CPSC X82: Mobile Device Programming Using Android

Preliminary Project Proposal (Assignment P1)

App Name:

Little Learner (LL)

Team Members (first name is Team Leader):

Bharat Kumar Govindaradjou

Hannah Haire

Greg Francis

Target audience: Who will use this app?

Elementary students, parents and teachers.

Target device (phone, tablet, both):


One paragraph summary of what your app will do:

Little Learner will provide elementary students with a variety of miniature games to play to further their education and study for their classes. Some ideas include incorporating Hannah’s flashcard app for vocabulary words and Greg’s stickman app to for spelling words. We also would like to come up with more games to help with other subjects in school. A parent would be able to use an authoring tool to enter their child’s schoolwork. We also want to incorporate default and custom databases for each activity. This is so that the app is ready to go when it is released, but teachers or parents could add words, problems, etc. to each of the games to add reusability to the app. We would like to include other games and functionality, including a performance tracker to see a student’s progress. Then their performance will be updated as they continue to use the app and learn more. We want to include some form of crowdsourcing for our app, where teachers and parents to create tests for all students using the app and post them to the app. The things that are crowdsources will go through an approval process first to ensure they are useful and appropriate for the app.

Benefits: Why would someone use this app?

This app would be good for any student who wants to learn vocabulary, spelling and practice math word problems. The student can keep track of progress made in different games and quizzes available on the app. In addition to preloaded games, teachers and parents can add preloaded word problems, providing rich and diverse crowd sourced contents that keeps the app fresh and help students with new content.

List any features to be used by the app (GPS, camera, clock/alarm, phone, text messaging, audio player, etc.) and describe briefly how these will be used.

Android clock, and an audio player.

Technical Features used by your app (e.g., GPS, camera, accelerometer, Estimote beacon, internal database, external database, media player, Moto 360 watch, special API, etc.)

Internal Database, External Database.

Internal Database:

Yes, the internal database will hold any data for the current game that is being played. The user will also have the option to store any other quizzes or games that they enjoy locally in an internal database.

External Database:

Yes, all our data will be stored in external databases. Then when the user selects a game, or mode, that database will be uploaded into the internal database. There will be an authoring tool for parents and teachers to upload new problems, vocab words, and spelling words.


1.  The Little Learner includes the following games and activities for students,

a.  Flashcards – Activity to learn pronunciation of words. Uses audio playback.

b.  Stickman – A word guessing game. Player has limited attempts to build the word by guessing letters.

c.  Tic tac toe – A simple tic tac toe game

d.  Math buster – Contains preloaded math problems that the student can take. The answer choices are in bubbles and tapping on correct bubble will help student gain progress.

e.  Slapjack – A card game. Helps students get used to playing cards. Cards will be upside down. Tapping on the back of the card will reveal it. Student wins all the cards that have been opened so far if two consecutive cards are of same number or letter.

f.  Learn Geo – The activity will have a map of each continent on the world map and students can tap on each country to know its name, capital and currency.

2.  There is also a quizzes page where students can take custom word problems posted by teachers and parents.

3.  The dashboard screen in the app provides graphical representation of the student’s progress in Math buster, quizzes and stickman activities.


Splash Screen & Landing Page:





Learn Geo:

More Challenges:

Progress Tracker:


Distribution of work (for team projects only):

·  Who is responsible for the User Manual? - Greg

·  Who is responsible for the Technical Reference Manual? - Greg

·  Who is responsible for the Demo Videos? - Bharat

·  Who is responsible for the databases? – Bharat, Hannah

·  Who is responsible for the PHP scripts for the Authoring Tool? – Bharat

·  Who is responsible for the PHP scripts for the app accessing the external database? – Bharat, Hannah

·  Who is responsible for the app coding? – Hannah, Greg, Bharat