Mrs. Kline’s Column

March 9 -13, 2015


Special Schedule/Other
Monday – 3/9 - LIBRARY
Tuesday – 3/10 – P.E. (Sneakers)
Wednesday – 3/11 - MUSIC
Thursday – 3/12 – LIBRARY-PAJAMA DAY! (We will be listening to I Am NOT Going to Get up Today! by Dr. Seuss)
Friday – 3/13 – P.E. (Sneakers)
In case of a school closing due to weather, our missed special will resume on the next school day. For example, if school would be closed on Wednesday this week, Music would be on Thursday or the next day school resumes. / Events and News
If your child brings home a letter-leveled paper book in a plastic bag, please keep the book and leave the bag inside the S.W.I.M. folder. Please have your child read this book to you at home each nightuntil a new book comes home; this repeated reading practice will improve your child’s reading fluency at his/her instructional level. ***This book will have been read multiple times in school before coming home as well; research shows the more practice a child has reading books they are familiar with, the better they become at reading! If a discussion card is with the book, please use it, as it is to help your child practice comprehension strategies. 
If your child comes home with a little book in a colored canvas book sack, please have your child read it to you and then return it to school the next day. These books are property of the Exeter Township School District.
Word rings will no longer be assigned for homework.
SAM stories will no longer be assigned for homework. Instead, a skill-focused page will be placed inside the study book for repeated practice of the skills we are learning, or have already learned, in Fundations.
What are we writing about this week?
This week students will continue to listen to well-written examples of informational texts including Dr. Kanner, Dentist with a Smile by Alice Flanagan. Students will work on writing non-fiction pieces about themselves that include facts. Students will also think about places that they have visited that they could write facts about.
What are we learning inFundations this week?
Due to last week’s weather delays and closings, students will work on skills within week 3 of unit 10 starting on Monday 3/9. Students will practice building, spelling and reading words with five sounds, and the word endings –ed and –ing will be introduced. Words such as twisting and blasted are examples that students will be asked to write. The vowel teams “au” and “aw” will also be introduced. The trick words for this week will remainout, about & our, which all contain the “ou” sound. I plan to give the unit 10 test on Friday, 3/13. This test will include skills from weeks 1, 2 and 3 of unit 10.
Phone: 610-582-8608 ext. 4114 / What are we learning in Math this week?
This week students will complete investigation 1 in unit 6 of Investigations and begin investigation 2, which focuses on reasoning about more, less, and equal amounts. We will start the week off by reading and solving story problems that have missing parts; later in the week we will be revisiting solving problems that ask “How many of each could I have?”
The Homework Log needs to be signedand returned on Friday (or the last school day of the current week). Please keep the Fundations packet at home to continue practice there. Return poetry folder and study book each day.MATH HOMEWORK MAY BE ASSIGNED ON ANY GIVEN DAY AND IS DUE THE VERY NEXT DAY OF SCHOOL.PLEASE CHECK THE HOMEWORK LOG CAREFULLY.Please be advised that this log is subject to change.  Thank you.
Please refer to the “Student Math Handbook” to assist your child with math homework and activities from our curriculum on a regular basis. It is to be your resource for the entire school year. Check homework log for referece page information. 