Below is a sample of a cluster analysis using JMP® software for Data Visualization and Exploration. The analysis was performed for the 213 countries in the Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2011 Update data set. The data set spanning 1996-2010 can be downloaded using the following link: These are the six aggregate indicators of broad dimensions of governance:
1. Voice and Accountability (VA)
2. Political Stability (PS) and Absence of Violence/Terrorism
3. Government Effectiveness (GE)
4. Regulatory Quality (RQ)
5. Rule of Law (RL)
6. Control of Corruption (CC)
The 24 columns in the “heat map” are color coded based on the values of the 6 aggregate indicators (CC, GE, PS, RL, RQ, & VA) for the 4 years 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2002. The 12 lowest scoring countries are grouped in the cluster (#1) shaded red at the top of the chart. The 17 highest scoring countries are grouped in the cluster (#13) shaded green at the bottom of the chart. Legends for the 24 categories as well as shading of all 13 clusters are shown on the next page.
The 24 columns in the “heat map” are color coded based on the values of the 6 aggregate indicators (CC, GE, PS, RL, RQ, & VA) for the 4 years 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2002. Legends for the 24 estimates are shown to the right of the heat map. The 13 clusters are shaded to the left of the heat map. Zoomed in views of the lowest scoring (#1) and highest scoring (#13) clusters are shown on the next page.
Zoomed in views of the lowest (#1) and highest (#13) scoring clusters are shown below. A parallel coordinate plot is also shown for each cluster. Two countries are highlighted in each parallel coordinate plot; Somalia (lower line) and Sierra Leone (upper line) in Cluster #1, and the United States (lower line) and Switzerland (upper line) in Cluster #13.
The figure below combines information from the two plots on the previous page while including additional reference data. The Six WGI Indicator Ranks (%) are shown for four countries – two from the highest and two from the lowest ranking clusters. In addition to the lines for the United States, Switzerland, Somalia and Sierra Leone, the Mean Rank of the 17 countries in the Top ranking cluster (#13 - which includes the United States and Switzerland) and the Mean Rank of 12 countries in the Bottom ranking cluster (#1 - which includes Somalia and Sierra Leone), as well as the Mean Rank of all 213 countries are shown for reference.