User Manual

User Manual



(Version 2.0)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Introduction 4

conQuire 4

Definition of Terms 4

Taxonomy 4


Template 4

Headers 4

Attributes 4

Parameters 4

Data types 5

Parametric Definitions & Values 5

Product Statuses 5

Data Extraction Process 6

Using conQuire 7

Components and Functions 7

Available Links: 8

Taxonomy option in detail: 9

Search option in detail: 15

Adding a new SKU in CMS 17

Snapshot of Specs module 17

Editing Specs 18

Snapshot of Edit Specs module 18

Account Management 33

Standards 36

1. Image Standards 36

2. Paragraph Formatting Standards 36

FAQs 42



conQuire is a web-based Content Management System (CMS) used to publish and manage content through the use of templates or wizards. The CMS allows the author or publisher to publish, manage and modify content without any coding or knowledge of HTML or requiring help from techies.

conQuire can be accessed by any (Java enabled) browser.

Definition of Terms


Taxonomy is the science of classification according to a pre-determined system, with the resulting catalog or information retrieval.

In conQuire, taxonomy is used to separate the products’ information, according to their category.


SKU (an abbreviation of “Stock Keeping Unit”, sometimes pronounced "SKEW") is an identification, usually alphanumeric, of a particular product that allows it to be tracked for inventory purposes. Typically, a SKU is associated with any purchasable item in a store or catalog.

A SKU is not the same as a product model number from a manufacturer, although the model number could form all or part of the SKU. The SKU is established by the merchant.


A template is a pre-designed format to arrange text or images. In conQuire, a template is a collection of attributes that describes products. Templates are associated with respective categories.


A header is a logical grouping of a set of attributes that defines the nature of the data grouped in those attributes.


An attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity or product. Attributes have parametric definitions which may consist of a single or multiple parameters. For e.g. Body color, Size and Weight are attributes.


A parameter holds the actual data at its most atomic level. For e.g. a processor speed “2.4” and the unit of measurement associated with it “GHz” are 2 separate parameters.

Required Parameters are indicated by red star () mark.

Data types

The following are data types used in conQuire:

1.  Text: this data type is used to store characters as one line text

2.  Number: This data type is used to store integer numbers (without decimal places)

3.  Float: this data type is same as Number type, additionally it can store decimal/fractional values as well

4.  Paragraph: this data type is same as Text type, additionally it supports multi-line storage of data

5.  Coded Value: is a pre-defined value, each coded value must belong to a set known as a coded group. A parameter can only take a coded value from its designated coded group.

6.  Unit: is a pre-defined unit of measurement. Each unit must belong to a set called a unit group. A parameter can only take a unit from its designated unit group.

Parametric Definitions & Values

A Parametric definition is a combination of parameters and constants (values that don’t change) that defines the format for displaying data in an attribute.

Product Statuses

The status of a product identifies the production process stage it is at. For e.g., New, Complete, Incomplete and Published. The status of a product changes as it moves along the various stages of the extraction cycle.

Data Extraction Process

Extraction is a process to save specific product information in conQuire. The process of inputting data into parameters defined in a template is known as Data Extraction.


1.  Search SKU in conQuire against a specific manufacturer part number.

2.  If a SKU exists in conQuire with New or Incomplete status then proceed with extraction, else add a new SKU and then start extraction.

3.  When you finish extracting the SKU, you are required to save your work.

4.  Make sure that your SKU is in Completed status.

Tip: To avoid data loss save your work regularly.

Using conQuire

Components and Functions

Web address:

The user is required to login with a valid User name and Password in order to use conQuire.

Log-in Screen

You are required to type your user-name and password in the given text fields to log in to conQuire

conQuire Home Page

Available Links:

•  Taxonomy:

Taxonomy option provides the hierarchy of available categories with parametric details

•  Search:

Search option provides various searching facilities for available products/SKUs

•  Specs:

By using Specs option you can do the following tasks:

·  Add new product

·  Modify/Edit or View existing products

•  Account:

This option is only used by administrator(s); this option provides the functionality to manage conQuire accounts.

•  XML Transfers:

This option is used to transfer/upload our contents to client(s) in XML format.

Additionally any manufacturer/data provider who wants give their contents to us in XML format can upload their data by using this feature.

Taxonomy option in detail:

When you click on Taxonomy option the following screen will appear; it shows the hierarchy of the categories, you can expand/collapse the category tree by clicking on plus (+) or minus (-) sign; it also allows you to search for a particular category.

Taxonomy main screen

When you click on a category in the tree, the next screen will appear.

Category Specific screen

Lists the templates and displays One Line Definition defined as well as the relevant parameters for a category. Clicking on the Edit link for a template will take the user to the next screen.

Template description screen with attribute names and parametric definitions


This sub-module provides functionality for translation of the resident taxonomy.

Available options (in drop-down list):

·  Categories

·  Headers

·  Attributes

·  Parameters

·  Coded Values

·  Units


1.  Select an Translation option from the drop-down list (Required)

2.  Select the desired language. (Required)

Note: Search can also be based on keywords or categories. If you want to search by keyword, then type the desired text in the text box provided. If you want to search by category then choose a category from the drop-down list. (Category based search can be performed for all options except Category itself.)

3.  Set the no. of results to display per page (Optional) – by default 100 is selected. User can choose from 10, 100, 200 and 500.

4.  Select the filter (Optional) – by default Show All is selected. User can choose from Show All, Show Translated, Show Un-translated.

5.  Press Search to return search specific results or List All to return all values.

Search results are displayed in 3 columns:

·  Source Text – Always in English

·  Translated Text – in the desired foreign language

·  Context – If a word in English has multiple meanings in desired foreign language, then the context in which it holds a different meaning must be defined. A context could be defined as a category or as a parameter or a parameter within a category.

6.  Type translated text for source text values in the text box provided.

7.  Define and select a context if necessary – click on the (…) link on the extreme right. In the pop-up window, if the context exists just select it by double-clicking it. To define a context, depending on your requirements; either select a category, or a parameter, or both and press Define Context.

To select a parameter click on the (…) link. In the pop-up window search for the desired parameter and double click it.

8.  Press Save button at the bottom of the page to retain changes.

Search option in detail:

By using search option you can find products/SKUs easily, this option provides three easy ways to search the products:

1.  List All: You can retrieve a list of all products by clicking on List All button.

2.  Search: Your search can be based on keywords, product statuses or a combination of both. For the former, specify product related information in the “Find Keywords” text box and just press the Search button. For the latter, select wanted status from the given list.

Note: To specify multiple statuses hold down the ctrl key and click on the preferred statuses.

Search result snapshot

The search result list allows you to do the following tasks:

1.  View the product Specs by clicking on the Product ID link or View link from the list.

2.  Modify the products specifications by clicking on the Edit link.

3.  You can navigate the search result list by clicking on the available page numbers from the bottom of the list.

4.  You can sort the list by clicking on the column headers.

Advanced Search:

This search facility provides you with additional features for searching; by using this option you can specify criterion such as product category, keywords, Manufacturer name, Mfg part #, product ID, product status, image status, data source name, data source ID and date wise to name a few.

Hint: Multiple comma separated part nos. and IDs can be provided and multiple statuses can be selected by holding down the ctrl key.

Snapshot of Advanced Search – Search Criterion

Snapshot of Advanced Search – More Options

(Not too frequently used, has sorting and searching options)

Adding a new SKU in CMS

Follow the given steps:

1.  Click on Specs tab.

2.  Select the Manufacturer name from the given list.

3.  Type Manufacturer part number.

4.  Ingram SKU # are optional.

5.  Select appropriate category for the SKU.

6.  Select product type (select Product in case of normal SKU, select Accessory Product in case of accessory) from the list.

7.  Type manual description regarding SKU (if any).

8.  Click on Add button.

Snapshot of Specs module

Editing Specs

SKU extraction can be done by using Edit Specs option

You can reach Edit Specs in two ways

1.  By Adding a new SKU from the Specs tab

2.  Selecting an Edit link from the search result

3.  By clicking on the Edit button in View Specs

Snapshot of Edit Specs module

By using edit specs page you can modify the contents of the product/SKU; when you edit the product you will see the following features on the Edit Specs screen:

1.  Save Specs: Product specs can be saved any time by clicking on the Save Specs button. This exercise is recommended at frequent intervals during extraction to avoid data loss for any reason

2.  Preview Specs: you can look at a preview of the specs by clicking on the Preview Specs button.

3.  Show/Hide All Headers: this option is used to show or hide all the information which is a displayed under the headers.

4.  Show/Hide: this option is available on the right side of all headers. This feature is used to show or hide the information for a particular header.

5.  Add More: this button is provided with all repeatable attributes; by using this button you can insert additional set(s) of the attribute’s parametric definition. This is especially useful where an attribute has multiple sets of information. For e.g., Ports – a single desktop PC has USB, RJ-45 Serial ports amongst others. Each of these being an individual type will be extracted into a separate row.

Repeatable attributes that contain required parameters in their parametric definition have a checkbox in front of every repeatable set. When the mouse pointer is held above this checkbox, ‘Is this set part of One Line Description?’ appears.

If you want to include it in the O.L.D, then select the checkbox. If not, then un-select the checkbox.

6.  Delete: this button is available at the end of all repeatable attributes; by using this button you can delete unnecessary sets from the extraction sheet.

7.  Online Help

All attribute names when clicked on, open an ‘On-line Help’ window which provides some useful information about that attribute, its parametric definition and the data type of those parameters.

8.  Incomplete Parameters – by clicking on this link a window pops up in which a user can choose to see either only incomplete required parameters or then see all incomplete parameters.

Show Required Parameters – By default , only incomplete required parameters (highlighted Yellow) are shown, to view all incomplete parameters press ‘Show All Parameters’.

9.  Exception Codes – These codes are applied only to incomplete parameters: this feature is available for every parameter in the extraction sheet. The following are most commonly used:

·  Conflict: this can be selected when different information is found for the same parameter.

·  Data N/A: this can be selected when information has not been found for a particular parameter.

·  Not Applicable: this can be selected when a particular parameter is not applicable for a particular product/SKU.

Assigning Exception codes – In the Incomplete Parameters window information appears as follows:

–  Attribute name

–  Parameter name/s for which data is provided

–  Parameters that do not have data filled in: All parameter names in this row are followed by checkboxes that can be used to select that particular parameter. The first parameter name is also preceded by a checkbox which can be used to select the entire row.


o  An exception code can be assigned to a single as well as multiple parameters by selecting the parameters to which an exception has to be assigned;

o  then select the relevant exception code from the drop down list from either the top of the page or the bottom and;

o  then press the ‘Save Exception codes’ button (adjacent to the exception code list) to save the assigned exception code.

Within an attribute, parameters can have different exception codes assigned to them. For e.g. One could be assigned DATA N/A whereas the other could be assigned CONFLICT.