
Tuesday: PTO Exec Meeting 6:30 (Community Conversation on Education (Waiting for Superman) at Cuna Mutual located at 5810 Mineral Point Rd.
Wednesday: NoFire Drill; Principal’s meeting (a.m.), SSIT at 3:00 p.m.; Leadership at 3:47 in LMC
Thursday: Parent Teacher Conferences.
Friday: Principal/IRT meeting a.m.; Newsletter articles due / Linda Allen Gone All Week!
Tuesday: PTO at 6:30 p.m. in LMC
Wednesday:Picture Retake Day in Room 200
Friday:School Dance 6:30 – 8:15 pm

Reminder to classroom teachers: On November 22, at our staff meeting, staff will be sharing student’s ideas about what it means to be safe, respectful, responsible and to be a great learner at Chávez. If your class has not had this conversation yet, would you please gather this information from your students. The information will be shared with teams at the staff meeting so please bring these ideas in whatever form makes sense to you. Thanks Kathy H.

Head Lice: Excellent article on head lice in Pediatrics for anyone interested.

Reminder to students:They are not to open a door that is locked for anyone without adult permission.

Reminders from the kitchen: Please send your students to lunch on time. We have many lunches to serve and it goes best if everyone is respectful of the serving and pick up times. When students remain in their classroom and come to lunch 5 or more minutes late it does not give them enough time to eat and it disrupts the schedule. If you are assisting your students in the lunchroom and you notice that the lunches need to be pushed up for easier service, feel free to do so.

In most instances, please use e-mail to communicate with Carolynn M. so she isn’t taken from her duties during meal times. E-mail is the best way to order lunches for field trips as well.However, if there is an emergency that needs her immediate attention do touch base with her. If there are concerns about a student’s account they should be directed to Carolynn.

Fieldtrip Reminders: A request for a check must be given at least 24 hours before departure time. Lunches (if applicable) need to be changed/ordered/cancelled at least two weeks in advance.

NBC 15 Share Your HolidayFood Drive: The third grade team will be sponsoring the food drive again this year beginning on November 22and endingDecember 7th. The parent notice will be sent home in backpack mail on Friday, November 19th. Please contact the third grade staff if you have questions or concerns.

Combined Campaign: This is a reminder that the 2010 MMSD/MTI Combined Campaign is in full swing. This Campaign is important not only for the community of MadisonSchools but for the larger community as well. The goal of the campaign is to make sure each employee feels personally invited to participate. The campaign is scheduled to run through Friday, November 12, but please know that date is “soft” as many still choose to participate during the latter part of this month or even beyond that.

MMSD Staff Changes:Barbara Gerlach returned to her IRT position at Sandburg. Heather Warren will be the new teacher leader in the Professional Development Department.

Sara Huse will be the new west side Support Teacher for ESL.

Events Coming UP:

Nov. 6 Saturday – Daylights Saving time ends

Nov. 10 Wednesday –Leadership Team Meeting

Nov. 17 Wednesday –– Picture Retake Day

Nov. 19 Friday –– 6:30 – 8:15 p.m. – School Dance

Nov. 22 Monday – Staff Meeting @2:00 p.m. LMC

Nov. 25, 26 Thursday/Friday ––Thanksgiving Vacation (No School)

Dec. 3. Friday – Fire Drill





High Five:

  • Dawn’s class singing a song during the morning announcements.

Pledge of Allegiance...... Kris Remiker – Room 223

Lounge Duty...... Lorenzo Fountain

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” -Victor Frank