The War between Ethiopia and Eritrea
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1.3.1 The impasse of the Ethio-Eritrea Conflict: it is difficult to attribute a single cause to the Ethiop-Eritrea conflict. Several factors contributed to the conflict, including
A, the process of state formation in both countries and the nature and structure of the states created
B, divergent approaches to governance in the two countries
C, conflicting economic interests
D, border dispute. The conflict’s causes: could fester out of public view to suddenly result in violent exchange exactly because of the absence of openness and democratic accountability in both states. The conflict’s settlement: several participants explicitly dismissed the Algiers Peace Agreement as the appropriate framework for arriving at the final and lasting settlement of the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict. The way-out: there are two different aspects of the impasse that need to be evaluated one pertaining to the conflict, and the other to the failure to implement the ruling of the Ethio-Eritrea border conflict once and the other(EEBC).
1.3.2 The Ethio-Eritrea war of 1998-2000 and its after match. the 1998-2000 war put an end to this dream, teaching us a lesson, once more, on the fallacy of hope-hope that the victim of war would not resort to war; hope also in the orderly progress of societies that had suffered oppression, Cause of the BadumeWar:the war involved a new generation of fighters called warsay who got combat experience during the Badume war. They became emboldened and broke the myth and have started to question the policies of the yekaalo government. A threat to the controller: Eritrea is composed of nine or 11 ethnic groups, depending on whether the Eleet and the Jabertee are counted. Outstanding problem: the main contention between the two governments has been Ethiopia’s reluctance to accept the verdict of the boundary commission and allow the demarcation to proceed at Badume.
1.3.3 Ethiopia and Ethiopia Short-sighted Solution long term problems: It is the consequence of such short-sighted policies that has today become one of the most intractable problems facing the peoples in both states as well as the international community. Understanding the cause of the conflict: Decoding the real causes of the conflict has become a subject of much debate and writing, among academics, politicians and diplomats. Lack of Public Accountability and debate: the lack of public accountability, and the absence of public debate, beside not helping relations between the two states, has blurred understanding of the conflict itself and therefore its resolution. The role of the international community: many in the international community were guided more by narrow-minded short-term interests than over all regional stability and development in their relations with the regimes in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
When Eritrea, formally a province of Ethiopia, gained its independence in 1993, after a long guerrilla war, parts of the border was never fixed with maps and surveying markers. It has always been in dispute, but a war broke out in May 1998 in a dispute about the exact location of their border. Ethiopia and Eritrea are fighting over an inconsequential piece of real estate. But it is highly charged with symbolism as the two nations sort out their relationship after a 20-year war that ended with Eritrea breaking off from the larger nation.
This report is issued as a background document for the benefit of the humanitarian community only. It draws on a wide range of publicly-available sources and interviews conducted by IRIN in Ethiopia and Eritrea, but cannot be said to represent the views of the United Nations. It should not be directly quoted by media.]
ERITREA-ETHIOPIA:IRIN Special Background Report
2, Keller, E. J. 1992 Drought, War, and the Politics of Famine in Ethiopia and Eritrea. JOURNAL OF MODERN AFRICAN STUDIES 30(4):609.
This article presents the war objectives of the Derg and its policies in dealing with food supply. It explains the relation between war, drought, politics and famine. It is a good source to understanding the politics of food but the social and cultural effects that this has caused is lacking
3, During the 30-year war against the Ethiopian military dictatorship, the EPLF and TPLF guerrilla movements worked closely together and achieved victory in 1991 as the firmest of friends.
4, the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea has echoes of World war one in its bloody stalemate and trench warfare.
5, ending conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea by reducing collective social stress, Ethiopia and Eritrea could prevent war and end political violence at home and on their borders.
6, proxy war strokes tension between Ethiopia-Eritrea Ethiopia’s military strike against targets in Eritrea Last week has opened a new phase on the proxy war the horn of Africa
proxy war strokes tension between Ethiopia-Eritrea