2017 Grant Application

Project name: Therapeutic Gardening

County: Burleigh

Project Coordinator: Adam Miller

Lead Organization: Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch

Address: 1227 N 35th Street
Bismarck, ND 58501

Telephone: 701.224.1789 Email:

1.  Briefly describe your garden project including its major goals. Please include a description of activities and the location of the garden (for example, Jefferson Elementary School). (150 words or less)

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch- Bismarck: A Trauma-informed care program for children who have undergone significant trauma which has impacted their ability to succeed at home, at school and in the community.

We currently have three gardening plots and a greenhouse, and a few years ago we had the extension agent out and he strongly suggested we need to replace the dirt as the current soil is too sandy. Gardening will be part of our summer programing, and the residents, staff and community mentors will plant and care for a variety of produce grown. The produce grown will be used in meal preparation and summer cooking classes.

We currently have the Jr. Master Gardening manual and will incorporate some of the lesson plans in our activities.

2.  How will your project make a difference to its children? (150 words or less)

Not only will the children be able to learn life skills but will benefit from the therapeutic and relaxation qualities gardening provides. The children will also see the success of their efforts as the plants grow and produce veggies. These veggies will then be used for meals, shared by staff and children, as well as special “food” classes that will be part of their summer programing. The children will also benefit from working with community gardening experts who will mentor and give advice on this wonderful activity. The children will also be exposed to problem solving opportunities and be able to apply “math skills” learned in a classroom to an actual, “real life”, environment.

3.  How will your project make a difference in your community? (150 words or less)

Our residents will benefit from the relationships and knowledge gained from this outdoor experience and we how will impact their ability to succeed once back in their communities. The mentors will also be exposed to what “Trauma-informed care” looks like and will build positive relationships with these adolescents. By providing these opportunities we hope to have a long-lasting impact on these traumatized youth and allow them to contribute in a positive way to their communities.

4.  Please estimate the number of participants directly involved in the project:

Young children (3–12 years old): 0–2

Teens (13–17 years old): 14–16

Adults: 10–20

5.  Briefly list any partners (such as 4-H, FFA, school, church, garden center, parks department) that are involved. Briefly describe their roles in the project. Be very brief.

We have approached Basin Electric Cooperative in helping us utilize our green house and share their expertise in planting gardens. The plan is to work with the staff of Basin and assist them as they plant their gardens and in turn Basin employees will assist and mentor DBGR residents with planting and maintaining their gardens.

6.  Budget

Expenditures Amount

Dirt/fertilizer $950

Fencing supplies 50

TOTAL $1,000

For projects coordinated by organizations
outside of NDSU Extension
(to be completed by local NDSU educator)
Please describe your Extension office’s involvement in this garden program (recruiting youth, teaching, coordinating volunteers, providing meeting space). (150 words or less)
I support this project and will work with the coordinator to ensure a positive educational experience for the youth.
Name of NDSU Extension Service staff Date