eBizImplementation Resource / Operations Planning Workbook

Council Enterprise System

EBusiness Implementation Resource

Operations Planning Workbook

May 2011

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Operations Planning Workbook for eBusiness


The Operations Planning Workbook for eBusiness is an integral component of your council’s eBusiness implementation and training program. Members of your eBusiness Team are asked to complete the questions in each section of the workbook collectively after reviewing each part of the EBusiness Ops Training. This may involve getting input from sources outside of the core eBusiness project team. The questions in the workbook are designed to have your council look at current business practices in key areas and evaluate whether changes need to be made to support an online registration model. By the end of the activity, your council’s eBusiness Implementation Team should:

  • Understand the business processes and support structuresnecessary to support online registration for each eBusiness module (i.e. New Member Registration, Donations, etc.).
  • Develop and document in-house business processes to support an online registration model.


After reviewing each section of the EBusiness Ops Training and the recommended sections of Customer, Member and Troop Management for Personify EBusiness, complete the corresponding questions below with your Team. To answer each question, type your responses in the grey shaded areas of the form.

EBusiness Modules

Customer Profile Management

In this eLearning chapter, you saw how existing customers of your council can create a login to use the online registration site. Please review the eLearning chapter and read the sections on “Managing Web Customer in Personify” and “How are Duplicate Customers Created Online” from the Customer, Member and Troop Management for Personify EBusiness. After reviewing the eLearning and these sections of the document, respond to the questions below.

  1. How will you announce the availability of your portal and encourage members to create profiles online? Document your plan of action below.

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  1. What level of instruction/direction (if any) will you provide your members on how to get started using the online registration site?

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  1. To enable existing customers to create a login, an email address must exist on the customer record in Personify. How will you encourage the collection of email addresses from members who haven’t provided them on the membership form in the past?

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  1. Customers will have to contact the council for assistance with login issues. What Help Desk/Customer Support structure will handle questions of this nature, as well as other questions regarding online registration? Describe the skill set of your proposed help desk staff below.

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  1. How will you communicate important information to your customers, like site instructions, procedures and registration deadlines? Keep in mind that email marketing cannot be sent directly to girls under the age of 13. How will your council ensure that this regulation is enforced while still continuing to communicate with girls and their families?

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Membership Renewals

In this chapter of the Ops training, you saw how existing members can renew their memberships online from the My Account page. Please review the eLearning chapter and read the sections on “Membership Renewals”, and “Position Code Self-Reporting” from the Customer, Member and Troop Management for Personify EBusiness. After reviewing the eLearning and these sections of the document, respond to the questions below.

  1. How will you communicate the online renewal process to customers so that they do not inadvertently register as new members online?

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  1. How will you ensure that renewals are available online to register members? Document your business process below.

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  1. As you learned from the eLearning, members can only re-register online to the same troop as last year and all transfers must be handled in the Personify back-office. Werecommend that girls transferring to different troops still renew their registrations online and then be transferred to their new troops by the council. We also recommend that leaders serve as the catalyst for this process, alerting the council of all necessary troop transfers.
    Will your council adopt this recommended practice? If so, how will leaders know the process for submitting transfer information to the council? If leaders fail to report necessary transfers to the council, how will your council ensure members are transferred in a timely fashion?

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  1. How will you announce the availabilty of volunteer position self-reporting online? What instructions/direction will you provide volunteers with this process?
  1. Volunteer position code Self-Reporting will permit adult members to self-report position codes online. These positions will be in a “pending” mode until approved by the council in Personify. What will be your council’s business process to vet and approve self-reported positions in a timely fashion? How will you ensure that only qualified positions are made “Active”? How will you communicate to members when positions are “Not Approved”?

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  1. Customers will be able to log in at any time and see their current membership status. How will you ensure that back-office registrations are posted and reflected on the web site in a timely manner? Document your business process below.

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  1. How will your council ensure that your employer and school listings are up-to-date and clean? Document your business process below. Keep in mind that incomplete school listings will prevent members of these schools from completing registrations online, and duplicate records will display online.

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  1. As you learned in the eLearning, only debit cards and credit cards are acceptable payment methods online. Customers cannot use other payment methods like cookie dough, financial assistance or gift cards online. How will your council process registrations for people who do not wish to pay by credit card? How will you alert members about this process? Document your plan of action below.

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  1. What course of action will your help desk take in the event that a customer contacts the council with an invalid address error, which is a hard stop for online registration?

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  1. What will be your business process for ensuring duplicate customers are merged correctly and efficiently?

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New Member Registration

In this chapter of the Ops training, you saw how visitors of your portal can register as new members online. Please review the eLearning chapter and read the section on “Troop Transfers” from the Customer, Member and Troop Management for Personify EBusiness. After reviewing the eLearning and this section of the document, respond to the questions below.

  1. As you learned from the eLearning, new members who register online must be transferred to troops or service unitsfrom the back-office so that they are contacted in a timely fashion. What will your process be for placing members in troops/service units after they register and ensuring they are contacted and served well?Provide us a step-by-step high-level process for how you will handle this. You will be asked to expand on this process when you create your council’s to-be business process documentation.

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  1. What will be your process for correcting registrations for existing members that were created as new in error?

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  1. What is your current process for assigning positions to new volunteers? How will online registration and the ability to self report positions online integrate into your current process, or will you need to create a new process in preparation for online registration? Document the to-be process below.

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In this chapter of the Ops training, you saw how users can make donations online during and outside of member registration. Please review the eLearning chapter. After reviewing the eLearning, respond to the questions below.

  1. After your donation products have been set up, you can change the web descriptions that show online. Many councils like to communicate in web descriptions the importance of the donation or how donation funds will be applied at the council. Will you be updating donation web descriptions at your council? If so, who will be responsible for providing the descriptions and/or updating them in Personify and what will your descriptions include?

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  1. Unlike membership dues, donations represent income for the council that is directed to the council’s PayPal account. Councils need to run the CCP610 process on a daily basis to authorize credit card payments that are directed to the council’s PayPal account. What will be your council’s business process for ensuring that credit card transactions of this nature are authorized daily? Document the process below.

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  1. What will be your business process for acknowledging online donations and alerting your Fund Development department that an online donation was received? If you plan on sending automated emails to donors, consult our Auto Email Notifications Guide for more information on this process.
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Troop Maintenance

In this chapter of the Ops training, you saw how troop leaders (01’s) can manage their troops online. Please review the eLearning chapter and read the section on “Managing Troop Meeting Information” from the Customer, Member and Troop Management for Personify EBusiness. After reviewing the eLearning and this section of the document, respond to the questions below.

  1. How will you announce to leaders the availability of Troop Management online? Will you involve Service Unit managers or other volunteers in marketing the online system to leaders?

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  1. What kind of instruction (if any) will you provide leaders on how to use Troop Management? What level of detail will your training provide? Will you involve Service Unit managers or other volunteers in training leaders to use the online system? If so, how?

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  1. How will you ensure that Troop Management is only made available to leaders who have successfully completed the volunteer application process? Document your vetting process below.

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  1. How will you ensure that approved leaders are given online access in a timely manner? Document your to-be business process below.

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  1. How will you encourage troop leaders to keep troop meeting information and girl contact information up-to-date? Document your to-be business process below.

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  1. Who will be responsible for ensuring the accuracy oftroop meeting information once leaders begin recording meeting information online?Document your to-be business process for cleaning up troop meeting information below.

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  1. Who will field leaders’ questions about Troop Management and related procedures?

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Troop Re-registration

In this chapter of the Ops training, you saw how troop leaders (01’s) can renew registrations online for current troop members. Please review the eLearning chapter and read the sections on “Membership Renewals” and “How are Duplicate Customers Created Online” from the Customer, Member and Troop Management for Personify EBusiness. After reviewing the eLearning and thiese sections of the document, respond to the questions below.

  1. GSUSA encourages a model where parents re-register girls directly online from My Account and discourages leaders from processing troop renewals from Troop Management for the following reasons:
  2. When parents register girls directly, they provide electronic signatures when payment is processed to their cards online, providing permission for girls to participate as Girl Scouts. On the flip side, no parental consent is directly provided online when leaders process renewals. For this reason, it is recommended that leaders forward signed membership forms to the council so that parental signatures are maintained on file.
  3. To ensure leaders are not burdened with bounced check fees and other transaction fees by serving as an intermediary for the collection of funds from parents.
  4. Improved data accuracy

Based on this information, will your council encourage or discourage troop leaders from re-registering troop members online? In your opinion, do the pros of troop registration outweigh the cons presented by GSUSA? Elaborate about your decision below.

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  1. If you choose to encourage troop re-registration, what will your council’s business practice be regarding the collection and storage of membership forms?

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  1. In order for leaders to register members online, they will need access to a debit or a credit card, and memberships must be paid for using Amex, Visa, Mastercard or Discover. What is your council’s current policy regarding troop bank accounts, debit cards and credit cards? Will your council have to revisit its current policy to utilizeonline troop registration?

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  1. On the last day of the membership year (9/30 at 12:00 am), all members who have not yet re-registered will drop off each troop list online. After members drop off the troop list, leaders can no longer renew their member registrations online. How will you communicate to leaders the importance of renewingregistrations onlinebefore the last day of the membership year?

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  1. What will you advise leaders to do starting 9/30 at 12:00 am in the event they want to register lapsed girls to their troops?

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  1. What will be your council’s business process if a leader wants to register a member who is currently in a different troop or is a returning lapsed member?

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Troop New Member Registration

In this chapter of the Ops training, you saw how troop leaders (01’s) can register new members to their troops online. Please review the eLearning chapter. After reviewing the eLearning, respond to the questions below.

  1. GSUSA encourages a model where parents register girls as new members online from from Become a Member and discourages leaders from processing new registrations from Troop Management for the following reasons:
  2. When parents register girls directly, they provide electronic signatures when payment is processed to their cards online, providing permission for girls to participate as Girl Scouts. On the flip side, no parental consent is directly provided online when leaders process registrations. For this reason, it is recommended that leaders forward signed membership forms to the council so that parental signatures are maintained on file.
  3. To ensure leaders are not burdened with bounced check fees and other transaction fees by serving as an intermediary for the collection of funds from parents.
  4. Improved data accuracy.

Based on this information, will your council encourage or discourage troop leaders from registering new members online? In your opinion, do the pros of troop registration outweigh the cons presented by GSUSA? Elaborate about your decision below.

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  1. If you opt to encourage new member registration by leaders, how will you encourage troop leaders to collect and enter as much information as possible for new members?

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  1. With new member registrations most state laws require that leaders forward signed membership forms to the council. How will you ensure that this practice is followed?

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