Name ______Date______

English / BlockGMs. Healey

Nothing but the Truth – Exam Format

Section / Topics / Notes / Questions I Still Have
Character Matching / Jake Barlow
Anita Wigham
Phillip Malloy
Ben Malloy
Miss Narwin
Dr. Palleni
Mr. Lunser
Sarah Gloss
Miss Rooney
Ted Griffen
Jack London
Dr. Seymour
Dr. Doane
Jennifer Stewart
Coach Jamison / Talk Show host on the radio
Miss Narwin’s sister who lives in Florida; writes to MN
Student at Harrison High; freshman; truth-twister; track star; stands up for himself
Hypocrite; father; husband; lives through his son; sticks up for son
Teacher of English, sends P to office for humming; teaching for a long time; misses sis
VP of school; in charge of discipline; suspends P
P’s old homeroom teacher; let P sing in class; liked him
S tells P that A has a crush on him
P’s new teacher in the new school
Neighbor of Malloy’s; running for school board
Author of The Call of the Wild
Superintendent of schools; denies rule about singing the National Anthem; cares only to pass the school budget
Principal of high school; claims to not know much about the Philip issue bc she is not the disciplinarian; thinks MN is a great teacher (also her former student)
News reporter for the local paper; takes P’s side and presents it in her article; embellishing the truth to write a good article and make a name for herself
Track coach; tells P he cannot do track bc of grades; encourages P to talk to MN
Section / Topics / Notes / Questions I Still Have
True / False / Statements related to main events in the story…
(Suggestion: create list of main events) / 1. P is in MN’s homeroom; gets bad grade on exam and blames teacher.
2. P hums Nat Anth for the first time and is told to stop; dad says to stick up for himself.
3. P hums again; gets sent to Dr. P’s office.
4. P hums a third time AND talks back; gets sent to Dr. P’s again – SUSPENDED!
5. Switched back to Mr. L’s homeroom; begins exaggerating what happened with MN.
6. Talks to Jen S and she reports P’s side of the story.
7. Radio talkshow host tells the story and encourages people to write telegrams against MN
8. Story goes nationwide  MN = evil anti-patriot, Phil = innocent patriotic student
9. MN resigns from her position.
10. P goes to Washington Academy P doesn’t know the words 
Multiple Choice
Related to Poe / Questions related to Poe’s life, “Annabel Lee,” “The Raven,” “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Pit and the Pendulum”
(Suggestion: Write main facts about Poe and a brief description of the stories) / Poe’s Life:
- women he loved died of tuberculosis
- life influenced his depressing writing
- father left when he was little; foster father was not nice!
- dies of rabies!
“Annabel Lee”
- AL and speaker in love
- angles kill her bc they are jealous of their love and happiness
- dies from a cold wind
- still together, even in death <3
“The Tell-Tale Heart”
- old man had an ugly eye which the narrator wanted to get rid of
- madman narrator claims to be sane
- kills the old man by suffocating him with a mattress and buries him under floorboards
- cops come; he confesses bc he hears the beating of the heart
- heart = his own bc of adrenaline; OR guilty conscience
“The Pit and the Pendulum”
- a man was imprisoned in a dungeon for being a heretic (although this was not true).
- he faced many types of physical and psychological torture: a pit, darkness, drugs, strapped to a table, a scythe, rats, hot walls
- escaped death a few times; finally freed by French general
Section / Topics / Notes / Questions I Still Have
Short Answer 1 / Relates to distortion of the truth throughout the novel…
(Suggestion: Create a timeline of how the truth becomes distorted) / - P hums in class
* says he was being picked on by MN for singing/humming
* denies doing anything wrong
* says Mr. L used to let him sing
* claims he was being patriotic
* lies to dad about MN being out to get him when he is just feeling patriotic
* also says he doesn’t want to do track
* Jen S – twists interviews to exaggerate P’s story
* radios show host blows up the story to make it a widespread controversy
Short Answer 2 / Analyzing a political cartoon and relating the message to the novel…
(Suggestion: make a list of ways to analyze a political cartoon) / - understand the deeper meaning of pictures
- consider that words may have more than one meaning
- look at background
- notice the literal first
- Figure out the message of the cartoon before connecting it to the novel
- notice small details