Ministerial Conference

in Support of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)

New York, 24. september 2008

Time: 9.30-10.40, UN Conference Room 2 (UN Headquarters)

Dear colleagues, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

  • The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) constitutes a fundamental instrument in the field of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. Slovenia – together with other EU Member States and many countries worldwide – believes that a legally binding prohibition of nuclear weapons test explosions and all other nuclear explosions as well as a credible verification regime are vital.
  • A new momentum towards the entry into force of the CTBT can now be sensed. Slovenia therefore reiterates its call on States, particularly those listed in Annex II, to sign and ratify the Treaty without delay and without conditions and, pending its entry into force, to abide by the moratorium on nuclear testing and refrain from any action contrary to the obligations and provisions of the CTBT. Slovenia welcomes the recent ratification by Colombia, previously one of the States listed in Annex II.Slovenia supports the endeavour to urge all States to dismantle all their nuclear testing sites in a manner that is transparent and open to the international community.
  • Slovenia comprehends the activities to advance the importance of the CTBT. In this context, Slovenia voluntarily contributed to projects aimed at improving the knowledge of experts from developing countries.
  • During its Presidency of the EU Council in the first half of this year, Slovenia closely cooperated with the CTBTO Secretariat. The priorities of the Slovenian EU Presidency in the field of nuclear non-proliferation also included the EU Joint Action in support of the CTBTO. In this regard special attention was devoted to activities relating to »Technical Assistance in Africa« and »Noble Gas Monitoring«.
  • The 12th anniversary of the opening for signature of the CTBT this year and nuclear tests after that underline the need to redouble our efforts to complete the outstanding ratifications required for the entry into force of the Treaty. In this regard, Slovenia would like to commend the recent ratifications as they convey a strong message to the nine States which still need to ratify the Treaty.
  • Slovenia would also like to express its high appreciation for the substantial work of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission. In order to promote universal accession to the Treaty, Slovenia will continue to actively support the work of the Special Representative to Promote the CTBT Ratification Process, Ambassador Ramaker.

Thank you very much for your attention !