July 6, 2016 - Planning Board Meeting Minutes


27 School Street


July6, 2016

DATE APPROVED: July 20, 2016

TIME:7:01 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.

CHAIRMAN: Herman Wiegelman



MEMBERS: Gary Sparks, John Penny and Terry Cutter

EX-OFFICIO:James C. Bailey, III



EXCUSED: John Penny

MEMBERS of the PUBLIC: John Segedy, Roberta Gullage, John Gullage, Arthur Siciliano and Gary Remillard.


Chairman Wiegelman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Chairman Wiegelman entertained a motion to approve the minutes forJune 15, 2016.

Mrs. DeForest made a motion to accept the minutes of June 15, 2016 as presented. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. The Board voted all in favor except for Mr. Sparks who abstained.

Mrs. Payson has had a request to unseal the minutes of the non-public meeting of May 18, 2016. She said because the Board didn’t enter the non-public meeting correctly all the Board needs to do is unseal the minutes and make them public.

Chairman Wiegelman entertained a motion to unseal the minutes of the non-public meeting held on May 18, 2016.

Mr. Cutter made a motion to unseal the minutes of the non-public meeting of May 18, 2016. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. The Board voted all in favor except for Mr. Solomon who abstained.


Minor Subdivision – Map 3, Lot 9 – 282 Carter Road – Arthur Siciliano

Chairman Wiegelman asked if the application was complete.

Mrs. Payson said they are asking for several waivers. She said the waivers are for the need for test pits, soil map, wetland boundary, surface water, wetland scientist and topography of entire site. She said there are no wetlands.

Mr. Reopel entered the meeting at this time and Chairman Wiegelman asked him to sit on the Board in place on Mr. Penny.

Mr. Siciliano explained the request for the minor subdivision.

Mr. Sparks made a motion to accept the waivers as proposed. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. The Board voted all in favor.

Mr. Sparks made a motion to accept the application for consideration. Mr. Solomon seconded the motion. The Board voted all in favor.

Mr. Remillard, as the seller of the property, would like to retain a lot in order to build a house.

Chairman Wiegelman entertained a motion to approve the subdivision.

Mr. Sparks made a motion to approve the subdivision conditional upon approvals from the Towns of Henniker and Bradford. Mrs. DeForest seconded the motion. The Board voted all in favor.


Zoning Amendments:

Update Accessory Living Units:

Mrs. Payson said that due changes in legislation we will need to amend the ordinance regarding accessory living units. She said recent legislation says you can’t limit the units to one bedroom.


Mrs. Payson said this deals with the accessory uses of a farm. She suggested adding a definition to the zoning ordinance and reference the state law. She suggested placing the same stipulations on agritourism as we have for an agricultural farm.

Sign Ordinance:

Mrs. Payson said the sign ordinance needs to be updated and revised. She said signs have to be content neutral.

Mr. Reopel asked if the central business and commercial zoning areas well defined.

Mrs. Payson said yes.

Mr. Reopel said the maximum sign coverage on any window shall not exceed fifteen percent.

Mrs. Payson said a window sign should be looked at differently than an exterior sign which has square footage limitations.

Mr. Reopel asked who approves the sign permits.

Mrs. Payson said the Selectmen’s office accepts the applications then she reviews and signs off on them to make sure they adhere to the zoning regulations.

The Board discussed briefly the present sign ordinance requirements. The Board agreed that the window and lighted sign sections need to be addressed.

Mrs. Payson will review and edit the current sign ordinances.


Mr. Sparks made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. DeForest seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Iris Campbell

Recording Secretary

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