21 June 2013,Committee Room 2,The Courts, Carlisle, 9.30am


  1. Appointment of Chair
  1. Appointment of Vice-Chair
  1. Apologies for Absence
  1. Declarations of Interest
  1. Membership

To note that Geoff Walker, Headteacher at CockermouthSchool, representing Allerdale secondary schools, has resigned from the Schools Forum.

The new Allerdale secondary schools representative will be Jonathan Johnson, Headteacher at NetherhallSchool.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

–6 March 2013

  1. Working Group Minutes (copy enclosed)

i)School Budgets Working Group: 11 January 2013

ii)SEN, Social Deprivation, Access and Inclusion Working Group: 11 January 2013

  1. Inspection of LocalAuthority Arrangements for SupportingSchoolImprovement To consider a report that sets out details of the inspection process (copy enclosed).
  1. Pupil Premium – Analysis of Impact

To consider a request to commission an analysis of the use of the pupil premium (copy enclosed).

  1. Pupil Premium for Children Looked After – Arrangements for 2013-14

To consider the proposed arrangements for the allocation of the Pupil Premium for Children Looked After in 2013/14 (copy enclosed).

  1. Use of the Dedicated Schools Grant De-Delegated Contingencies Budget 2013-14

To consider a report that sets out options for the use of the de-delegated contingencies budget for 2013-14 (copy enclosed).

  1. School Funding Reform – Changes for 2014-15

To note the changes to arrangements for school funding for 2014-15 including proposed changed dates of Schools Forum meetings (copy enclosed).

  1. Dedicated Schools Grant – Earmarked Reserves 2012-13

To consider a report that provides details on the movement of reserves from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 (copy enclosed).

  1. Adoption Leave
  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Schools Forum will be held on Tuesday 3 September 2013. Venue to be advised.

  1. Any Other Business

Children’s Services – Togetherwe can achieve the best for every child, young person and their family in Cumbria.