
Direct Payments Forum - All Saints Day Centre – 21/09/2015

Minutes taken by Chantel Gonzalez Page

Present: / Chantel Gonzalez Page– LBM DP Team Administrator
Slim Flegg – DP customer and meeting chair
Patrick Daly – DP customer
Edwina McCarthy – DP customer
Chris Bull – DP customer
Alma Gregory- DP carer
M. Gilder – DP carer
H. Cunningham – Potential DP customer
Nick Rayner – DP carer
I. Rizvi- DP customer
G. Wood – DP customer
Sarah Lubowa – DP customer
David Ashley – Premier Care Insurance Representative
Apologies received
from: / John Kelly – DP customer
The meeting commenced at 13:45
Agenda number 1 – Apologies
John Kelly’s apology was noted.
Agenda number 2 - Minutes from the last DP Forum
The last meeting’s minutes were handed out to the DP forum attendees. No comments were made, the minutes were agreed.
Agenda number 3–Care Act Changes – David Ashley from Premier Care
David Ashley spoke to the DP forum about the new Care Act. An overview of the new Care Act video was shown.
Please find the link to the video here:
A copy of David’s slideshow is available. Please email or call 0208 545 3632 for a copy to be sent to you.
Agenda number 4 – DP rate of pay for PAs and Agencies – Patrick Daly
Slim Flegg read Patrick Daly’s email to the DP forum. Patrick’s letter was sent on behalf of the DP Forum as discussed at the last DP Forum to councillors, Ged Curran (Chief Executive Merton Council) and Simon Williams (Director of Community and Housing Merton council).
The letter asks why carers / PAs have not had a pay rise in 6 years and asks questions around the new Government Pension Scheme.
Simon Williams acknowledged the email. Patrick is waiting on a response from Simon on these issues, once a response is received it will then be shared with the DP Forum.
Agenda number 5–PA training Flyer
Chantel Gonzalez passed out copies of the Skills For Care training flyer offing free training to carers. DP customers or carers can contact Skills for Care for more information.
To apply for the funding for the training, please fill in the application form by visiting the website
by calling0113 245 1716to ask for an application form. An Easy Read version of the application form and guidance on how to fill it in is available.
Further resources can be found on the information hub forindividual employers and personal assistants :
Please note the training is being provided by Skills for Care not Merton Council, please do not contact Merton Council regarding the training.
Agenda Number 5 – Any Other Business
A DP customer commented that two of her DP payments had been missed. Chantel explained that all customers should as a contingency have money in their pre paid card account that should cover PAs pay etc if a problem like this occurs.The DP payments are made every four weeks in advance so a non-payment one month should not leave a customer unable to pay their agencies / PAs bills.
The Merton Centre of Independent Living was discussed. If anyone would like to contact the MCIL please contact:
Email: , Website: , Tel: 020 3397 3119 / Mob: 0744 936 2233.
Address:Merton CIL, Wandle Valley Resource Centre, Church Road, Mitcham,CR4 3BE
The meeting was closed at 14:45
The Next Direct Payment forum date is as follows: December 7th 2015