Key concept/question: / Key skills: / Key outcome overall: / Key competencies to keep in mind:
What impact did Roman technology, culture and beliefs have on life in Britain? / Analysis:
Justify conclusions with reasons and evidence. / Create a map of a typical Roman town labelling important features. / Creativity
Problem Solving
Managing Self
Relating to others
Dates: Spring term 2016 / Topic/theme:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / RE / Humanities (History/Geography) / Expressive Arts and Design (Art, D & T and Music)
· RE – Teachings and Authority
· Explore teachings and authority within Christianity and Hinduism,
· Looking at sacred texts.
· Listen ad retell stories from Christianity and Hinduism.
· Making choices and resolving conflicts / · Understand how knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources. Explore artefacts from e.g. Tiverton museum and what they tell us about the Romans. Use e.g. and to show how historians reconstruct the past.
· Draw maps more accurately. Draw a map of an imaginary Roman town including all the key features.
· Use for example, to explore beliefs in Roman times. / · Art. Continue to use sketch books to record observations. To improve mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials. This will be cross-curricular and will be based around a Roman theme. Ideas include, Mosaics and making Roman lamps.
· Design technology. To build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.
· Cooking. Making Roman honey cakes.
· Music. Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes. Play musical instruments with increasing accuracy. Start to understand staff and other musical notation. This will be achieved through continuing to play the recorder and also with a heavy musical focus during arts week with the theme of ‘Rhythm’.
English / Understanding of the World (Science) / Computing / PE / Mathematics
Key aspects of this subject will be covered ( see separate planning);
Spoken language
Handwriting – high expectations
Spelling – Years 3 and 4 list
Grammar / Rocks and Soils:
· compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties
· describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
· recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter
· understand what caused the destruction of Pompeii and subsequent preservation of ruins. / E Safety - Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
Create a range of programs that accomplish given goals. / Gymnastics ( PEDPASS planning
Tennis (PEDPASS planning) / Key aspects of this subject:
· Number sense
· Additive reasoning
· Multiplicative reasoning
· Geometric reasoning