Highampton Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs. Felicity Lowe

Hill View, Church Road, Highampton, Beaworthy, Devon, EX21 5LS

Tel: 01409 231727 e-mail:


Minutes of the Highampton Parish Council Meeting, held on Wednesday, 4thApril 2012 at 7.30pm

in the CommitteeRoom, Highampton Village Hall.

Present – Cllr. Glen Rose, (Chairman), Cllr, Maurice Thomas (Vice Chairman), Cllr. Charles Dumpleton, Cllr. Mary Dayman, Cllr. Mike Puckey, Cllr. Julian Gilling, Cllr. Ross Baker, and Hatherleigh Ward Member Mrs. Christine Hall.

214.12 / Public Open Session: None
215.12 / Apologies for Absence: None
216.12 / Declaration of Interest on Agenda Items
216.12.1 / Cllr Baker declared a personal interest in Agenda Items 10.1 and 10.2
217.12 / Minutes of the last Meeting were Agreed and Signed as a correct record.
218.12 / Matters arising from the Minutes
218.12.1 / (Minute206.12.1) Cllr Gilling reported that a notification had been received from Mr O’Brien of the Environment Agency confirming thatthere was not as yet an Odour Management Plan (OMP) for the landspreading of waste by Mr A Bull of Oakland Waste Management in the lagoon at Stockleigh. (This email had been sent to the Clerk since the last meeting from Mr O’Brien and circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting).
Cllr. Dayman reaffirmed her understanding that there was an OMP, and that she would bring a copy of this to the next meeting so the situation could be clarified.
218.12.2 / (Minute . Cllr Dayman reported for information that it had been recorded in the Minutes of the meeting on 02.08.2006 that the pavement between Canna Park and the Post Office would be completed within 3 years at a cost of £17,000, and that the parking area outside Greystones belonged to WDBC.
218.12.3 / (Minute 296.12.1)Cllr. Rose reported that the roadside on Burdon Lane had now deteriorated so badly as to be a danger to vehicles, including the Burdon Grange minibus, as well as pedestrians. It was agreed the clerk would write to the Highways Dept regarding this as well as the erosion of the road between Longwood and Lower Longwood in Church Road. In addition Cllr. Hall agreed to raise the issue with WDBC.
219.12 / Matters raised by the Chairman
Cllr. Rose informed the meeting that he had received information relating to the Solar Farm development at Willsland. Cllrs. Gilling, Baker and Dumpleton declared a personal interest in this item ( it not having been a listed item on the Agenda atthe Start of the meeting). Cllr Rose reported that Penny Richards, of Torridge District CPRE, was unhappy about the Appeal decision on the Solar Farm at Willsland, and had raised this with Black Torrington Parish Council as well as James McInnes,Mel Stride and the CountySolicitor. It was not clear as to what the precise issue was. Cllr Rose, as Chairman, had provided the Chairman of Black Torrington Parish Council with an opportunity to attend the meeting to give the Councillors further information, but this had not been taken up..
It was agreed to ask Black Torrington Parish Council for a copy of their representations and forward this to Cllr. Hall.
It was agreed to pursue promises of benefits to the Parish made by the Green Company in relation to the Solar Farm, although due to changes in the Feed in Tariff it was thought that there would not be much money forthcoming.
220.12 / Councillors’ Reports
Cllr.Puckey reported that he had written to Mel Stride about the issue of feed in tariffs for wind turbines, but had not received any significant response.
221.12 / Parish Plan
A vote was taken to determine the next three priorities for the Parish Plan. It was agreed that they should be traffic calming and parking near the Post Office, support for the provision of starter homes and establishing a summer festival with the support of an events committee.
222.12 / Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
A variety of memorabilia was presented to the meeting including a mug, medals and pin badges. It was agreed to purchase boxed medals for the children (up to Year 11) in the parish, and that an original order of 50 medals should be placed allowing some extra for other members of the Parish to purchase if they so wish.
223.12.1 / Planning
Little Lydacott, Highampton EX21 5LU
It was agreed to support both Planning Application 02476/2012 and 02474/2012 in line with the Council’s policu of supporting agriculture in the Parish.
223.12.2 / Conditional consent for Application 02252/2012 Beacon Down Farm EX21 5LE was noted
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224.12 / Correspondence
DALC membership was agreed.
Devon Oil Collective was noted, but Councillors considered the cost of membership to outweigh any benefit that might be gained.
225.12 / Finances
225.12.1 / Balances : Current
Business Reserve
Parish Plan
225.12.2 / The Clerk explained that there needed to be a transfer from the Parish Plan account to the Business Reserve to cover items that werepart of Parish Plan expenditure, such as the Newsletter and Website.
225.12.3 / The following cheques were agreed and signed:
Newsletter £62.00
Hire of Village Hall £8.00
Clerk wages £125.10
DALC membership £65.45
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
Date of the next meeting :
Annual Opening Meeting : Tuesday 24th April 7.30pm
Monthly meeting Wednesday 2nd May 7.30pm
Signed ………………………………..
Dates …………………………………
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