The Importance of Being Earnest Background Hunt

Directions: For this unit groups will research and present the background information about the Victorian Era to help us understand this next play better. Your group will be assigned one of the seven topics below to gather information about this era.

Step one: You will use the websites listed below to research your topic and the subtopics listed.

Step two: Use the information on the outline as your guide to create a way to present that information to your classmates.

You only have one class period to gather the needed information. At the back of the outline, you have multiple web addresses that will help you find the information you need. Use more than one site to be thorough. A rubric is included to inform you of grading expectations. During the presentations you will complete the rest of the outline as groups present.

Victorian Era

I. Expectations/morality

A. Working class

B. Upper class

C. Professions/occupations

D. Society’s main values

II. Codes of conduct

A. Men

1. Upper class

2. Working class

B. Women

1. Upper class

2. Working class

III. Education

A. Men

1. Upper class

2. Working class

B. Women

1. Upper class

2. Working class

IV. Courtship and marriage

A. Rules of courtship

B. How to achieve engagement

C. Roles of family members

V. Clothing and fashion

A. French Influence/extravagance

B. Upper class

C. Working class

VI. Food and dining

A. Display of wealth

B. Use in play

C. Basic dining etiquette

VII. Oscar Wilde

A. Brief life summary

B. Accomplishments/publications

C. Literary criticisms

D. His views on societal expectations

Websites for your search:

●The Victorian Web

●The Dictionary of Victorian London

●Victorian Past

●All Change in the Victorian Age


●Not everyone must speak during the presentation, but all members must be in the front.

●Should be 4-7 minutes in length.

●Should provide all relevant information in the topic and subtopics to the class.

●You can use any media presentation for your presentation. The library has a tab -Teacher Resource Page- that lists many choices if you want to try something new.

●Title your presentation Earnest, then your group leader’s first name, then class period- ex: EarnestFred5.

●Email your presentation at the end of class to your teacher:


5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Relevant information presented
Included all required information
Demonstrated understanding of assigned topic
Appropriate and interesting presentation