 6316.082
(4943.292) / 7031.979
(5143.527) / 12750054.57 / 50111.941
Gold / 10 Gm / 27057.00
(26752.00) / 27252.00
(26799.00) / 7.68
(2.79) / 8.42
(10.32) / 17.45
(4.64) / 17.94
(20.70) / 4744.209
(1252.702) / 4876.823
(5572.430) / 140.73 / 37874.727
Silver / KG / 38480.00
(38157.00) / 38767.00
(38702.00) / 487.53
(523.98) / 503.79
(527.16) / 724.53
(816.15) / 737.28
(821.76) / 2808.675
(3146.166) / 2858.978
(3168.092) / 8848.20 / 34123.525
Natural Gas / mmBtu / 239.80
(253.90) / 235.50
(253.60) / 7650000
(8333750) / 10520000
(10457500) / 63867500
(39295000) / 68327500
(41226250) / 1528.707
(1006.165) / 1638.916
(1056.904) / 429010000 / 10362.739
Copper / KG / 410.55
(408.50) / 421.55
(417.95) / 11387
(10331) / 11674
(10370) / 37164
(26760) / 37562
(26992) / 1554.729
(1114.137) / 1571.637
(1123.949) / 239249.75 / 9919.805
Zinc / KG / 141.95
(139.40) / 144.10
(140.55) / 37175
(27150) / 43465
(29340) / 78335
(53475) / 81870
(54630) / 1121.617
(748.715) / 1172.457
(764.979) / 636314.00 / 9045.638
Nickel / KG / 988.60
(978.90) / 1004.90
(1002.00) / 1923.00
(1925.50) / 2036.50
(1989.00) / 6350.50
(9406.00) / 6502.25
(9682.25) / 639.380
(937.148) / 654.750
(964.828) / 68810.60 / 6986.238
Lead / KG / 125.45
(127.85) / 126.25
(130.05) / 12840
(8600) / 13745
(8945) / 47655
(48930) / 48270
(49665) / 602.951
(631.109) / 610.791
(640.651) / 440923.00 / 5640.582
Aluminum / KG / 116.65
(117.20) / 118.75
(118.35) / 25635
(24650) / 30555
(25735) / 29390
(33060) / 31105
(33650) / 347.594
(392.335) / 368.080
(399.416) / 341423.00 / 4033.440
CPO / 10 KG / 449.20
(474.00) / 446.00
(465.00) / 20280
(44090) / 73860
(79190) / 11590
(14100) / 35360
(43040) / 51.755
(65.293) / 158.874
(197.841) / 278750.00 / 1267.116
Total of the Exchange :- / 22471.069
(16638.112) / 23913.727
(21996.435) / 14840334.485 / 170763.841
2 / National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd. Mumbai / Castor Seed / 100 kg / 4377.65
(4450.00) / 4404.00
(4518.00) / 14270
(103460) / 419680
(413430) / 14640
(128470) / 168890
(218200) / 64.748
(584.764) / 757.737
(1001.161) / 1449843 / 6526.203
Soya Oil / 10 Kg / 598.45
(616.35) / 589.65
(611.00) / 10395
(57460) / 206830
(230335) / 13840
(74115) / 157525
(147655) / 81.727
(452.517) / 918.327
(885.989) / 933240 / 5521.592
Soya Bean / 100 kg / 2904.00
(3234.00) / 2933.00
(3023.00) / 6460
(55700) / 208400
(245260) / 7160
(67290) / 110230
(140760) / 20.902
(204.051) / 326.830
(421.201) / 933940 / 2779.127
Coriander / 100 kg / 11306.80
(11360.25) / 11853.00
(12046.00) / 1460
(14090) / 62840
(62520) / 900
(15060) / 30040
(24660) / 10.683
(181.769) / 374.192
(302.551) / 215810 / 2643.230
Guar Seed 10 / 100 kg / 5635.70
(5434.40) / 5647.00
(5413.00) / 2870
(15410) / 40370
(39260) / 1620
(28480) / 25760
(54640) / 9.177
(155.352) / 147.423
(299.723) / 420952 / 2395.680
Chana / 100 kg / 2920.80
(2875.80) / 2810.00
(2769.00) / 7550
(78710) / 148630
(201420) / 9480
(32080) / 70330
(55460) / 26.808
(88.550) / 204.030
(155.441) / 738359 / 2114.525
Guar Gum / 100 kg / 15892.20
(15356.95) / 16210.00
(15640.00) / 398
(3770) / 14081
(11120) / 208
(4371) / 3531
(7703) / 3.367
(68.587) / 57.728
(121.317) / 67794 / 1106.029
R/M Seed / 100 kg / 3672.15
(3700.00) / 3638.00
(3628.00) / 4060
(25390) / 63860
(65610) / 7530
(18540) / 38880
(34450) / 27.227
(67.415) / 140.957
(125.687) / 248220 / 901.919
Gold Hedge / 10 Gm / 24142.00
(23893.00) / 24460.00
(24279.00) / 0.42
(0.41) / 0.42
(0.41) / 0.56
(0.25) / 0.56
(0.25) / 137.440
(61.408) / 137.440
(61.408) / 2.873 / 695.015
Kapas / 20 kg / -- / 768.00
(755.00) / 208
(284) / 37836
(30500) / 12
(48) / 8256
(14404) / 0.046
(0.180) / 32.854
(56.795) / 145768 / 580.322
Total of the Exchange :- / 469.777
(1977.891) / 3328.498
(3602.574) / 5758102.955 / 27018.859
3 / National Multi-Commodity Exchange of India Limited, Ahmedabad / Castor Seed 10 MT / 100 Kg / 4387
(4425) / 4387
(4550) / 0
(480) / 690
(910) / 0
(5120) / 8980
(9550) / 0
(23.33) / 40.55
(43.83) / 80380 / 362.88
Rape/Mustard seed / 20 Kg / 674
(680) / 671.8
(674.3) / 0
(570) / 890
(1110) / 0
(6010) / 11280
(11800) / 0
(20.15) / 37.81
(39.76) / 88560 / 296.31
Raw Jute / 100 Kg / 2931.1
(2953.6) / 2946
(2982) / 330
(530) / 630
(1020) / 4300
(6790) / 8280
(12190) / 12.74
(20.19) / 24.64
(36.40) / 76070 / 227.26
Chana / 100 Kg / 2869
(2835) / 2820
(2768) / 430
(330) / 840
(630) / 5700
(3500) / 11690
(6880) / 16.11
(9.68) / 33.48
(19.34) / 75060 / 213.04
Rubber / 100 Kg / 12242
(12100) / 12242
(12034) / 30
(875) / 4312
(3973) / 71
(519) / 2408
(1595) / 0.89
(6.23) / 28.98
(18.93) / 12928 / 155.53
Total of the Exchange / 29.75
(84.03) / 204.73
(167.02) / 366038.040 / 1498.153
4 / ACE Derivatives and Commodity Exchange Ltd., Mumbai / Cotton 118 / Candy / 33920.00
(34490.00) / 34700.00
(35020.00) / 15.64
(50.85) / 961.43
(822.05) / 26.67
(144.00) / 273.78
(402.85) / 3.123
(17.006) / 31.505
(46.536) / 3252.66 / 375.632
Castor Seed / 100 KG / 4325.00
(4364.00) / 4406.00
(4518.00) / 1990
(1990) / 6420
(6360) / 1430
(NT) / 4790
(NT) / 6.320
(0.000) / 21.314
(0.000) / 12680 / 56.386
CPO / 10 KG / 449.20
(474.45) / 445.65
(464.75) / 1170
(1260) / 1210
(1300) / 20
(NT) / 20
(NT) / 0.089
(0.000) / 0.089
(0.000) / 160 / 0.728
Total of the Exchange :- / 9.532
(17.006) / 52.909
(46.536) / 16092.663 / 432.746
Total for the National Exchanges(A) / 20980568.143 / 199713.599
5 / Chamber of Commerce, Hapur / Mustard Seed / 100 Kg / 3620.75
(3647.00) / 3632.50
(3672.50) / 166
(420) / 512
(554) / 376
(5334) / 4664
(13062) / 2.45
(19.58) / 18.25
(49.42) / 45275 / 169.04
Total of the Exchange / 2.45
(19.58) / 18.25
(49.42) / 45275 / 169.04
6 / Rajkot Commodity Exchange Ltd., Rajkot / Castor Seed / 100 Kg / 4137.50
(4200.00 ) / 4441
(4546) / 1010
(1145) / 1010
(1145) / 3795
(2085) / 3795
(2085) / 16.89
(9.49) / 16.89
(9.49) / 16510 / 74.11
Total of the Exchange / 16.89
(9.49) / 16.89
(9.49) / 16510 / 74.11
7 / India Pepper & Spice Trade Association, Kochi / Pepper MG 1 / 100 Kg / 70800
(67300) / NT
(72275) / 0
(0) / 0
(1) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0 / 0
8 / Bombay Commodity Exchange Ltd., Vashi / Castor seed / 100 Kg / -- / NP
(NP) / 0
(0) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
(0) / 0
(0 ) / 0
(0) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
(0) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
9 / Spices & Oilseeds Exchange Ltd.,Sangli / Turmeric / 100 Kg / --- / NP
(NP) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
10 / Cotton Association of India Mumbai / Cotton / 100 Kg / --- / NP
(NP) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0 / 0
Total for the Regional Exchanges(B) / 61785 / 243.15
Grand Total (A+B) / 21042353.143 / 199956.749

Note: Natural Gas volume is not included in the Total Volume