KDSA Women’s/Girls Committee 16 June 2009
Rhondda Shaw Chair (Kissing Point)
Penny HowellRegistrar (St Ives)
Dougie Hendry President KDSA
Roxey Sutherland Nth Syd
Pascal Phillips Wahroonga
Julia Smith Nth Syd Bears
Ann Meagher Lindfield
Vicky Shaw Greenwich
Dennise Terry Greenwich
Vicky Shaw Greenwich
Karen Hughes Brooklyn
Peter Davis Brooklyn
Jon Popler Asquith
Rachel Taylor Asquith
Brian Norton Northbridge
Kristy McMillan Berowra
Julie Carey, Hornsby Heights
Dougie Hendry
The committee was pleased to have the KDSA president at the meeting.
Dougie advised the group about a coaching initiative that the KDSA is working on. There are plans to hold an educational seminar for existing coaches and eventually having all coaches holding qualifications. There are also plans afoot for a cadet coaching program including focusing on the recruitment of female coaches.
Dougie also answered questions about how to support the morale of teams in the lower ranks of each division so that they continue to enjoy the sport and we retain players. He made some suggestions including using those games where there is a large margin between scores as a coaching opportunity by moving playersin the winning team to different positions etc, etc. He also suggested that if a team is short of players and the opposition has reserves they could share players or even declare the game forfeited and play a ‘friendly. There was agreement that this may be possible in the lower divisions but unlikely to be embraced by the higher ranked, more competitive teams.
Age coordinators reports
GU12- Julie not present.
Greenwich moved down from div 1 to div 2, Lindfield moved up. Mutual decision by both clubs.
GU14- Pascal Phillips
3 divisions. Concern had been raised about Lindfield B not coping in div 1. Coordinator feels that they are competitive in that division and there has been no complaint from Lindfield.
GU16- Denisse Terry
3 divisions. Lindfield C and D in div 2 are at the bottom of the table, but they remain competitive within the division as a whole.
GU18 – Mary Ann Stephens, not present
Teams appear to be well placed
WAA- Roxey Sutherland
5 divisions. Same as other age groups, differences between the top and bottom in each division.
No issues
Lane Cove player to move from div 1 /2 to div 3. Dispensation required due to already playing 4 games in div 1
It was explained that there are different process’ in each council area regarding the closing of grounds. The only people who can close a ground or declare the ground unplayable are the council, the grounds controller, the competition chair or the referee.
The process for closing a ground is that the council informs the KDSA and post on their web site or wet weather line information about grounds.
If a ground is not closed, a club representative may contact the Grounds controller (John Ceccato) to advise of a ground needing to be closed (on Sunday this needs to be by 7am).
Other than that the competition chair can close a ground.
If a ground is not closed but it appears that it would be dangerous to play, the referee (or if no referee) the team managers can call a game off.
We need a representative from each club who knows what they are looking for and will agree to check their clubs grounds by 7am on Sunday to volunteer. Please contact Rhondda Shaw if you are interested.
There was some discussion about possible grounds to use for night make up games and other grounds that don’t appear to be used on Sundays. Rhondda checked these out and found that it is councils that prevent night matches, clubs might like to contact their local councils to lobby for permission to play night games. One ground mentioned was Asquith boys high. Apparently we have an agreement to use it for Saturdays only. Rhondda will chase this up with the high school (when she gets time) unless someone who has contacts there would like to volunteer.
Bra cup 30 August
Brooklyn requested that we keep 30 August free from finals series for the Bra Cup. The date is noted, but given there are more teams that want to do Bra cup each year than spaces, it might be that those in finals (Brooky included) don’t do Bra cup and the teams that won’t get a game in finals do it. Further negotiation required.
Match cards
Completing match cards. Much improvement this year, still some room for improvement. Make sure all sections are filled out, ID numbers, shirt numbers etc, if not filled in you will be fined. Do not list a player if they did not play, if you leave out any info for a player that didn’t play you will still be fined.
Should be checking the cards at the beginning of the game, no use at the end if you have a complaint.
Loser’s cards are still necessary for juniors at present.
You should be able to get match cards from the club or contact KDSA office
Rego system
There have still been some clubs having problems with on line registrations. This has resulted in a few teams having points deducted for playing unregistered players. The KDSA will look at how to support all clubs in the future so as to avoid such situations but clubs need to ensure that they seek assistance if they are unsure about anything.
Rescheduling games
There was some discussion about the difficulties that arise in rescheduling games. While the KDSA will always endeavor to give as much notice as possible, it is not always possible. Clubs, teams and individuals are reminded to check the web site in the morning before leaving for any changes.
Brian has volunteered to coordinate rescheduling.
Girls Gala Day
Lindfield club have suggested including a fund raiser for breast cancer in the girls gala day. A small committee will be working on ideas and support from the KDSA and clubs will be sought.
Age coordinators
Please let Rhondda know which games need to be prioritized for make ups.
All committee members
Please ensure that all managers/players are checking the web, make up double headers have been scheduled and will continue to be until we catch up. Some teams will have to travel further than usual, some will have a small interval between games. The feedback is that you want to play, we aim to please!