Earth to Space!

Course Syllabus

Mr. Ball

Earth to Space is a one-semester course. The first part of this class explores the dynamic geological processes that occur on earth. This includes a closer look into the history of the earth and why it looks the way it does today. The second part of this course will examine our solar system and deep space. This includes investigating our sun and planets, the life and death of stars, as well as black holes.

Text:Geol, Reed Wicander, and James S. Monroe, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2013.

Astro, Michael A. Seeds, Dana E. Backman, Cengage Learning, 2013.

Pre-Requisites: General Biology

Materials Required for Class:


Pen and Pencil

Calculator (no, your phone doesn’t count!)


Folder or Binder

Grading Scale

A 100 - 93

A- 92 - 90

B+ 89– 87

B 86 - 83

B- 82 - 80

C+ 79 - 77

C 76 - 73

C- 72 - 70

D+ 69 - 67

D 66 - 63

D- 62 - 60

F 59 - below

Grade Composition

60% Homework and Lab Assignments

40% Exams

Semester Grade Calculation

44% 1st Quarter Grade

44% 2nd Quarter Grade

12% Semester Exam Score

Class Expectations

  1. Be in your seat, ready to begin when the bell rings.
  2. Bring the required materials (as listed above) every day to class.
  3. Show academic integrity in the work you submit.
  1. Treat others with respect.
  2. Homework is due at the beginning of class.
  3. Follow lab safety guidelines at all times.
  4. Be cool

Academic Integrity

I expect students to do their own work and submit their own work. The internet, your text, and fellow students are resources to utilize, however, what you submit for credit must be your own thoughts. Students who submit duplicated (or copied) assignments will not receive credit for the work – that includes the original creator of the work.

Homework Policy

  1. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. Assignments turned in after I collect them are considered late.
  2. You are allowed to turn in two late homework assignments “free of charge” for full credit. 40% of the total points will be deducted for any subsequent late assignments. You may arrange with me to serve a fifteen minute detention, before or after school, to receive the full credit for the late assignment. You must be working on Earth to Space course work during this detention to receive full credit. Students who abuse this policy will not be allowed to turn in future late work. Extra credit will be given to any student who doesn’t use their late passes at the end of each semester.
  3. Homework missed due to absence: If you are excused absent you will have one day for each day missed to submit your work. If you are gone for a school activity (band, athletics, field trips, etc.), I expect the work to be turned in to me before you leave. Pick up the next day homework whenever possible. If you are absent unexcused, you will not receive credit for work turned in that day (this includes any work completed in class that day).

Tardy Policy

  1. Students are tardy if they are not in their seats when the bell rings.
  2. Review the school wide tardy policy in the student handbook.

Lab Safety: You must follow the guidelines at all times. Failure to do so may result in removal from class or further disciplinary action.

My Schedule: I’m here from 8:00 – 4:00 (or a little earlier or later on both)

1st through 3rd - Physical Science Room 210 or 207

4th – Semester 1: Study Hall. 2nd Semester: Prep

5a – Earth to Space

6th – Semester 1: Prep. 2nd Semester: Earth to Space

7th – Semester 1: APES. Semester 2: Study Hall

8th – APES

To Contact Me:Come see me during 4th, 6th, or 7th periods depending on the semester, or after school. I love e-mail from my students!! Remember that you are e-mailing your teacher and not your friend, this means you do not want to use short-hand and you should proof-read what you wrote.

My Email Address: . If you email me at night, you may not get an immediate answer but I typically check my email each morning before school starts.