Lakewood Rotary Board Meeting

The regular board meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was held one week early, on Friday, December 11, 2015, at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club. President Chris Kimball called the meeting to order at approximately 1:40 p.m. Also attending: P/E Rose Stevens, PP Dave Coleman, Treasurer Bill Potter, Secretary Greg Rediske, and board members Don Daniels, Kim Prentice, Jay Mayer, Mo Sarram, Chuck Hellar and Vaughn Hoffman. Also present: Rotary member Peter Marsh.

Secretary's Report: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Greg noted that membership stood at 114 plus 1 Honorary, with one new member slated for induction on January 8. Discussion was held on the list presented last time on the members with sub-35% in attendance. No action was suggested. Only one member owes dues at this point.

Treasurer's Report: A new level of accounting service is now available for CPAs (Astrid Arola in this case), called "preparation." This allows Astrid to release our standard reports, which do not rise to the level of "compilation" (one of the previously allowed services). Bill will sign updated agreements with Kelly's Tax Service which will summarize this service addition. Questions included clearing up the $1000 in/$1000 out notations for fellowship expenses and income. Bill clarified that the weekly raffle funds (1/2) no longer go to fellowship funds, but to the general charitable giving fund. And the President's Roast fine money no longer goes to offset the food baskets, but goes into the fine budget. Both changes resulted because of the division of the club into two different corporations (one of which is the Charitable Club). The report was approved.

Annual Goals: Increased membership. Today's speaker noted to Chris that they have a membership category intended for busy young people. This category had lower dues ($50), and a 25% attendance requirement. Concerns were expressed, and Chris will consider it further.

Committee Updates and Action:

Don Daniels, Youth Community Service: No reports provided by the chairmen besides "all good." Don received the written and official approval of our District Matching Grant for the food baskets ($3500). It was discussed that we have no Youth Protection Officer for our club anymore (training has lapsed for the previous two, Greg Rediske and Gayle Selden). We now share a YPA with other clubs in order to be rule abiding. It was suggested that we try and get someone to take the training at the DLTA.

Vaughn Hoffman, Community Service: Community Concerns is busy. No other reports.

Jay Mayer, Administration: Next Fireside in January or February.

Chuck Hellar, Membership/Fellowship: Sunshine and Puffins, good. Janie Frasier is waiting for the end of Monday Night Football to pursue a bowling night, and possibly a "mystery theater evening." She is open to other ideas. New member Peter Marsh will probably have Gary Fulton as his mentor.

Mo Sarram, World Affairs: Steve Enquist is away (Foundation). Don Daniels gave his own report on his recent mission to Ecuador to check on water projects we helped fund: one with clean water for 56 families, and one with non-clean water for crop watering. He also attended a project fair, which attracted 20 clubs from around the world which heard about projects from 25 Ecuadoran Rotary clubs. Rose delivered her own submitted report, including the upcoming $500 project for backpacks for the blind. She recently spent three weeks in Nepal, where a politically motivated barricade at the Indian border has produced horrendous shortages (petrol, medical supplies, and much more). Future grants for the area are impacted because services have become exponentially more expensive. Also, 1000 homes for the earthquake victims are being built by the Rotary district. She is also working on a reusable sanitary protection pads project with Rotary and her non-profit. (Young females are prevented from attending school once monthly because of the inability to access sanitary protection.) Several Lakewood Rotarians are considering a trip to Nepal next year with Rose.

Kim Prentice, PR and Communication: No reports were given to her.

Old Business:

A directory noting members' professions will be completed soon (Chuck Hellar) and placed on the tables, listed on the website, and provided in the Directory.

Major Project (Dave Coleman): Very little new: the city is working on the business plan, followed by design tweaks. A fall raffle should be entertained, along with the formulation of the capital campaign. Pavers will also be available for purchase.

60th Birthday/Sportsman's Dinner (Vaughn Hoffman): The birthday celebration will be incorporated into the event. A new website is now up and running, allowing for online ticket purchase:

The Ad Hoc committee for the consideration of future fund raising opportunities is not going yet.

Donn Irwin will make a giant thermometer to track the Paul Harris giving on the road to $1 million.

New Business:

The election slate was announced:

President-elect: Andrew Neiditz

Secretary: Greg Rediske

Treasurer: Bill Potter

Board (need 3): Sally Porter Smith, Janie Frasier, Clayton DeNault, Larry Saunders, Virginia Hillyer

Discussion was held on whether having only three board runners run for the three positions would be advisable. There has been discussion about bad feelings from losing, which is why we no longer have multiple choice for President-elect.

Chuck Hellar noted that he had talked to Mike Johnson from the Rescue Mission, about how we could help. He suggested having a "guest membership" for their clients. It was suggested that perhaps we could set it up like the corporate membership. Chuck will put together a plan for consideration.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m.

Next meeting: January 15, 2015