2014-15 Lloyde High School
Single Plan for Student Achievement
County-District School (CDS) Code 1964352-1930239
Principal: Dr. Steven Nellman
Date of this revision:February 11, 2015
The Single Plan for Student Achievement(SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students to the level of performance goals established under the California Academic Performance Index. CaliforniaEducation Codesections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the ConAppand ESEA Program Improvement into theSPSA.
For additional information on school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact the following person:
Contact Person: Rosy Torres
Position: SSC Member
Telephone Number: (310) 263-3262
Address: 4951 Marine Ave.
Lawndale, CA 90260
E-mail Address:
Centinela Valley Union High School District
The District Governing Board approved this revision of the SPSA on April 14, 2015.
Suggested Resources for the Development of a
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Table of Contents
SECTIONLloyde Cover Page / i
Centinela Valley Union High School District Mission and Vision / ii
Lloyde and Centinela Valley Independent School Program / Ii
Single Plan for Student Achievement Cover Page / 1
I. Introduction and Background
Eight Areas of State Priority Must Be Addressed in LCAPs / 2
Required Data for Each of Eight State Priority / 3
Table of Contents / 4
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance
School Priority 1: Student Achievement / 7
School Priority 2: Student Engagement / 9
School Priority 3: Other Student Outcomes / 1011
School Priority 4: School Climate / 131
School Priority 5: Parent Involvement / 152
School Priority 6: Basic Services / 163
School Priority 7: Implement of Common Core / 185
School Priority 8: Course Access / 2016
Form B: Centralized Support for Planned Improvements in Student Performance
School Priority 1: Student Achievement / 2117
School Priority 2: Student Engagement / 2217
School Priority 3: Other Student Outcomes / 2218
School Priority 4: School Climate / 2319
School Priority 5: Parent Involvement / 251
School Priority 6: Basic Services / 262
School Priority 7: Implement of Common Core / 262
School Priority 8: Course Access / 273
Form C: Programs Included in this Plan / 296
Form D: SSC Membership / 3027
Form E: Recommendations and Assurances / 3128
III. Resources / 3229
Appendix A: Programs Funded through the ConApp / 330
Appendix B: Chart for Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Achievement / 341
Appendix C: Sample School and Student Performance Data Forms / 374
Table 1: Academic Performance Index (API) by Race and Ethnicity / 385
Table 2: English-Language Arts Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) / 396
Table 3: Mathematics AYP / 4037
Table 4: California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Data / 4138
Table 5: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Data / 4239
Table 6: Graduation Data / 430
Table 7: Attendance, Suspension and Expulsion Data / 441
Table 8: Course Access / 4532
Table 9: Attendance, Student Punctuality and Attendance Contracts / 463
Table 10: EL Proficient and EL Reclassified Rates / 474
Table 11: ELA and Math CAHSEE Preparation Classes / 485
Table 12: Numbers of Referrals by Month-Data Table / 496
Table 13: Course Completion / 5148
Appendix D: Demographic Data Summary / 5249
Appendix E: Analysis of Current Instructional Program / 530
Appendix F: Organizing the School Site Council and Bylaws / 552
Appendix G: Use of Resources / 6360
Appendix H: WASC High School Accreditation Crosswalk / 652
Appendix I: Parental Involvement and Special Committees / 685
Appendix J: Acronyms and Specialized Terms / 7169
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
CAHSEE results
College and Career Ready
EL Proficient
EL Reclassification Rate / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This goal is in exact alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Student populations change yearly, it is hard to
compare data to the previous year. College &
Career class will be offered to improve that area. / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
SSC, EL parents, Special Education parents
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
EL Students
Foster Youth
Special Education Students
Low Achieving Students
At-Risk Students
Expected Growth:5% growth for all in CAHSEE and for EL students in EL Proficient and Reclassified Rates / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
CAHSEE data, CELDT scores, Numbers of
Students attending College/Career Presentations
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
SSC each year evaluates recent data to see if
Growth Targets were made and makes
Adjustments to SPSA as necessary. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
EL Tutoring, CAHSEE Prep Classes,
College/Career Presentations have been
increased in School Year 2014-15.
»These changes should bring expected
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Amount
Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation
Identify students in need of CAHSEE support / September- June
Counselor, Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / Parent letter for request, list of student in need
English / ALEKS Math
CAHSEE Prep classes to improve test scores / September-June
Counselor, Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / Comparison of scores for 10th graders receiving tutoring to last year 10th graders
Staff Collaboration-
Teaching Strategies / September-June
All Staff / N/A / Course Completion Rates
Orientation/Blueprint for Workplace Success (Career) Classes / February-June
Counselors, Teachers / GENERAL FUNDS / Numbers of Receiving Certificates for Class
Microsoft IT Academy / February-June
Counselors, Teachers / GENERAL FUNDS / Number of Students Certificated in Programs
College/Career Talks
College Placement Test College Enrollment Mtg.
FAFSA Seminars / September – June
Counselors / GENERAL FUNDS / Numbers of Students attending College/Career Presentations & Mtgs.
EL Students Support to Improve CELDT Test Scores / September- June / TITLE III / Comparison of CELDT scores for EL students
Read 180 Classes / September – June
English Dept. Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / Reading classes to improve reading level for students below grade level
Senior Projects / September – June
English Dept. Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / Classes to meet Graduation Profile Objectives
Incentives/Rewards for Improved Academic Achievement / September-June
Counselors, Teachers / TITLE I / Course Completion Data
Learning Center for At-Risk Students / September-June
Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / Course Completion Data
School Priority 2: Student Engagement
Goal: To improve attendance rates by 5%, increase graduation rates by 2% and reduce tardies by 10%.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
School Attendance Rate
Chronic Absenteeism
Dropout Rate
Graduation Rate / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This goal is in exact alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
Rates for School Year 2013-14 have improved
greatly from School Year 2013-14 / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
SSC, EL parents, Special Education parents
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
EL Students
Foster Youth
Special Education Students
Low Achieving Students
At-Risk Students
Expected Growth:Increase Attendance by 5% and increase graduation rates by 2% / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
School Attendance Rate
SART Contract Numbers
Dropout Rate
Graduation Rate
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
SSC each year evaluates recent data to see if
Growth Targets were made and makes
Adjustments to SPSA as necessary. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
Attendance Incentives, Absent Calls, CAHSEE classes have started in School Year 2013-14.
»These changes should bring expected
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) / September-June
All Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / PBIS Committee implemented PBIS Program to improve School Climate
Attendance, tardy checks / September-June
Security, Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / PLASCO attendance monitor
Student Intervention
Checks / September-June
Counselor, Dean / GENERAL FUNDS / 2013-14 Attendance, Suspension and Expulsion Rates
OTTP classes / August –June
OTTP Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / 2013-14 Attendance, Suspension and Expulsion Rates
Staff Collaboration
Meetings-Teaching Strategies / September-June
All Staff / N/A / Course Completion Rates
RTI/PBIS Student Check In-Check Out / September-June
PBIS/RTI Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / 2013-14 Attendance, Punctuality and Attendance Contracts
Incentives/Rewards for Improved Student Engagement / September-June
Counselors, Teachers / TITLE I / School Climate Survey Results
School Priority 3: Other Student Outcomes
Goal: To reduce Student Behavioral Referrals and Increase Student Punctuality by 5% and increase Student Punctuality and Credit Recovery by 5%.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Improved Student Behavior
Student Punctuality
Credit Completion / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This goal is in exact alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Student Behavior, Student Punctuality and Credit
Completion Rates for School Year 2013-14 have
improved greatly from School Year 2012-13 / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
SSC, EL parents, Special Education parents
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
EL Students
Foster Youth
Special Education Students
Low Achieving Students
At-Risk Students
Expected Growth:Reduction in Student Referrals and Increase Student Punctuality and Credit Completion by 5% / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
Student Referral Numbers
Tardy Data
Class Completion Data
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
SSC each year evaluates recent data to see if
Growth Targets were made and makes
Adjustments to SPSA as necessary. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
PBIS Committee, Reward Program, Tardy Sweeps
Progress Reports and Phone Calls for School Year 2013-14.
»These changes should bring expected
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) / September-June
All Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / PBIS Committee implemented PBIS Program to improve School Climate
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support Training / September 2013
PBIS Members / GENERAL FUNDS / PBIS Committee implemented PBIS Program to improve School Climate
Attendance, tardy checks / September-June
Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / PLASCO attendance monitor
SWIS Data System / January -June
PBIS Committee Members / GENERAL FUNDS / Graphs for
Student Referrals
OTTP classes / August -June / GENERAL FUNDS / Improved Student Behavior as represented by Numbers of Referrals
Incentives/Rewards for Improved Areas of Other Student Outcomes / September-June
Counselors, Teachers / TITLE I / Improved Student Behavior as represented by Numbers of Referrals
Blackboard Connect / September-June
Counselors, Teachers / GENERAL FUNDS / Graphs for
Student Referrals
School Priority 4: School Climate
Goal: To reduce Student Expulsion Rate to 10% and Student Suspension rates by 5% and Improve School Climate by 5%.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Student Suspension Rate
Student Expulsion Rates
Parent, Student Surveys on School Climate
Teacher Surveys on School Climate / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This goal is in exact alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Student Suspension Rates and School Climate for School Year 2013-14 have improved greatly from School Year 2012-13. Student Expulsion Rates have increased / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
SSC, EL parents, Special Education parents
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
EL Students
Foster Youth
Special Education Students
Low Achieving Students
At-Risk Students
Expected Growth: Student Suspension Rates and School Climate should improve by 5% and School Expulsions should improve by 10% / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
Suspension and Expulsion Data
School Climate Survey Results
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
SSC each year evaluates recent data to see if
Growth Targets were made and makes
Adjustments to SPSA as necessary. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support, Reward Program and and Renaissance Classes for School Year 2013-14.
»These changes should bring expected
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) / September-June
All Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / PBIS Committee implemented PBIS Program to improve School Climate
Student Involvement in SSC / September-June
SSC Committee / GENERAL FUNDS / Monthly SSC Minutes
Renaissance Classes / September-June
Renaissance Teacher / GENERAL FUNDS / School Climate Survey Results
Incentives/Rewards for Improved Student Engagement / September-June
Counselors, Teachers / TITLE I / School Climate Survey Results
Staff Conferences/ Training School Climate / September-June
Counselors, Teachers / TITLE I / School Climate Survey Results
RTI/PBIS Student Check In-Check Out / September-June
PBIS/RTI Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / 2013-14 Attendance, Punctuality and Attendance Contracts
School Priority 5: Parent Involvement
Goal: To improve parent involvement and attendance at parent activities by 10%
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Efforts to seek Parent Input
Promotion of Parent Participation / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This goal is in exact alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
This is the first year data is being collected for
this goal. No analysis is possible. / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
SSC, EL parents, Special Education parents
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
Parents of:
EL Students
Foster Youth
Special Education Students
Low Achieving Students
At-Risk Students
Expected Growth: Parental Involvement should
increase by 10% in Parent Activities / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
Data from Parent Involved in Programs
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
SSC each year evaluates recent data to see if
Growth Targets were made and makes
Adjustments to SPSA as necessary. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
Parent Involvement Incentives and Programs have been implemented in School Year 2013-14.
»These changes should bring expected
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation
Parent Involvement Plan / September- June
Parents, Staff / GENERAL FUNDS / Lloyde High School Parent Involvement Plan Written
PIQUE Parent Involvement Classes / September- June
PIQUE Staff / TITLE I / Number of Parents Graduate from Program
Parenting Classes / September-June
Staff / TITLE I / Parents attending classes
Monthly Parent Information / September-June
Staff / TITLE I / Parent letters, phone calls and information on School Website
Involvement of Parents in SSC/ELAC-materials, supplies and training / September- June
SSC Members / TITLE I / Monthly SSC/ELAC Minutes
Parent Incentives for Involvement / September- June
Staff / TITLE I / Increased Parent Participation in Parent Involvement Activities
Parent Involvement Specialist / September- June
District Staff / TITLE I / Increased Parent Participation in Parent Involvement Activities
School Priority 6: Basic Services
Goal: To maintain all basic services at current rates.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Rates of Teacher Misassignment
Student access to Standards-Aligned Instructional Materials
Facilities in Good Repair / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This goal is in exact alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
0% Teacher Misassignment
100% Student access to Standards-Aligned
Instructional Materials
100% Facilities in Good Repair based on Williams Settlement / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
Staff, EL parents, Special Education parents
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
EL Students
Foster Youth
Special Education Students
Low Achieving Students
At-Risk Students
Expected Growth: Should remain at current rates / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
Numbers of Teachers in DII Training Classes,
Activate-Illuminate Classes and Number of
Classes with Common Core Implementation
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
SSC each year evaluates recent data to see if
Growth Targets were made and makes
Adjustments to SPSA as necessary. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
DII Classes, Activate-Illuminate Training, Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Implementation in Classes have been implemented in School Year 2013-14.
»These changes should bring expected
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation