Lecture 21 Examples

Example 1



usingnamespace std;

constint numberOfRows = 6;

constint numberOfColumns = 5;

void printMatrix(int matrix[][numberOfColumns], int noOfRows);

void sumRows(int matrix[][numberOfColumns], int noOfRows);

void largestInRows(int matrix[][numberOfColumns], int noOfRows);

int main()


int board[numberOfRows][numberOfColumns]

= {{23, 5, 6, 15, 18},

{4, 16, 24, 67, 10},

{12, 54, 23, 76, 11},

{1, 12, 34, 22, 8},

{81, 54, 32, 67, 33},

{12, 34, 76, 78, 9}}; //Line 1

printMatrix(board, numberOfRows); //Line 2

cout < endl; //Line 3

sumRows(board, numberOfRows); //Line 4

cout < endl; //Line 5

largestInRows(board, numberOfRows); //Line 6

return 0;


void printMatrix(int matrix[][5], int rowSize)


int row, col;

for (row = 0; row < rowSize; row++)


for (col = 0; col < 5; col++)

cout < setw(5) < matrix[row][col] < " ";

cout < endl;



void sumRows(int matrix[][5], int rowSize)


int row, col;

int sum;

//sum of each individual row

for (row = 0; row < rowSize; row++)


sum = 0;

for (col = 0; col < 5; col++)

sum = sum + matrix[row][col];

cout < "Sum of row " < (row + 1) < " = " < sum

< endl;



void largestInRows(int matrix[][5], int rowSize)


int row, col;

int largest;

//Largest element in each row

for (row = 0; row < rowSize; row++)


largest = matrix[row][0]; //assume that the first element

//of the row is the largest

for (col = 1; col < 5; col++)

if (largest < matrix[row][col])

largest = matrix[row][col];

cout < "The largest element of row " < (row + 1)

< " = " < largest < endl;



Example 2

//Program: Check Code




usingnamespace std;

constint maxCodeSize = 250;

void readCode(ifstream& infile, int list[],

int& length, bool& lenCodeOk);

void compareCode(ifstream& infile, ofstream& outfile,

int list[], int length);

int main()


//Step 1

int codeArray[maxCodeSize];//array to store the secret code

intcodeLength; //variable to store the length

//of the secret code

bool lengthCodeOk;//variable to indicate if the length of the

//secret code is less than or equal to 250

ifstream incode; //input file stream variable

ofstream outcode; //output file stream variable

char inputfile[25];//variable to store the name of the

//input file

char outputfile[25];//variable to store the name of the

//output file

cout < "Enter the input file name: ";

cin > inputfile;

cout < endl;

//Step 2


if (!incode)


cout < "Cannot open the input file." < endl;

return 1;


cout < "Enter the output file name: ";

cin > outputfile;

cout < endl;


readCode(incode, codeArray, codeLength, lengthCodeOk);//Step 3

if (lengthCodeOk) //Step 4

compareCode(incode, outcode, codeArray, codeLength);


cout < "Length of the secret code must be <= "

< maxCodeSize < endl;//Step 5



return 0;


void readCode(ifstream& infile, int list[], int& length,

bool& lenCodeOk)


int count;

lenCodeOk = true;

infile > length; // get the length of the secret code

if (length > maxCodeSize)


lenCodeOk = false;



for (count = 0; count < length; count++) // get the secret code

infile > list[count];


void compareCode(ifstream& infile, ofstream& outfile,

int list[], int length)


int length2;

int digit;

bool codeOk;

int count;

codeOk = true;

infile > length2;

if (length != length2)


cout < "The original code and its copy are not of"

" the same length." < endl;



outfile < "Code Digit Code Digit Copy" < endl;

for (count = 0; count < length; count++)


infile > digit;

outfile < setw(7) < list[count] < setw(20) < digit;

if (digit != list[count])


outfile < " code digit not the same" < endl;

codeOk = false;



outfile < endl;


if (codeOk)

outfile < "Message transmitted OK." < endl;


outfile < "Error in transmission. Retransmit!!" < endl;


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