emCloud Filtering - FAQ for Infants, Juniors & Primary Schools

emCloud filtering, what’s that?

Every school has an internet content filter put in place to prevent children from being exposed to inappropriate material, for example pornography, gambling or adult/mature content

Why is this changing?

Extensive work has taken place to upgrade all broadband services to ensure schools are receiving the very latest services

When will this change happen?

The changeover will take place on Monday 28th September between 8-10AM. It is anticipated that this changeover will take around 15 minutes

I used to bypass the filter through the notts portal, why has this changed?

The new improved filtering lets you login from the web browser and will maintain your elevated access for 15minutes after any period of no activity, so as long as you continue to use it you should stay logged in. The notts portal will not work after the changeover on Monday.

A website is blocked after the change, why can I no longer access a website?

It’s possible that some sites fall under a new category. As a teacher/adult the elevated access may get you past this

Elevated access, what’s that?

Teachers and staff have the ability to elevate their rights to access websites that by default are blocked for students. For example, websites categorised as audio /video clips, such as Youtube.com

I don’t know the elevated access username and password?

All schools were sent their details in the post, dated the 14th September. In the 1st instance check with your school office or ICT co-ordinator. Credentials can be requested via the helpdesk.

My login doesn’t work, what do I do?

Check you are using the correct login details usernames all start with Educ… Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

A website is still blocked after I have logged in, what do I do?

You can request that the website is added to the whitelist (allowed) for elevated users. The best way to do this is to e-mail the helpdesk or use the web chat, providing the URL e.g.

A website is not blocked that is inappropriate, what do I do?

You can request that the website is added to the blocked (denied) for all school users. The best way to do this is to e-mail the helpdesk or use the web chat, providing the URL e.g.

The children have discovered the password for elevated access, what do I do?

Contact the helpdesk to have you password changed. Please note as this account is for the entire school, you will be responsible for notifying all school staff members as it a shared login.

How do I contact the helpdesk?

Please mark all correspondence with emCloud filtering

Web chat -

NCC ICT Schools Web Chat will appear in the bottom left of your web browser

Telephone 0115 9772010

How do I get more information?

And go to the latest news section