Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.3. No. 25; June 25, 2017(4 pages)

Publisher: San Fernando Valley PatriotsEditor:Karen Kenney. Contributors:Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW),Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Janet Levy (JL), Lisa K (LK), Tom Zimmerman (TZ), Rohini De Silva (RDS), Carolyn Guillot (CG), Becky Argo (BA), Linda Culpepper (LC), Nonie Darwish (ND)

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a place to post political news and as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. Historical records indicated these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and George. The Sons of Liberty erected the first on May 21, 1776.

‘Elephants’ in the Crosshairs:

30 GOP Members of Congress attacked or threatened since May 2017:6/22/2017 by Alex Griswold at the Washington Free Beacon

Liberal loathing of Trump reaches Lethal Fantasy (VIDEO): 6/19/2017 by Tammy Bruce at Fox News Opinion


University notifies Foreign Students not to Poop in Showers: 6/17/2017 by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit: Yep, some cultures are exceptional. Got tissue? (KK)

Trump and the Liberal Hate-Fest6/14/2017 by Tammy Bruce in the Washington Times: Looks like a case of Fire, Ready, Aim. Editor’s Note: See related story ICYMI.

Illegal Immigration: POTUS 3

Editor’s Note: Story idea credit—Larry Elder Show.

Clinton(s)vs. Trump: 8/21/2016: Bill and Hillary were against Illegal immigrants until 2015

Hillary vs. Obama: 2/9/2008: CNN Democratic primary debate 1/31/08: Listen for the scapegoats

Obama (2005)

Highlight Reels:

JFK Surgeon's drawing claims 2-directional Shooting (VIDEO): 6/23/2017 by Kirsty Jane at e-Headlines: Some conspiracies never die--interesting.

SNOOPING 101: Tips on Cyber Security7/4/2014 at RT America: A bit of personal security.

Arrest-Proof Yourself: How to interact when the Police are in your Face : 4/10/2012 the Alex Jones Channel: Host Mike Adams talks to ex-FBI-SWAT Cop, Dale Carson--a bit over the top, but 2.5M views.

NC Gay Pride banned pro-Trump LGBT Group (VIDEO): 6/23/2017 at Democast: Matthew Craffey of Los Angeles-area Gay Pride opines.

Soupy: Cracker Jack & Crackers:

Soupy Sales: A Personal Remembrance and Tribute (VIDEO): 6/8/2017 posted by Majarian Varant: Myrna L. Davis, one of our own SFV Patriots, interviewed regarding her book.

California/Los Angeles:

CA Democrat leader verbally assaults Gay Volunteers (VIDEO): 6/15/2017 at Fox News: So much for civil discourse.

California/Los Angeles continues on Page 3

California/Los Angeles (continued):

Nearly 200 Child Predators Arrested in Southland Raid: 6/16/2017 by SoCal Patch Staff

238 Community Leaders bused in CA Pedophilia Ring: 6/23/2017 by Asia Mayfield at Conservative Daily Post: amplified.

At the Hearth:

Army's Transgender Policy: Male Pregnancy: 6/16/2017 by Todd Starnes (MN)

Sharia Law: Canadian "Islamophobia" MotionCriminalizes Speech (Video): 2/12/2017 by New World Agenda: M103 births “Canadistan.” Get to know Iqra Khalid. (JL)

Entrepreneur got Trump right as God's "chaos candidate." (VIDEO): 6/18/2017 by Lance Wallnau at The Elijah List: The "wrecking ball" istied to Isa: 45. (ND)

When Transparency Really Means Tyranny (Commentary): 6/19/2017 by David French, senior writer at National Review

Is Islama Religion of Peace? (Commentary):10/10/2016 by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

CA Water Policy Evaporates: 6/19/2017 at Families Protecting the Valley: CA water policy flushes millions of gallons of water out sea. Strong charts and facts to vote differently. (CO)

OR Lawmakers Kill Bill to allow Starvation of Dementia Patients: 6/22/2017 by Carly Hoilman at Faithwire: Forget thatLife, Liberty and Happiness? (LC)

Used and Mused News:

Chuck: the Yasser Arafat of the Democratic Party: 3/31/2017 by Matthew Continetti at the Washington Free Beacon: Whose side are you on, Mr. Schumer?

USA has Biggest Public-held Debt since WWII: 3/30/2017 by Ali Meyer at the Washington Free Beacon: Grab your wallet, the Ship of State is sinking.

Bill to Stop Flow of Fentanyl from China Introduced: 3/30/2017 by Ali Meyer at the Washington Free Beacon:Lives depend on morethan "Just Say No."

Hungary Threatens to close University funded by Soros: 3/31/2017 by Kieran Corcoran at Heat Street. Hungary gets it. (JL)

Sanctuary Cities Hurt America (Commentary/News): 3/28/2017 by Hans von Spakovsky at the Daily Signa: The rule of law doesn't live here anymore?

Malzberg/Robert Spencer: FBI Complicit in Garland Attack: 3/28/2017 on Newsmax TV: Free Speech has arrows in it--from the FBI. Allahu Akbar, F.I.B?

Editorial policy:The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. Contribute: If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor:Sunday Liberty Pole to for a future edition.

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