Faculty of sport educology
Department of sport management
economics and sociology /
Faculty of business and technologies
Department of business management




24th-25th April, 2014

Conference goal- to stimulate public scientific discussion about the urgencies of international recreation, tourism and sport business in the aspects of economics, marketing, management, finance and law.

Participants: scientists-reseachers, lecturers, students, business representatives, social partners.

Conference topics:

  • Tourism business in the context of globalization
  • Urgencies of sport management
  • Recreation and leisure in modern soc
  • iety

Place- Marijampole College, Business and technologies faculty, Central chamber

92,P. Armino str., Marijampolė

Participation at the conference is for free

Everyone (exept LSU and MARKO speakers, scientists and students) who wants to get certificate of the conference has to pay 10 lt fee.

Account No. LT 63 7300 010092927444

Bank JSC Swedbank

Bank code73000

Payment name „Dalyvio pažymėjimas“

Important dates:

Till April 1, 2014 to send filled registration form of conference participant and the article

Till April 18, 2014 to remit a fee for "Dalyvio pažymėjimas"

Collections of conference thesis and scientific articles are reviewed by two independent reviewers and will be published in CD.Publications will have ISBN codes.

Requirements for Thesis:Thesis available in Lithuanian language, their must be clearly formulated aim, provided methods and organization, results and conclusions. To model the material on A4 sheet of paper. The text should be edit from the MS Word program, 1 interval, Times New Roman 10 pt font. Name of thesis should be in bold capital letters. Author (s) first name and surname should be at the bottom, bold. Education institutions represented by the author (s) name appear in italics. Title, author (s) and the name of science are written and aligned to the left side. Text should be justify, margins: top, bottom, left and right - 2 cm.Thesis non-compliance will not be published.

Requirements for articles:Size from 4 till 8 pages in Lithuanian and English, text editor Microsoft Word 97 (or 2000), print TimesNew Roman. To model the material on A4 sheet of paper in one column, space among lines – 1,5 interval, with margins at the top and at the bottom, on left and right – 2 cm. Sheet of papers are numbered on the right at the bottom. For the given parts of material to use size and print that is indicated:

Name of article / 14 / Capital letters, semi-black, centered
Author (name, surname), other authors (name, surname) / 12 / Semi-black,cursive, centered
Organization(title,town,country) / 12 / Cursive, centered
Abstract(till 2000 symbols) / 12 / Semi-black
Main text (Based actuality of the topic, research problem, goal, objects, research methods, results and their anglysis. Conclusions / 12 / Normal
Titles of text sections / 12 / Semi-black, centered
Tables text / 10 / Normal
Titles of tables and pictures / 12 / Normal, centered
List of literature / 10 / Normal

Article structure:

  • Abstract
  • Based actuality of the topic
  • Research problem
  • Aim of the article, objectives
  • Research methods
  • Research results and their analysis
  • Conclusions
  • Literature

More detailed informatikon is rendered by

Conference coordinatorVioleta Eidukaitienė,phone., 8 343 56 827, mob. phone. 8 68231 536


Organization committee