P-Card Frequently Asked Questions 1.0

Supplemental Job Aid

Date: 09/12/2017

Revision History

Date / Version / Location / Update Description
09/12/2017 / 1.0 / Original version / FAQs created with responses and screenshots

Target Audience: PO Buyer, Dept. P-Card Cardholders, Dept. P-Card Maintainer, and Dept. P-Card Reconciler

Purpose: This document details the frequently asked questions and answers for procurement card (P-Card) in FI$Cal. In addition to the responses, screenshots are included when appropriate.

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Procurement Card (P-Card) Questions

1.  Who is responsible for maintaining the existing P-Card cardholder profiles?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Definitions è Cardholder Profile

The department P-Card Maintainer(s) are responsible for creating new P-Card cardholder profile and for maintaining existing P-Card cardholder profiles for their department.

2.  I have an existing cardholder profile but I received a new card number under a different managing account. What do I need to do?

You can verify with your P-Card Maintainer if your new card # has been added to your existing cardholder profile in FI$Cal. Your Dept. P-Card Maintainer is responsible for creating and/or maintaining cardholder profiles in FI$Cal.

3.  My department has added a new managing account and new cardholders for this new managing account in US Bank Access Online. Do I need to do anything in FI$Cal as the Dept. P-Card Maintainer?

Yes, the Dept. P-Card Maintainer will need to perform the following actions prior to the card #s being used by the cardholders.

Step 1: Dept. P-Card Maintainer will need to contact FSC and provide new managing account information. FSC will work with US Bank to add the new managing account to the monthly transaction file.

Step 2: Department Assigned Designee (DAD) will need to request P-Card roles for the new cardholders if they were not setup as cardholders before.

Step 3: Dept. P-Card Maintainer will need to update existing cardholder profiled or create new cardholder profiles for the new managing account and new card #s in FI$Cal. See job aid for reference: Creating a Cardholder Profile and Adding Designated Departmental Proxies 1.0

4.  What is my new FI$Cal P-Card billing cycle date?

The FI$Cal billing cycle date is from the 23rd of the current month to the 22nd of the next month.

5.  When will US Bank close my billing cycle?

US Bank will close the billing cycle on the 22nd of each month. If the 22nd falls on a weekend or a holiday, then US Bank will close on the next business day.

6.  When will my P-Card transactions from the US Bank statement get loaded into FI$Cal?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Reconcile è Reconcile


FI$Cal will load the P-Card transaction files from US Bank the day after the billing cycle ends. Normally on the night of the 23rd. However, if the billing cycle ends on a weekend or holiday, then FI$Cal will load the P-Card transaction files on the next nightly batch run. See the response to question #5 above for clarification.

7.  Will I still get my paper statement in the mail?

Yes, US Bank will continue to mail the paper statement to the cardholder.

8.  Could I still print my statement from US Bank Access Online?

Yes, departments will still have access to print the paper statement from US Bank’s Access Online application.

9.  A brand new P-Card # was issued on US Bank Access Online, do I need to create a P-Card cardholder profile in FI$Cal?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Definitions è Cardholder Profile

Yes, the Department P-Card Maintainer will need to create a new cardholder profile if the cardholder is a new cardholder or add a new row to an existing cardholder profile in FI$Cal.

Reference job aid:

Creating a Cardholder Profile and Adding Designated Departmental Proxies 1.0

10. Is the paper packet with the statement and hardcopy of the receipts/invoice still required by SCO?

No, the paper packet is no longer required by SCO. However, the FI$Cal P-Card reconciliation process requires the Dept. P-Card Reconciler and/or cardholder to scan and attach the supporting documents / receipts / invoices to the P-Card transaction.

11. I used my P-Card # but I didn’t see my P-Card transactions on the Reconcile Statement page?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Reconcile è Reconcile


There are numerous reasons why your P-Card transactions cannot be searched/viewed on the Reconcile Statement page.

Reason #1: The P-Card transaction date falls outside of the current billing statement cycle dates. Billing cycle closes on the 22nd of the current month for P-Card transaction dates between the 23rd of last month to the 22nd of current month.

Reason #2: The P-Card # used does not exist or is unknown in FI$Cal. This means that a cardholder profile was not created in FI$Cal so the P-Card transactions failed the load statement process.

Reason #3: The search criteria used are not correct. Use the Clear button to remove defaults and verify the search criteria.

Reason #4: Your designated Reconciler may have already reconciled your P-Card transactions on your behalf.

Reason #5: Your department P-Card Maintainer created your cardholder profile after the 23rd of the month (after load statement process already ran on the night of the 23rd) so your P-Card transactions are now waiting to be loaded.

12. I didn’t receive an email notification that my US Bank statement has been loaded into FI$Cal.

The email notification to inform cardholders that their US Bank Statement(s) have been loaded is only sent to the cardholder proxies with the specific P-Card roles below.

·  Dept. P-Card PO User

·  Dept. P-Card Req User

·  Dept. P-Card Reconciler

·  Dept. P-Card Maintainer

13. How do I specify that a PO is paid by P-Card?

As a P-Card PO User, Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Purchase Orders è Add/Update POs

Step 1: On the Purchase Order page, you must first select a vendor ID before the “Use Procurement Card” hyperlink is displayed.

Step 2: Click the Use Procurement Card hyperlink.

Step 2: Select your P-Card information from the drop down menu and click the OK button twice.

Note: This Use Procurement Card hyperlink is only available to a Department Buyer who is also P-Card Cardholder and has been setup as the Department P-Card PO User in his/her own cardholder profile.

Reference job aid:

Creating a Purchase Order (PO) with P-Card as the Payment Method and Dispatching PO 1.0

14. Does a PO need to be created in FI$Cal if the payment method is P-Card?

All purchases paid by P-Card that exceed $2,500.00, and over the annual spend limit of $7,500.00, must be executed using standard purchase documents in accordance with the State Contracting Manual, Chapter 9. This means a FI$Cal PO ID is required when the purchase meets the 2 DGS thresholds noted above.

15. A PO was created in FI$Cal using P-Card as the payment method, but I did not see the PO on the Reconcile Statement/Procurement Card Transactions page?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Reconcile è Reconcile


There are a couple scenarios why the PO ID is not searchable on the Reconcile Statement / Procurement Card Transactions page.

Scenario #1: The cardholder didn’t click OK twice after selecting the card # to specify that PO ID is going to be paid that the selected card #. Therefore, the PO ID was not marked as to be paid by P-Card.

Scenario #2: The PO ID has not been fully approved yet.

16. Do I need to create a Receipt ID for the PO ID that is paid by P-Card?

No, the Match rules do not apply to PO ID paid by P-Card so the system will not require a Receipt ID to be created. You are confirming that the goods and/services are received when you reconcile your P-Card transactions.

17. Will the P-Card statements automatically show line item detail when the statements are loaded in FI$Cal?

US Bank sends the P-Card transaction statements at the level that the merchants are capable of sending the information. However, at this time, L3 details are not being sent on the monthly transaction file.

18. How is the sales tax on a P-Card transaction split if multiple line items and quantities were purchased?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Reconcile è Reconcile


Scenario #1: If the P-Card transaction is linked to a PO ID, then the sales tax info from the PO line will carry over to the P-Card transaction.

Scenario #2: If the PO ID has multiple PO lines, then the system will also automatically split the summary P-Card transaction into the corresponding PO lines and sales/use tax from the PO lines will carry over to the newly split P-Card transaction lines.

Scenario #3: If there is no PO ID and then Dept. P-Card Reconciler has to manually split the summary P-Card transaction into multiple lines. The Reconciler will need to include the unit cost of each line plus the sales/use tax amount and enter that amount on each split line. The total split amount must equal 100% of the summary total amount which is the original amount that came from US Bank.

Note: Sales/Use Tax that carried over from the PO ID or manually calculated on the P-Card transactions will not flow to the P-Card voucher ID. All P-Card system-generated voucher IDs are created as Tax Exempt.

19. How do I track the sales/use tax on my purchases paid by P-Card?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Reconcile è Reconcile Statement

The Sales/Use tax must be done at the P-Card transaction line level.

Step 1: Click the Add Purchase Details button.

Step 2: Click the Sales/Use Tax hyperlink.

Step 3: Verify the appropriate Tax Applicability selection (select a value if no PO ID is linked).

·  Verify the Tax Code selection (select a value if no PO ID is linked).

·  Click the OK button.

Step 4: Click the Tax Paid checkbox to uncheck.

·  Click the OK button.

Note: The steps above must be performed for each P-Card transaction line since sales/use tax is assessed at the line level.

20. How many levels of approval are setup for P-Card transactions?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Reconcile è Reconcile


There is only one level of approval required for P-Card transaction since there is no approval process workflow setup for the P-Card transaction reconciliation process in FI$Cal.

21. How many department P-Card Approvers could I assign to one P-Card cardholder?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Definitions è Cardholder Profile

The department may assign as many Department P-Card Approvers to one cardholder as they deem appropriate on the Assign Proxies page.

22. Will the Department P-Card Reconciler and/or Department P-Card Req or PO User get an automatic email notification when P-Card transactions are approved?

No, the Department P-Card Reconciler and/or actual Cardholder will need to log into FI$Cal and check the status of the P-Card transactions. No email notification will be sent by FI$Cal.

23. Will the Department P-Card Approver get an email notification that P-Card transactions are ready for approval?

Yes, FI$Cal will send an email notification to the Department P-Card Approver when P-Card transactions are ready for approval.

Note: The approval email will also be sent to the Dept. P-Card Maintainer.

24. Can one department P-Card Reconciler reconcile for many department P-Card cardholders?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Definitions è Cardholder Profile

Yes, the department may assign the designated reconciler to as many P-Card cardholders as they deem appropriate on the Assign Proxies page.

25. Can many department P-Card Reconcilers reconcile for one department P-Card Cardholder?

Navigate to: Main Menu è Purchasing è Procurement Cards è Definitions è Cardholder Profile

Yes, the department may assign as many Department P-Card Reconcilers as they want to one Department P-Card Cardholder on the Assign Proxies page.

26. Are the vouchers created for P-Card transactions going to the Suppliers or to US Bank?

The vouchers created for the P-Card transactions are going to US Bank since US Bank has already settled with the Suppliers.

27. Does the department accounting unit need to create voucher IDs for the approved P-Card transactions?

No, all P-Card transactions that have been reconciled and approved will be staged and built into voucher ID by the system. P-Card Vouchers are system-generated.

28. Is the system-generated Voucher ID for my approved P-Card transactions only or does it includes other Cardholder’s approved P-Card transactions?

The FI$Cal system will pull, stage and build all approved P-Card transactions by managing account. Therefore, if multiple cardholders have approved P-Card transactions from multiple billing cycles, all transactions will be built into one voucher on a nightly basis.

29. How often do the Voucher Stage and Voucher Build processes run for P-Card transactions?

The voucher stage and voucher build processes are scheduled to run nightly.

30. My P-Card transactions have been reconciled and status changed to Verified but I’m still getting the email that I have exceeded the grace period?