Churches Together in Weobley.

Minutes of the meeting held at the Methodist Chapel

on Thursday Sept. 7th 2017 at 2 p.m.

1. Welcome and prayer. Rev. John Cheswick was in the chair and opened the meeting with prayer.

2. Present.Rev. Sean Semple, Jo Ware, Pat Millington, Peter Hereford, Robert Willams,

Ann Saunders. Rev. John Cheswick.

3. Apologies. Anne Tootell. Stella Hurdidge.

4. Minutes.The minutes of the last meeting were circulated and read.

5. Matters arising. a) Sean asked if we had heard any news about the skate park, as we are waiting for Heather to get back to us.

b) The constitution needs to be accepted at the Annual General Meeting of

CTIW to be held on Sept 28th at 7.30 p.m. and all the churches should have 2 copies, one to put on their noticeboard.

6. Treasurer's Report. The Treasurer reminded the Anglicans and RC's that their subscriptions aredue. He added that we could afford to give some of the balance away. The Youth Project account also has a large balance but £2,000 is allotted for the skate park. It was also pointed out that there is Child Hunger to be considered, but it is hard to know who has real hardship. The money was given years ago for the support of a youth worker and so it is kept in reserve for Youth work in the village. The Treasurer was thanked for his clear report.

7. Harvest Festival. a) Service. This is to be held at 10.30 a.m. October 1st, in the Parish Church. Father Simon will preach at the beginning of the service as he has to leave early. Singers from the other churches will be welcome to join the choir.

b) Lunch. Salads - Anglicans. Meat - R Catholics. Apple pies - Methodists.

Stella, Pat and Jo will co-ordinate the meal. Jo will print the tickets and put advert. in Hereford Times, and Ann will do some posters and put a notice in the Magpie. Donations on the day will cover the cost.

8. Russian Choir. The St.Petersburg Choir are coming again to the Parish Church this year on Thursday, 12th October at 7.30 p,m

Liz Lawrence is co-ordinating the distribution of tickets, the hosts and the catering . Jo has printed the tickets and will send a notice to The Go- Between, { Methodist magazine} and will do posters for the Churches.

9. Bible Study. These will start on October 16th and 23rd, and continue on the 3rd and 4th Mondays at 7.30 pm at Castle Gate, Weobley. We shall complete the J.John series of JUST 10, ie. the first 3 commandments, and then follow the Church Lectionary readings.

Sean offered to lead the Lent Studies on various approaches to prayer by leading Christians and this would take place on Wednesdays afternoons during Lent which we all agreed would be excellent..

10. Retreat. Father Simon will be at the next meeting to discuss this

11. Christmas arrangements. a) Lunch. Ann will book the Hall for Sunday Dec. 10th.

b) Carol singing on the Rose Garden.

Dec. 23rd.10.45 - 11.30 a.m. Ann to ask Stephen and Stuart, the musicians.

c). Epiphany. Various discussions took place as to whether to repeat this service or not as it was a time when the Catholics and Parish church wanted to celebrate the occasion in their own format. Pat suggested a tea party and service in the week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Sean thought Holy Week was a good time to have a service together and "mix and match" the churches. Most agreed that a Songs of Praise at the village hall with tea and " Bring a Friend" would be a good idea.

d) Crib Service. Sean would like to change the form of the crib service and make it a CTIW event upon which we all agreed ,

12. AOBJo thanked Sean for the invitation of us all to his wedding celebrations, which was a wonderful day.

13. Date of next meeting. The AGM will be on Thurs. 28th Oct. at 7.30 pm in the chapel with David Gwatkin as the speaker..

The meeting closed with the GRACE.
