Becoming an Egyptian Rock Star: Performing Egypt’s Greatest Hits

Novice / Apprentice / Practitioner / Expert
Use of Civ Wheel / Song contains the following that attempt to reflect the piece of the civ wheelbeing represented:
An example of a part of the Civ Wheel in Egypt
An example of the Civ Wheel in Mesopotamia ORIndia OR US / Song contains of the following that reflects the piece of the civ wheel being represented:
An example of a part of the Civ Wheel in Egypt
An example of the Civ Wheel in Mesopotamia ORIndia OR US
At least 2 comparisons between the two civilizations throughout the song / Songcontains the following that reflects the piece of the civ wheel being represented:
An example of a part of the Civ Wheel in Egypt
An example of the Civ Wheel in Mesopotamia ORIndia OR US
At least 3-4 comparisons between the two civilizations throughout the song / all of Practitioner plusadditional comparisons and/ or stanzas.
Song Structure / Participants attempt to express the ideas of the civilization being represented by:
Including a TYPED Chorus or Refrain at the end of every stanza
At least 2 thoughtfully done, topic-related, and TYPED stanzas
Uses a modern melody
Follows some of the How-To Sheet / Participants were able to express the ideas of the civilizations being represented by:
Including a TYPED Chorus or Refrain at the end of every stanza
At least 3 thoughtfully done, topic-related, and TYPED stanzas that for the most part are factually correct
Uses a modern melody
Follows a majority of the How-To Sheet / Participants were able to express the ideas of the civilizations being represented by:
Including a TYPED Chorus or Refrain at the end of every stanza
At least 4 thoughtfully done, topic-related, and TYPED stanzas that are all factually correct (FIVE verses total including the Chorus)
Uses a modern melody
Follows every part of the How-To Sheet / all of Practitioner plusadditional song structures techniques, such as a “bridge,” breakdown of vocal or instrumental parts, etc…
Originality / Participants lacked an attempt to:
Make the song interesting OR funny
Use a school appropriate and upbeat melody / Participants have attempted to:
Make the song interesting OR funny
Use a school appropriate and upbeat melody / Participants have thoughtfully completed:
Make the song interesting OR funny
Use a school appropriate and upbeat melody / all of Practitioner plusparticipant went above and beyond, using graphics, side notes, etc… to be as original as possible; possibly even completing an original composition.
Eff. Comm. / Participants lacked an attempt to:
Sing the Song or Read the poem clearly and enthusiastically / Participants have attempted to:
Sing the Song or Read the Poem clearly and enthusiastically
Explain their Song’s/Poem’s Themes / Participants have thoughtfully attempted:
Sing the Song or Read the Poem clearly and enthusiastically
Thoroughly explain their Song’s/Poem’s Themes / all of Practitioner plus
having background music, a recorded version of their song/poem,

Name:______Grade: ______