The meeting, which commenced at 7.00pm, finished at 8.25pm.

Representing the Friends of Upton Country Park

Mike Yeomans (Vice Chairman), Brian Galpin and John Baggs

Representing the Borough of Poole

Councillors Mrs Judy Butt (Chairman) and Rampton.


Clive Fisher-Culture and Community Learning

Clive Smith-Head of Leisure Services

Julian Collins-Property Services

Lisa Gardner-Legal and Democratic Services


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Burden, Councillor Mason, Councillor Collier, John Whippey and Jayne Taylor.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting held on 6 July 2005 having been previously circulated be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Caravan Access

Clive Smith reported that Jayne Taylor was awaiting a response with regard to enabling caravan access to Upton Country Park and an update would be provided to the next meeting.


Members noted there had been a positive response to the proposals for holding wedding receptions at Upton House and Leisure Services was finalising the brochure and information pack.

The Friends of Upton Country Park suggested consideration be given to the format and style of the current exhibition display for wedding receptions and it was -

Agreed -

That Leisure Services links with Marketing Services with regard to the style and format of the current exhibition display for wedding receptions.


Julian Collins reported that the interim repairs on the Domed Lantern were currently in progress, running to schedule and on budget. The cost of the repairs was being met by The Friends who were offering to fund additional works.

John Baggs commented that the leak would not be cured by this work as proven by the contractor and Roy Oakes. It was agreed that the second stage (attention to the roofing Perspex) was needed urgently.

Agreed -

That an update on the Domed Lantern repairs be provided to the next meeting.


Members noted Leisure Services had funded an exploratory survey of the Library by Tankerdale to identify the works required along with associated costs.

Tankerdale had itemised the repairs with the overall cost estimated to exceed £18,000. The company had identified a number of repairs they felt not best qualified to undertake (eg, the repair and replacement of grills) and suggested work was completed on the surfaces.

The Friends of Upton Country Park pointed out that there would be little point in renovating, unless a guarantee of future protection during use of the House could be put in place (ie coffee cups, shelves used as sealing, etc)

Members agreed that Julian Collins liaises with the Friends of Upton Country Park with regard to the works and reports back to the next meeting.

Agreed -

  • That Julian Collins liaises with the Friends of Upton Country Park with regard to the works;
  • That an update be provided to the next meeting.


A copy of the Upton Country Park work programme was circulated to all Members and has been attached to the minutes.

The Friends of Upton Country Park expressed thanks to Leisure Services for all of the work completed under the programme.

Reflective columns / road signage

Members considered there was a need for further reflective columns to be installed on the road leading to Upton Country House, the sign indicating `no right turn’ on exiting the Park needed replacing and signage for Upton Country Park on approach to the slip road was concealed by trees. It was –

Agreed –

That the above be referred to Transportation Services for a report at the next meeting regarding resolution options/costs etc.

Additional Lighting

The Chairman commented on the need for more lighting outside of Upton Country House.

Poole in Bloom

Mike Yeomans noted that Upton Country Park was to receive the “Poole in Bloom” award and expressed congratulations to Leisure Services with regard to this. It was -

Agreed –

That Leisure Services arranges publicity with regard to the `Poole in Bloom’ award.


Funding for listed buildings in Poole

The Chairman advised that funding for the Waterfront Museum had been obtained through various grants/some Council funding and the Guildhall was to be utilised for the Registrars Service. The Guildhall was a structurally sound building, the Council had completed an exercise for private partners to be involved and the Registrars Service was felt to be complementary to the site.

Projects at Upton Country House and Park

Mike Yeomans advised that the Friends of Upton Country House currently had a surplus of funds for projects in Upton Country House or Park and invited members to contact them with regard to possible projects.

Members noted the following prospective projects for Upton Country House and Park:

  • The Friends would be funding replacement bins throughout the Park and a lift was to be installed in the Peacock Tea Rooms;
  • Works to the damp course in the cellar would need consideration although under essential maintenance rather than as a separate project.

The Committee felt further consideration could be given to projects for the House and Park at the next meeting and it was -

Agreed -

That Members consider potential project areas for Upton Country House and Park prior to the next meeting.

Car Park

John Baggs mentioned discussions on tarmaccing of the car park near Upton Country House, but indicated that Wedding Daze had been allowed to make holes in the surface to fix a marquee. These could then fill with water, freeze and cause damage.

Clive Smith undertook to find out how this has been allowed.

Green Flag Award

Clive Smith reported that Leisure Services’ Technical Team, led by Richard Nicholson, was considering which sites could realistically achieve Green Flag status and consideration was being given to Poole Park and Upton Country Park, in addition to other sites. Some of the crucial elements for achieving Green Flag status were visible staff presence and developed partnership working (eg, with The Friends groups and local community).

Members suggested consideration be given to Hamworthy Park and Parkstone Park as possible sites for a Green Flag award and it was -

Agreed -

That an update be provided to the next meeting.

Walled Garden project

John Baggs reported that a large donation was potentially on offer to enable completion of the Walled Garden project and a written commitment was currently being prepared.

The Committee considered that the donation be received and earmarked for the Walled Garden by the Friends with a separate meeting held to consider the project in detail.

Members further agreed that Richard Nicholson be invited to give a presentation to the next meeting of the Committee with regard to the project.

Agreed -

That a meeting be held between the Management Committee of the Friends, Councillor Mrs Butt (Chairman), Richard Nicholson/Leisure Services and the donor, to consider the Walled Garden project;

That Richard Nicholson gives a presentation to the next meeting of the Upton House Liaison Committee with regard to the project.

Greenhouse renovation

Members were advised Property Services had concluded the greenhouses did not warrant renovation at the present time, although Leisure Services would be completing a risk assessment with reference to use by staff and customers.

Occupancy, use & staffing of House

Clive Smith reported that SASS would be vacating the top floor of Upton House shortly with the exception of one room and Leisure Services would be hiring out the vacated areas.


Members were advised that the Consultants would be presenting the initial

feedback on their draft findings on the consultancy programme

to Leisure Services and the Friends of Upton Country Park. Feedback on the programme had been received from Councillors with a separate stakeholder feedback session arranged for the coming weeks.

Agreed –

That a meeting be held between the Consultants, Clive Smith, Jayne Taylor, Councillor Mrs Butt & John Baggs, to consider the initial, draft findings on the consultancy programme; That an update be provided to the next meeting.



Members were advised Leisure Services was seeking to obtain a license to enable all types of events to be held at Upton Country House.

The Chairman explained that raffles, prize draws or gaming activities were subject to different regulations.

Agreed –

That Mike Yeomans be kept informed of progress

Choir event

The Committee noted a request had been received to hold a choir event in the Walled Garden in the Summer of 2006.

The Friends advised they were considering options for holding small scale music events in the Park and the Committee expressed its wholehearted support for a choir event to be held.

Mike Yeoman proposed that any funds raised were dedicated to the Walled Garden project Members concurred with this suggestion.

Agreed –

That a choir event could be held in the Walled Garden with any funds raised dedicated to the Walled Garden project.


25th January 2006 at 7.00pm.