Acc ChemistryName KEY!!! #2
Chapter 8Worksheet #2
Your instructor used the following symbols for phases on this sheet: (s)(l)(g)(ppt)(aq)
Anywhere where you don’t see phases, your instructor determined that phases in that equation would be difficult for students to do, so he didn’t list them for that example. Please note that your instructor replaced the balancing numbers with types of reaction; see key #1 for those numbers.
Please note that your instructor named all the chemicals that it would be appropriate for you to know how to name. Acids (chemicals that start with the letter “H” in the formula), get named just like ionic compounds at this point of the course – name the front, then name the back.
Ironoxygeniron (III) oxide
Mg(s)+H3PO4(aq)Mg3(PO4)2(ppt)+H2(g)single replacement
Magnesiumhydrogen phosphatemagnesium phosphatehydrogen
Sr(NO3)2(aq) + H2SO4(aq)SrSO4(ppt)+HNO3(aq)double replacement
Strontium nitrate hydrogen sulfatestrontium sulfatehydrogen nitrate
Sulfur dioxide oxygensulfur trioxide
Al(OH)3 +Na2CO3Al2(CO3)3+NaOHdouble replacement
Aluminum hydroxide sodium carbonate aluminum carbonate sodium hydroxide
H2SO4(aq)+NaCl(aq)HCl(aq)+Na2SO4(aq)double replacement
Hydrogen sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen chloride sodium sulfate
Aluminum chlorinealuminum chloride
Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Kl(aq)Pbl2(ppt)+KNO3(aq)double replacement
Lead (II) nitrate potassium iodidelead (II) iodidepotassium nitrate
BaCl2(aq)+ H2CO3(aq)BaCO3(ppt)+HCl(aq)double replacement
Barium chloride hydrogen carbonate barium carbonate hydrogen chloride
Ba(OH)2 +Na2CrO4NaOH+BaCrO4double replacement
Barium hydroxide sodium chromate sodium hydroxide barium chromate
Fe2S3+HClFeCl3+H2Sdouble replacement
Iron (III) sulfide hydrogen chloride iron (III) chloride hydrogen sulfide
MgO+KBrMgBr2+K2Odouble replacement
Magnesium oxide potassium bromide magnesium bromide potassium oxide
Oxygencarbon dioxidewater
MgCrO4+HClMgCl2+H2CrO4double replacement
Magnesium chromate hydrogen chloride magnesium chloride hydrogen chromate
CaCO3 +HClCaCl2+CO2+H2Odouble replacement
Calcium carbonate hydrogen chloride calcium chloride carbon dioxide water
BF3+H2OB2O3+HFdouble replacement
Waterhydrogen fluoride
Cu(NO3)2(s) CuO+NO2+O2decomposition
Copper (II) nitratecopper (II) oxidenitrogen dioxide oxygen
(NH4)2Cr2O7(s)N2(g)+Cr2O3(s) +H2O(g)decomposition
Ammonium dichromatenitrogen chromium (II) oxide water
FeCl3+NH3+H2OFe(OH)3+NH4Clask if you’re curious
Iron (III) chloride ammonia wateriron (III) hydroxideammonium chloride
HSbCl4+H2SSb2S3+HCldouble replacement
That’s enough naming for now. Why not go to a worksheet and work on writing formulas…..
Calcium+WaterCalcium hydroxide + hydrogen
Ca+ 2 H2Oyields Ca(OH)2+H2
Sodium carbonate+Hydrogen chlorideHydrogen carbonate+Sodium chloride
Na2CO3+2HClyieldsH2CO3+2 NaCl
Calcium nitrate+Aluminum phosphateCalcium phosphate+Aluminum nitrate
3 Ca(NO3)2+2 AlPO4yieldsCa3(PO4)2+2 Al(NO3)3
Barium hydroxide+SodiumSodium hydroxide+Barium
Ba(OH)2+2Nayields2 NaOH+Ba
Magnesium sulfide+Hydrogen fluorideMagnesium fluoride+Hydrogen sulfide
MgS+2 HFyieldsMgF2+H2S
Here are three things that you can do to do better on your chapter 8 test.
- On the front of this page, write names underneath the chemicals.
- On the front of this page, write phases behind each chemical.
- On the front of this page, identify the types of reactions.