CSI Unit Timeline

17 55-minute class periods

This unit explores the theme of the popular TV show CSI. This unit uses graphing calculators to explore data and regression (linear and non-linear) to create algebraic models for situations. If possible, this unit should take place after the “Temperature Application” which explores Newton’s Law of Cooling more extensively and Day 12 will build on this exploration.

Day 1 – Introduction of Module: Discussion of the TV show CSI and how mathematics is used every time they solve a crime. PreAssessment: solving and graphing quadratics, simplifying exponents and solving linear functions.

Day 2 – Review module content, Algebra II standards and CTE standards met in this module. Go over student expectations and scenario. Have students brainstorm what career pathway (cluster) would be addressed in this module. Address Pre-Assessment issues – Students should be proficient in all areas of pre-assessment.

Day 3 – BAC: Explore linear regression using metabolism of alcohol. Discuss how this relationship is used by police. Use BAC tables to generate an equation or relationship, use equation to predict BAC at various times. See D3 – CSI Investigation Lesson Plan.

Day 4 – Guest Speaker: ER Doctor or Nurse to talk about BAC. Students would have the tables that they used in the previous days lesson/activity. How long does it take for the blood alcohol content to return to 0? Does weight, body mass, age, male or female react in the same way to the same amount of alcohol? If time permits have the guest speaker discuss job opportunities in the Health Science pathway.

Day 5/6 – Explore quadratic regression using Stopping Distance Data, determine a model and equation for stopping distance. Have students write questions for the guest speaker tomorrow: Exploring job opportunities in public safety. See D5 & 6 – CSI Investigation Lesson Plan (http://www.jmu.edu/safeplan/vehicle/generaldriver/stoppingdistance .shtml)

Day 7 – Guest Speaker: Public Safety officer or Police. Show students how mathematics is used in the reconstruction of an accident scene. How can speed, length of tire marks, road conditions, play an important part in determining stopping distance?

Day 8/9 – Continue exploration of bivariate data. Collect data sets from text books, media etc. and practice graphing the data by hand and on the graphing calculator; identifying if the relationship data is linear, power, or exponential. Practice graphing calculator regression. These days are flexible and based on the needs of students – if students have grasped the concept of regression, identifying appropriate models and determining an equation of best fit, minimize the amount of practice. Conversely, if students are struggling, more instruction can be done at this time.

Day 10/11– Exponential/Logarithmic equations & modeling – what is a logarithm? Rules of logs. Solving basic logarithmic equations and exponential equations. See D10 & 11 Lesson Plan

Day 12 – Introduce Newton’s Law of Cooling. Depending on time and available technology, TI activity exchange has an in-depth exploration using the CBL to explore Newton’s Law of Cooling, or revisit the “Temperature Application.” Group work and discussion. See D13 CSI Lesson Plan or for a deeper investigation visit: http://education.ti.com/educationportal/activityexchange/activity_detail.do?cid=us&activityid=6380 )

Day 13 – Present details of the Accident Scenario. This scenario can be completed individually, with a partner or in a group. Using all of the data and information provided, write a report and be prepared to share your findings with the class. See D13 – CSI Investigation.

Day 14 – Group work, organize presentation; review skills. If the scenario is investigated individually, have students present their findings to their team. If it is done with a group, present findings to the class.

Day 15 – Give presentations with follow-up reflection: How does your groups outcomes compare with other groups in the classroom? How did your calculations help write your report? Would your findings stand up in court?

Day 16 – Review skills

Day 17 – Assessment