DATE:August 19, 2003

TIME:10:00 a. m.

PLACE:500 North Calvert Street

3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3651

PRESENT:Charles Graham

Gregory Restivo

ABSENT:Thomas Henderson

OTHERS PRESENT:Joseph Sliwka, Executive Director

Brenda Clark, Administrative Secretary

Tim Bagrowski, Safety Inspection Unit

CALL TO ORDER:ActingChairperson, Gregory Restivo called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.


Motion (l) was made by Mr. Graham and seconded by Mr. Restivo to approve the Minutes of the

July 15, 2003 meeting without corrections. This motion passed by a unanimous vote.


Mr. Restivo reminded the Board that we are still in need of a variety of test bank questions pertaining to all areas of the trade, not just boiler questions.


Joe Sliwka, Executive Director and Gregory Restivo, industry board member updated the Board on the last special meeting held (Element Meeting) for the continued discussion on how to proceed with creating a bill for the next legislative session for statewide licensing.

Mr. Sliwka, discussed with the Board the possibility of proposing an age requirement which would consist of the 4th and 5th grade entry level be of age 18 years or older and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade level be 21 years of age or older.

Mr. Sliwka continued the discussion on the 4th and 5th grade license requirements. Mr. Sliwka explained that both grades would have the same total boiler power but the 4th grade would be for an occupied facility (large group of people) and the 5th grade license would be for an unoccupied facility. The 5th grade license does not apply to the public schools system. He explained that these entry-level licenses are the most lenient.

Mr. Graham expressed his opinions and concerns on the importance of regulating hot water boilers, since 90 % of the boilers are hot water boilers. Mr. Graham informed the Board that horsepower capacity should be specified in the proposed regulation.

Joe Sliwka reviewed with the Board the statistical summary information from PSI, the testing vendor on the examination updates of total examinations, passers and failures for July 2003.


The following applicants were been approved for the 1st grade examination.

Timothy Adams Kenyon Bissett Jr. Gregory Campbell

Marcus CampbellMichael Carter Harold Daniels

David Christianson Steven Hammons Mark Laird

Stanley Orlando Michael Thompson Keith Williams

The following applicants were approved to sit for the 2nd grade examination.

Paul Salyers Wayne Clarke Michael Copsey

Crisencio Guinto Gerald KarnFrancis Poku

The following applicants were approved to sit for the 3rd grade examination.

Andre’ Walker Anthony Catalano Richard Cockerham

Herman Cunningham Larry DarnellLloyd Hart Jr.

Paulo Juarez Vincent Johnson John Moyer

Jose RosadaRichard Self


Motion (II) was made by Mr. Graham seconded by Mr. Restivo and unanimously carried by the Board to adjourn the Examining Engineers meeting at 10:50 a.m.

______With corrections

______Without corrections


Thomas Henderson, ChairmanDate