Port of Bandon
Regular Commission Meeting
October 27, 2016 5:00pm
Bandon Public Library
Bandon, Oregon
Commissioners Present: Reg Pullen, Donny Goddard, Rick Goche, Kelly Miles
Staff: Gina Dearth, Port Manager, Bob Shammot, Port Harbormaster, Linda Phillips Guests: Robert Mawson, City Manager Bandon, Don Starbuck, Wade Lester, Ben Fisher, Peter Braun, Bandon City Council.
President Pullen called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. Commissioner Miles made a motion to approve the consent calendar. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Goddard and passed unanimously.
Gina Dearth presented the Port of Bandon Ethics Law Policy for adoption as Resolution 2016-05, and explained that there is a yearly assessment from SDAO for Risk Management, a part of which is an Ethics Policy approved by the Commissioners. Commissioner Goche made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-05, Resolution Adopting the Port of Bandon Ethics Law Policy. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Goddard and unanimously approved.
The letter to Commanding Office Kary Moss of U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Station North Bend was presented. Ms. Dearth explained that after discussing the issue of USCG presence in the Coquille River with CO Moss he requested a letter outlining the Port of Bandon’s request for extending the scheduled operation of USCG in the Coquille River. Ms. Dearth assured the commissioners that we are committed to staying on it until we hear from CO Moss.
Commissioner Pullen commended Commissioner Butler for representing the Port well in an article in The World/Bandon Western World regarding the need for an extended presence of the Coast Guard in the Coquille River.
A letter has been sent to moorage holders on the C-Docks outlining the need to be proactive in moving vessels to the interior in anticipation of the winter storms. The letter was well received and all but two of the vessels have been relocated as of Oct 27.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funded Bank Erosion Repair project is currently being held up by both the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the FEMA. Although no permits are required for this work, both agencies are stalling the go-ahead for FEMA, and the corresponding Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM), approval to be reimbursed for a portion of the costs. Commissioner Miles and Commissioner Goche remarked that they are willing to make contact with people at NFMS that they have a working relationship with. Commissioner Miles asked to have a short statement of the problem emailed to her and she will contact NMFS to see what the issue is.
Congressman DeFazio will be in Coos Bay on November 4 at 10:30am at the Port of Coos Bay to update constituents on the status of the National Flood Plain Insurance.
There was an Oregon Regional Solutions meeting in Coos Bay today (Oct 27) from 3pm to 6pm however the Port was not able to attend. Alex Campbell has taken the place of Jeff Griffin, and along with Kate Jackson, are our representatives to the Regional Solutions offices.
The gravel parking lot on First St SW in Bandon has provided an overflow parking solution for Old Town Bandon for years. Owned by both Kirk Day and Fred Gernandt, the 1.19-acre lot is now for sale at $1.9 million. Commissioner Pullen expressed his concern that the lot is an important piece of property to both the City of Bandon and the Port of Bandon, and asked if a panel of both agencies could come up with a solution to the purchase of the property. Robert Mawson explained that the Local Improvement District is a possibility but explained that we need to step outside our usual decision path to find a solution. Peter Braun, representing the Bandon City Council, also expressed concern that losing this property will present problems for the merchants in the Old Town district. Commissioners Pullen asked again, if the Port and the City of Bandon could work together to find a way forward and asked for volunteers from the Commission to serve. Commissioners Miles and Pullen volunteered as did the Port staff. Peter Braun explained that the next City Council meeting is scheduled for November 7. Commissioner Pullen thanked both Peter Braun and Robert Mawson for attending the meeting.
In September Glen Cathers and crew were in Bandon with a restored USCG 36’ motorized life-saving boat. While visiting the Port he expressed an interest in the boat carriage on the ways at the back of the building for a museum in Michigan. Mr. Cathers sent a letter of request to the Port Manager offering to acquire the boat carriage. Commissioner Pullen asked if the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has an interest in the boat carriage. Ms. Dearth said she will contact SHPO and report back to the Commission.
Electric power in the boat basin is restored and completely repaired. A new power box has been installed and it is up to code.
A Thank You note from Coast Community Health Centerto Peggi Towne, Old Town Marketplace Manager, and the vendors, was presented. The market vendors all donated to a basket for the Coast Community Health Center’s Open House.
A work session is scheduled for January 2017 that will include a plan for the marketplace improvements.
Public Comment: Mr. Wade Lester explained that about a year ago he had an idea to build a board walk to connect the south jetty area to Old Town. The jetty road is not good for bikes or walkers. A group of people are in favor of the project and he wanted the Port to know that they would be moving forward with a plan. Commissioner Pullen explained that there was a boardwalk out to the jetty many years ago but also expressed a concern that permitting for the project could be difficult. Commissioner Miles suggested Mr. Lester check to see if there are any national trails groups that could help. Mr. Lester said that his next step was to get Mayor Shamehorn onboard and then meet with the Army Corp of Engineers. Ms. Dearth added that the boardwalk extension has to produce income in some way to sustain itself. Grants do not provide for maintenance costs.
The next two scheduled meetings are rescheduled to November 17 and December 8 to deconflict with holidays.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:14pm.
Submitted by:
Linda Phillips